Commit f91ec7dc authored by Jon Medhurst's avatar Jon Medhurst Committed by Sandrine Bailleux
Browse files

juno: Initialise TZC-400

Signed-off-by: default avatarJon Medhurst <>
parent 4d958dbf
......@@ -136,6 +136,45 @@ static void init_nic400(void)
#define TZC400_GATE_KEEPER_REG 0x008
#define TZC400_REGION_ATTRIBUTES_0_REG 0x110
#define TZC400_REGION_ID_ACCESS_0_REG 0x114
#define TZC400_NSAID_WR_EN (1 << 16)
#define TZC400_NSAID_RD_EN (1 << 0)
static void init_tzc400(void)
/* Enable all filter units available */
mmio_write_32(TZC400_BASE + TZC400_GATE_KEEPER_REG, 0x0000000f);
* Secure read and write are enabled for region 0, and the background
* region (region 0) is enabled for all four filter units
mmio_write_32(TZC400_BASE + TZC400_REGION_ATTRIBUTES_0_REG, 0xc0000000);
* Enable Non-secure read/write accesses for the Soc Devices from the
* Non-Secure World
mmio_write_32(TZC400_BASE + TZC400_REGION_ID_ACCESS_0_REG,
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 0) | /* CCI400 */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 1) | /* PCIE */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 2) | /* HDLCD0 */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 3) | /* HDLCD1 */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 4) | /* USB */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 5) | /* DMA330 */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 6) | /* THINLINKS */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 9) | /* AP */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 10) | /* GPU */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 11) | /* SCP */
(TZC400_NSAID_RD_RW << 12) /* CORESIGHT */
* Function which will perform any remaining platform-specific setup that can
* occur after the MMU and data cache have been enabled.
......@@ -143,6 +182,7 @@ static void init_nic400(void)
void bl1_platform_setup(void)
/* Initialise the IO layer and register platform IO devices */
......@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
#define DEVICE0_BASE 0x20000000
#define DEVICE0_SIZE 0x0e000000
#define CSS_NIC400_BASE 0x2a000000
#define TZC400_BASE 0x2a4a0000
#define NSRAM_BASE 0x2e000000
#define NSRAM_SIZE 0x00008000
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