1. 11 Mar, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      checkpatch: ignore GIT_COMMIT_ID · 9b4ee6b3
      Juan Castillo authored
      By default, the checkpatch script requires that commit references
      included in commit messages follow a predefined format. Github
      merge commits do not follow this convention, causing the code
      style test to fail when a new pull request is created.
      This patch adds the ignore GIT_COMMIT_ID option to the checkpatch
      parameters. This flag indicates the tool to ignore the commit
      message format.
      Change-Id: I37133cc5cf803f664b8ff00f62d458b39f06918c
  2. 05 Mar, 2015 2 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: fix build target 'all' dependency on certificates · 85cdfdb2
      Juan Castillo authored
      Build target 'all' fails when GENERATE_COT=1 and no BL3-3 or
      BL3-0 (if required) images are specified. The reason is that,
      when GENERATE_COT=1, a dependency on the certificates is added
      to the target 'all', and the certificates depend on the BL3-3
      and BL3-0 images, causing the build process to fail if the
      images are not specified.
      This patch moves the dependency on the certificates from 'all' to
      'fip'. Target 'all' may be used to build the individual images.
      The certificates will be created by calling the target 'fip', where
      BL3-3 and BL3-0 (if required) must be specified.
      Change-Id: I870beb4e8f9f1bfad1d35b09c850a7ce3c9f4ec6
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Ignore C library files when checking coding style · 95d5353c
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The C library source files embedded into the Trusted Firmware
      tree are not required to comply to the Linux Coding Style.
      Unfortunately, 'make checkpatch' does take them into account.
      This patch modifies the Makefile so that the C library source
      and header files are now ignored by 'make checkpatch'.
      It also instructs the checkpatch.pl script to not treat the
      presence of a 'Change-Id' line in the commit message as an error.
      Change-Id: I38196202efe518bae3a57c2affe2ed7758c9f69c
  3. 03 Feb, 2015 1 commit
    • Achin Gupta's avatar
      Documentation for version 1.1 · 130ed88d
      Achin Gupta authored
      Final updates to readme.md and change-log.md for ARM Trusted Firmware version
      1.1. Also increment the version in the Makefile.
      Change-Id: Ib001a6ec9a9c570985841d06f0ff80ed76c2996b
  4. 28 Jan, 2015 5 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add authentication module interface · 40febc3a
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch provides an API to access the authentication module that
      will be used to verify the authenticity of the images loaded into
      memory as part of the Trusted Board Boot process.
      To include the authentication module as part of the build, set the
      boolean build option TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT. One single authentication
      module must be registered at build time by setting the build option
      AUTH_MOD=<mod_name>. All authentication modules will be located in
      'common/auth/<mod_name>' and must present the <mod_name>.mk file that
      will be included by the build system to compile the module sources.
      To create an authentication module, an instance of auth_mod_t called
      'auth_mod' must be declared in the module sources. The initialization
      and verification functions provided by the module will be exported
      through the function pointers specified when declaring this instance.
      If an authentication module includes third party sources that do not
      adhere to the C99 standard, the -pedantic option may be removed from
      the build options by setting the flag DISABLE_PEDANTIC in the module
      file <mod_name>.mk.
      Change-Id: I080bb04bd421029bcdf22ec2c63807afbf061dcd
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add PolarSSL based authentication module · db6071c9
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch implements an authentication module based on the
      PolarSSL library (v1.3.9) to verify the Chain of Trust when
      Trusted Boot is enabled.
      PolarSSL sources must be fetched separately. The POLARSSL_DIR
      build option may be used to indicate the path to the PolarSSL
      main directory (this directory must contain the 'include' and
      'library' subdirectories).
      To be able to build PolarSSL sources as a part of the Trusted
      Firmware build process, the DISABLE_PEDANTIC flag in polarssl.mk
      will tell the build system to remove the -pedantic option from
      the CFLAGS.
      Inclusion of PolarSSL increases the memory requirements of the BL1
      and BL2 images. The following are the changes made to the FVP and
      Juno platforms to cater for this when TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT is
      Changes on FVP:
        - BL1 and BL2 stacks have been increased to 4 KB
        - BL1(rw) section has been increased to 32 KB.
        - BL2 memory region has been increased to 112 KB
      Changes on Juno:
        - BL1 and BL2 stacks have been increased to 4 KB
        - BL1(rw) section has been increased to 32 KB.
        - Trusted ROM region in Flash has been increased to 128 KB.
        - BL2 memory region has been increased to 116 KB
      Change-Id: Ie87d80d43408eb6239c4acd0ec5ab2120e4e9e80
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add a platform specific function to validate the ROTPK · 6eadf762
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds the function plat_match_rotpk() to the platform
      porting layer to provide a Root Of Trust Public key (ROTPK)
      verification mechanism. This function is called during the
      Trusted Board Boot process and receives a supposed valid copy
      of the ROTPK as a parameter, usually obtained from an external
      source (for instance, a certificate). It returns 0 (success) if
      that key matches the actual ROTPK stored in the system or any
      other value otherwise.
