Commit fbd9eb58 authored by Varun Wadekar's avatar Varun Wadekar
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docs: tegra: add support for Tegra194 class of SoCs

This patch adds the Tegra194 SoC information to the nvidia-tegra.rst
Signed-off-by: default avatarVarun Wadekar <>
Change-Id: Id649a5ff1b3f70eeee34b508edb7965e7b7a2454
parent fba54d55
- .. rubric:: T194
:name: t194
T194 has eight NVIDIA Carmel CPU cores in a coherent multi-processor
configuration. The Carmel cores support the ARM Architecture version 8.2,
executing both 64-bit AArch64 code, and 32-bit AArch32 code. The Carmel
processors are organized as four dual-core clusters, where each cluster has
a dedicated 2 MiB Level-2 unified cache. A high speed coherency fabric connects
these processor complexes and allows heterogeneous multi-processing with all
eight cores if required.
- .. rubric:: T186
:name: t186
......@@ -78,9 +89,10 @@ their dispatchers in the image without changing any makefiles.
These are the supported Trusted OS' by Tegra platforms.
Tegra132: TLK
Tegra210: TLK and Trusty
Tegra186: Trusty
- Tegra132: TLK
- Tegra210: TLK and Trusty
- Tegra186: Trusty
- Tegra194: Trusty
Scatter files
......@@ -98,7 +110,7 @@ Preparing the BL31 image to run on Tegra SoCs
.. code:: shell
CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-none-elf- make PLAT=tegra \
TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t186|t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. trusty|tlkd>
TARGET_SOC=<target-soc e.g. t194|t186|t210|t132> SPD=<dispatcher e.g. trusty|tlkd>
Platforms wanting to use different TZDRAM\_BASE, can add ``TZDRAM_BASE=<value>``
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