Commit e458302b authored by Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar Antonio Nino Diaz
Browse files

SPM: Introduce functions to load DTB files

Introduce helpers to create resource description struct, as well as code
to load the information from DTB files.

Change-Id: I0f5bb94eb8b01c6cb53fe807a9db0c05a70d7a43
Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <>
Showing with 331 additions and 0 deletions
+331 -0
......@@ -100,4 +100,12 @@
#define PLAT_SPM_COOKIE_0 ULL(0)
#define PLAT_SPM_COOKIE_1 ULL(0)
* Max number of elements supported by SPM in this platform. The defines below
* are used to allocate memory at compile time for different arrays in SPM.
#endif /* ARM_SPM_DEF_H */
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ struct bl_load_info;
struct bl_params;
struct mmap_region;
struct secure_partition_boot_info;
struct sp_res_desc;
* plat_get_rotpk_info() flags
......@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ int plat_set_nv_ctr2(void *cookie, const struct auth_img_desc_s *img_desc,
const struct mmap_region *plat_get_secure_partition_mmap(void *cookie);
const struct secure_partition_boot_info *plat_get_secure_partition_boot_info(
void *cookie);
int plat_spm_sp_rd_load(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *ptr, size_t size);
* Mandatory BL image load functions(may be overridden).
......@@ -244,6 +244,15 @@ BL31_SOURCES += lib/extensions/ras/std_err_record.c \
# SPM uses libfdt in Arm platforms
ifeq (${SPM_DEPRECATED},0)
ifeq (${ENABLE_SPM},1)
BL31_SOURCES += common/fdt_wrappers.c \
plat/common/plat_spm_rd.c \
# Include common TBB sources
* Copyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <assert.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <fdt_wrappers.h>
#include <libfdt.h>
#include <platform_def.h>
#include <sp_res_desc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <object_pool.h>
* Resource pool
static struct sp_rd_sect_mem_region rd_mem_regions[PLAT_SPM_MEM_REGIONS_MAX];
static OBJECT_POOL_ARRAY(rd_mem_regions_pool, rd_mem_regions);
static struct sp_rd_sect_notification rd_notifs[PLAT_SPM_NOTIFICATIONS_MAX];
static OBJECT_POOL_ARRAY(rd_notifs_pool, rd_notifs);
static struct sp_rd_sect_service rd_services[PLAT_SPM_SERVICES_MAX];
static OBJECT_POOL_ARRAY(rd_services_pool, rd_services);
* Attribute section handler
static void rd_parse_attribute(struct sp_rd_sect_attribute *attr,
const void *fdt, int node)
int rc = 0;
/* The minimum size that can be read from the DTB is 32-bit. */
uint32_t version, sp_type, runtime_el, exec_type;
uint32_t panic_policy, xlat_granule;
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "version", 1, &version);
if (version != 1) {
ERROR("Unsupported resource description version: 0x%x\n",
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "sp_type", 1, &sp_type);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "pe_mpidr", 1, &attr->pe_mpidr);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "runtime_el", 1, &runtime_el);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "exec_type", 1, &exec_type);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "panic_policy", 1, &panic_policy);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "xlat_granule", 1, &xlat_granule);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "binary_size", 1, &attr->binary_size);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "load_address", 2, &attr->load_address);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "entrypoint", 2, &attr->entrypoint);
attr->version = version;
attr->sp_type = sp_type;
attr->runtime_el = runtime_el;
attr->exec_type = exec_type;
attr->panic_policy = panic_policy;
attr->xlat_granule = xlat_granule;
VERBOSE(" Attribute Section:\n");
VERBOSE(" version: 0x%x\n", version);
VERBOSE(" sp_type: 0x%x\n", sp_type);
VERBOSE(" pe_mpidr: 0x%x\n", attr->pe_mpidr);
VERBOSE(" runtime_el: 0x%x\n", runtime_el);
VERBOSE(" exec_type: 0x%x\n", exec_type);
VERBOSE(" panic_policy: 0x%x\n", panic_policy);
VERBOSE(" xlat_granule: 0x%x\n", xlat_granule);
VERBOSE(" binary_size: 0x%x\n", attr->binary_size);
VERBOSE(" load_address: 0x%llx\n", attr->load_address);
VERBOSE(" entrypoint: 0x%llx\n", attr->entrypoint);
if (rc) {
ERROR("Failed to read attribute node elements.\n");
* Memory regions section handlers
static void rd_parse_memory_region(struct sp_rd_sect_mem_region *rdmem,
const void *fdt, int node)
int rc = 0;
rc |= fdtw_read_string(fdt, node, "str", (char *)&name, sizeof(name));
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "attr", 1, &rdmem->attr);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "base", 2, &rdmem->base);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "size", 2, &rdmem->size);
size_t len = strlcpy(rdmem->name, name, RD_MEM_REGION_NAME_LEN);
if (len >= RD_MEM_REGION_NAME_LEN) {
WARN("Memory region name truncated: '%s'\n", name);
VERBOSE(" Memory Region:\n");
VERBOSE(" name: '%s'\n", rdmem->name);
VERBOSE(" attr: 0x%x\n", rdmem->attr);
VERBOSE(" base: 0x%llx\n", rdmem->base);
VERBOSE(" size: 0x%llx\n", rdmem->size);
if (rc) {
ERROR("Failed to read mem_region node elements.\n");
