Commit d35cc347 authored by Sathees Balya's avatar Sathees Balya
Browse files

Console: Use callee-saved registers

This allows the console drivers to be implemented in C

Change-Id: Ibac859c4bcef0e92a0dcacc6b58ac19bc69b8342
Signed-off-by: default avatarSathees Balya <>
parent 8ae41aec
Showing with 84 additions and 67 deletions
+84 -67
......@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@
* persistent memory (e.g. the data section).
* In : x0 - address of console_t structure
* Out: x0 - Always 1 (for easier tail calling)
* Clobber list: x0, x1, x14, x15
* Clobber list: x0, x1
* -----------------------------------------------
func console_register
stp x21, x30, [sp, #-16]!
/* Assert that x0 isn't a NULL pointer */
cmp x0, #0
......@@ -59,18 +60,17 @@ func console_register
/* Assert that this struct isn't in the list */
mov x1, x0 /* Preserve x0 and x30 */
mov x15, x30
bl console_is_registered
cmp x0, #0
mov x30, x15
mov x0, x1
adrp x14, console_list
ldr x1, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* X1 = first struct in list */
str x0, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* list head = new console */
adrp x21, console_list
ldr x1, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* X1 = first struct in list */
str x0, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* list head = new console */
str x1, [x0, #CONSOLE_T_NEXT] /* new console next ptr = X1 */
mov x0, #1
ldp x21, x30, [sp], #16
endfunc console_register
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ endfunc console_register
* of currently active consoles and remove it.
* In: x0 - address of console_t struct to remove
* Out: x0 - removed address, or NULL if not found
* Clobber list: x0, x1, x14
* Clobber list: x0, x1
* -----------------------------------------------
func console_unregister
......@@ -89,25 +89,28 @@ func console_unregister
cmp x0, #0
adrp x14, console_list
add x14, x14, :lo12:console_list /* X14 = ptr to first struct */
ldr x1, [x14] /* X1 = first struct */
stp x21, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
adrp x21, console_list
add x21, x21, :lo12:console_list /* X21 = ptr to first struct */
ldr x1, [x21] /* X1 = first struct */
cbz x1, unregister_not_found
cmp x0, x1
b.eq unregister_found
ldr x14, [x14] /* X14 = next ptr of struct */
ldr x1, [x14] /* X1 = next struct */
ldr x21, [x21] /* X21 = next ptr of struct */
ldr x1, [x21] /* X1 = next struct */
b unregister_loop
ldr x1, [x1] /* X1 = next struct */
str x1, [x14] /* prev->next = cur->next */
str x1, [x21] /* prev->next = cur->next */
ldp x21, xzr, [sp], #16
mov x0, #0 /* return NULL if not found */
ldp x21, xzr, [sp], #16
endfunc console_unregister
......@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ endfunc console_unregister
* registered or not.
* In: x0 - address of console_t struct to remove
* Out: x0 - 1 if it is registered, 0 if not.
* Clobber list: x0, x14
* Clobber list: x0
* -----------------------------------------------
func console_is_registered
......@@ -126,19 +129,22 @@ func console_is_registered
cmp x0, #0
adrp x14, console_list
ldr x14, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* X14 = first console struct */
stp x21, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
adrp x21, console_list
ldr x21, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* X21 = first console struct */
cbz x14, console_not_registered /* Check if end of list */
cmp x0, x14 /* Check if the pointers are different */
cbz x21, console_not_registered /* Check if end of list */
cmp x0, x21 /* Check if the pointers are different */
b.eq console_registered
ldr x14, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_NEXT] /* Get pointer to next struct */
ldr x21, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_NEXT] /* Get pointer to next struct */
b check_registered_loop
mov x0, #0
ldp x21, xzr, [sp], #16
mov x0, #1
ldp x21, xzr, [sp], #16
endfunc console_is_registered
......@@ -186,38 +192,41 @@ endfunc console_set_scope
* In : x0 - character to be printed
* Out: x0 - printed character on success, or < 0
if at least one console had an error
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2, x12, x13, x14, x15
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_putc
mov x15, x30
mov w13, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W13 = current return value */
mov w12, w0 /* W12 = character to print */
adrp x14, console_list
ldr x14, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* X14 = first console struct */
stp x21, x30, [sp, #-16]!
stp x19, x20, [sp, #-16]!
mov w20, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W20 = current return value */
mov w19, w0 /* W19 = character to print */
adrp x21, console_list
ldr x21, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* X21 = first console struct */
cbz x14, putc_done
cbz x21, putc_done