static void rd_parse_memory_regions(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *fdt,
int node)
int child;
struct sp_rd_sect_mem_region *rdmem, *old_rdmem;
fdt_for_each_subnode(child, fdt, node) {
rdmem = pool_alloc(&rd_mem_regions_pool);
/* Add element to the start of the list */
old_rdmem = rd->mem_region;
rd->mem_region = rdmem;
rdmem->next = old_rdmem;
rd_parse_memory_region(rdmem, fdt, child);
if ((child < 0) && (child != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND)) {
ERROR("%d: fdt_for_each_subnode(): %d\n", __LINE__, node);
* Notifications section handlers
static void rd_parse_notification(struct sp_rd_sect_notification *rdnot,
const void *fdt, int node)
int rc = 0;
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "attr", 1, &rdnot->attr);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "pe", 1, &rdnot->pe);
VERBOSE(" Notification:\n");
VERBOSE(" attr: 0x%x\n", rdnot->attr);
VERBOSE(" pe: 0x%x\n", rdnot->pe);
if (rc) {
ERROR("Failed to read notification node elements.\n");
static void rd_parse_notifications(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *fdt, int node)
int child;
struct sp_rd_sect_notification *rdnot, *old_rdnot;
fdt_for_each_subnode(child, fdt, node) {
rdnot = pool_alloc(&rd_notifs_pool);
/* Add element to the start of the list */
old_rdnot = rd->notification;
rd->notification = rdnot;
rdnot->next = old_rdnot;
rd_parse_notification(rdnot, fdt, child);
if ((child < 0) && (child != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND)) {
ERROR("%d: fdt_for_each_subnode(): %d\n", __LINE__, child);
* Services section handlers
static void rd_parse_service(struct sp_rd_sect_service *rdsvc, const void *fdt,
int node)
int rc = 0;
/* The minimum size that can be read from the DTB is 32-bit. */
uint32_t accessibility, request_type, connection_quota;
rc |= fdtw_read_array(fdt, node, "uuid", 4, &rdsvc->uuid);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "accessibility", 1, &accessibility);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "request_type", 1, &request_type);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "connection_quota", 1, &connection_quota);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "sec_mem_size", 1, &rdsvc->secure_mem_size);
rc |= fdtw_read_cells(fdt, node, "interrupt_num", 1, &rdsvc->interrupt_num);
rdsvc->accessibility = accessibility;
rdsvc->request_type = request_type;
rdsvc->connection_quota = connection_quota;
VERBOSE(" Service:\n");
VERBOSE(" uuid: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", rdsvc->uuid[0],
rdsvc->uuid[1], rdsvc->uuid[2], rdsvc->uuid[3]);
VERBOSE(" accessibility: 0x%x\n", accessibility);
VERBOSE(" request_type: 0x%x\n", request_type);
VERBOSE(" connection_quota: 0x%x\n", connection_quota);
VERBOSE(" secure_memory_size: 0x%x\n", rdsvc->secure_mem_size);
VERBOSE(" interrupt_num: 0x%x\n", rdsvc->interrupt_num);
if (rc) {
ERROR("Failed to read attribute node elements.\n");
static void rd_parse_services(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *fdt, int node)
int child;
struct sp_rd_sect_service *rdsvc, *old_rdsvc;
fdt_for_each_subnode(child, fdt, node) {
rdsvc = pool_alloc(&rd_services_pool);
/* Add element to the start of the list */
old_rdsvc = rd->service;
rd->service = rdsvc;
rdsvc->next = old_rdsvc;
rd_parse_service(rdsvc, fdt, child);
if ((child < 0) && (child != -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND)) {
ERROR("%d: fdt_for_each_subnode(): %d\n", __LINE__, node);
* Root node handler
static void rd_parse_root(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *fdt, int root)
int node;
char *str;
str = "attribute";
node = fdt_subnode_offset_namelen(fdt, root, str, strlen(str));
if (node < 0) {
ERROR("Root node doesn't contain subnode '%s'\n", str);
} else {
rd_parse_attribute(&rd->attribute, fdt, node);
str = "memory_regions";
node = fdt_subnode_offset_namelen(fdt, root, str, strlen(str));
if (node < 0) {
ERROR("Root node doesn't contain subnode '%s'\n", str);
} else {
rd_parse_memory_regions(rd, fdt, node);
str = "notifications";
node = fdt_subnode_offset_namelen(fdt, root, str, strlen(str));
if (node < 0) {
WARN("Root node doesn't contain subnode '%s'\n", str);
} else {
rd_parse_notifications(rd, fdt, node);
str = "services";
node = fdt_subnode_offset_namelen(fdt, root, str, strlen(str));
if (node < 0) {
WARN("Root node doesn't contain subnode '%s'\n", str);
} else {
rd_parse_services(rd, fdt, node);
* Platform handler to load resource descriptor blobs into the active Secure
* Partition context.
int plat_spm_sp_rd_load(struct sp_res_desc *rd, const void *ptr, size_t size)
int rc;
int root_node;
assert(rd != NULL);
assert(ptr != NULL);
INFO("Reading RD blob at address %p\n", ptr);
rc = fdt_check_header(ptr);
if (rc != 0) {
ERROR("Wrong format for resource descriptor blob (%d).\n", rc);
return -1;
root_node = fdt_node_offset_by_compatible(ptr, -1, "arm,sp_rd");
if (root_node < 0) {
ERROR("Unrecognized resource descriptor blob (%d)\n", rc);
return -1;
rd_parse_root(rd, ptr, root_node);
return 0;
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