adrp x1, console_state
ldrb w1, [x1, :lo12:console_state]
ldr w2, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
ldr w2, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
tst w1, w2
b.eq putc_continue
ldr x2, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_PUTC]
ldr x2, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_PUTC]
cbz x2, putc_continue
mov w0, w12
mov x1, x14
mov w0, w19
mov x1, x21
blr x2
cmp w13, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* update W13 if it's NOVALID */
cmp w20, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* update W20 if it's NOVALID */
ccmp w0, #0, #0x8, ne /* else update it if W0 < 0 */
csel w13, w0, w13, lt
csel w20, w0, w20, lt
ldr x14, [x14] /* X14 = next struct */
ldr x21, [x21] /* X21 = next struct */
b putc_loop
mov w0, w13
ret x15
mov w0, w20
ldp x19, x20, [sp], #16
ldp x21, x30, [sp], #16
endfunc console_putc
/* ---------------------------------------------
......@@ -230,42 +239,47 @@ endfunc console_putc
* if all active consoles report real errors
* (other than just not having a char available).
* Out : x0 - read character, or < 0 on error
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x13, x14, x15
* Clobber list : x0, x1
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_getc
mov x15, x30
stp x30, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
stp x20, x21, [sp, #-16]!
mov w13, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W13 = current return value */
adrp x14, console_list
ldr x14, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* X14 = first console struct */
cbnz x14, getc_loop
mov w0, w13 /* If no consoles registered */
ret x15 /* return immediately. */
mov w20, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W20 = current return value */
adrp x21, console_list
ldr x21, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* X21 = first console struct */
cbnz x21, getc_loop
mov w0, w20 /* If no consoles registered */
ldp x20, x21, [sp], #16
ldp x30, xzr, [sp], #16
ret /* return immediately. */
adrp x0, console_state
ldrb w0, [x0, :lo12:console_state]
ldr w1, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
ldr w1, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
tst w0, w1
b.eq getc_continue
ldr x1, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_GETC]
ldr x1, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_GETC]
cbz x1, getc_continue
mov x0, x14
mov x0, x21
blr x1
cmp w0, #0 /* if X0 >= 0: return */ getc_found
cmp w13, #ERROR_NO_PENDING_CHAR /* may update W13 (NOCHAR has */
csel w13, w13, w0, eq /* precedence vs real errors) */
cmp w20, #ERROR_NO_PENDING_CHAR /* may update W20 (NOCHAR has */
csel w20, w20, w0, eq /* precedence vs real errors) */
ldr x14, [x14] /* X14 = next struct */
cbnz x14, getc_loop
cmp w13, #ERROR_NO_PENDING_CHAR /* Keep scanning if at least */
ldr x21, [x21] /* X21 = next struct */
cbnz x21, getc_loop
cmp w20, #ERROR_NO_PENDING_CHAR /* Keep scanning if at least */
b.eq getc_try_again /* one console returns NOCHAR */
mov w0, w13
mov w0, w20
ret x15
ldp x20, x21, [sp], #16
ldp x30, xzr, [sp], #16
endfunc console_getc
/* ---------------------------------------------
......@@ -274,34 +288,37 @@ endfunc console_getc
* data that hasn't been output. Calls all
* console's flush() handlers in succession.
* Out: x0 - 0 on success, < 0 if at least one error
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x13, x14, x15
* Clobber list : x0, x1, x2
* ---------------------------------------------
func console_flush
mov x15, x30
mov w13, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W13 = current return value */
adrp x14, console_list
ldr x14, [x14, :lo12:console_list] /* X14 = first console struct */
stp x30, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
stp x20, x21, [sp, #-16]!
mov w20, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* W20 = current return value */
adrp x21, console_list
ldr x21, [x21, :lo12:console_list] /* X21 = first console struct */
cbz x14, flush_done
cbz x21, flush_done
adrp x1, console_state
ldrb w1, [x1, :lo12:console_state]
ldr w2, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
ldr w2, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_FLAGS]
tst w1, w2
b.eq flush_continue
ldr x1, [x14, #CONSOLE_T_FLUSH]
ldr x1, [x21, #CONSOLE_T_FLUSH]
cbz x1, flush_continue
mov x0, x14
mov x0, x21
blr x1
cmp w13, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* update W13 if it's NOVALID */
cmp w20, #ERROR_NO_VALID_CONSOLE /* update W20 if it's NOVALID */
ccmp w0, #0, #0x8, ne /* else update it if W0 < 0 */
csel w13, w0, w13, lt
csel w20, w0, w20, lt
ldr x14, [x14] /* X14 = next struct */
ldr x21, [x21] /* X21 = next struct */
b flush_loop
mov w0, w13
ret x15
mov w0, w20
ldp x20, x21, [sp], #16
ldp x30, xzr, [sp], #16
endfunc console_flush
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