      The mechanism to access the actual ROTPK stored in the system
      is platform specific and should be implemented as part of this
      function. The format of the ROTPK is also platform specific
      (to save memory, some platforms might store a hash of the key
      instead of the whole key).
      TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT build option has been added to allow the user
      to enable the Trusted Board Boot features. The implementation of
      the plat_match_rotpk() funtion is mandatory when Trusted Board
      Boot is enabled.
      For development purposes, FVP and Juno ports provide a dummy
      function that returns always success (valid key). A safe trusted
      boot implementation should provide a proper matching function.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Change-Id: I74ff12bc2b041556c48533375527d9e8c035b8c3
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add support to include certificates in a FIP image · b7124ea7
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch extends the FIP tool to include the certificates
      generated by the 'cert_create' tool.
      If GENERATE_COT build option is enabled, the Makefile adds the
      certificates as dependencies to create the FIP file. Thus, make
      target 'fip' will also build the certificates as part of the
      Trusted Firmware build process.
      Change-Id: I5eee500da7f7be6cfb6e3df0423599739d260074
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add tool to generate certificates · 6f971622
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds a tool that generates all the necessary elements
      to establish the chain of trust (CoT) between the images.
      The tool reads the binary images and signing keys and outputs the
      corresponding certificates that will be used by the target at run
      time to verify the authenticity of the images.
      Note: the platform port must provide the file platform_oid.h. This
      file will define the OIDs of the x509 extensions that will be added
      to the certificates in order to establish the CoT.
      Change-Id: I2734d6808b964a2107ab3a4805110698066a04be
  5. 26 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      FVP: Allow BL3-2 to sit in the secure region of DRAM · 513dd3a0
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch allows the secure payload (BL3-2) to be loaded in the
      DRAM region secured by the TrustZone controller (top 16 MB of DRAM1).
      The location of BL3-2 can be selected at build time by setting the
      build flag FVP_TSP_RAM_LOCATION to one of the following options:
        - 'tsram' : Trusted SRAM (this is the default option)
        - 'tdram' : Trusted DRAM
        - 'dram'  : Secure region in DRAM1 (top 16MB configured by the
                    TrustZone controller)
      The number of MMU tables in BL3-2 depends on its location in
      memory: 3 in case it is loaded in DRAM, 2 otherwise.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#212
      Change-Id: I371eef3a4159f06a0c9e3c6c1f4c905b2f93803a
  6. 22 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Move bakery algorithm implementation out of coherent memory · 8c5fe0b5
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch moves the bakery locks out of coherent memory to normal memory.
      This implies that the lock information needs to be placed on a separate cache
      line for each cpu. Hence the bakery_lock_info_t structure is allocated in the
      per-cpu data so as to minimize memory wastage. A similar platform per-cpu
      data is introduced for the platform locks.
      As a result of the above changes, the bakery lock api is completely changed.
      Earlier, a reference to the lock structure was passed to the lock implementation.
      Now a unique-id (essentially an index into the per-cpu data array) and an offset
      into the per-cpu data for bakery_info_t needs to be passed to the lock
      Change-Id: I1e76216277448713c6c98b4c2de4fb54198b39e0
  7. 06 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      Specify FIP filename at build time · 7f48fab9
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch allows to define the name of the FIP at build time by
      defining the FIP_NAME variable. If FIP_NAME is not defined, default
      name 'fip.bin' is used.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Change-Id: Ic41f42aac379b0c958b3dfd02863ba8ba7108710
  8. 26 Nov, 2014 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Fix problem of dependencies on the fiptool makefile target · 07deed40
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The 'fiptool' target doesn't depend on fip_create's source files,
      neither directly nor indirectly. As a result, the FIP tool is not
      rebuilt whenever its source files change.
      This patch makes the ${FIPTOOL} target into a phony target so that the
      FIP tool's sub-makefile is always called. The sub-makefile correctly
      handles the dependencies. It also moves the completion message into
      the sub-makefile so that it is only displayed when the tool is
      actually recompiled.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#278
      Change-Id: Ia027519fe51d3c42be30665d1ad20a7b89fa350f
  9. 29 Oct, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Optimize Cortex-A57 cluster power down sequence on Juno · 5541bb3f
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch optimizes the Cortex-A57 cluster power down sequence by not
      flushing the Level1 data cache. The L1 data cache and the L2 unified
      cache are inclusive. A flush of the L2 by set/way flushes any dirty
      lines from the L1 as well. This is a known safe deviation from the
      Cortex-A57 TRM defined power down sequence. This optimization can be
      enabled by the platform through the 'SKIP_A57_L1_FLUSH_PWR_DWN' build
      flag. Each Cortex-A57 based platform must make its own decision on
      whether to use the optimization.
      This patch also renames the cpu-errata-workarounds.md to
      cpu-specific-build-macros.md as this facilitates documentation
      of both CPU Specific errata and CPU Specific Optimization
      build macros.
      Change-Id: I299b9fe79e9a7e08e8a0dffb7d345f9a00a71480
  10. 16 Sep, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Add support for specifying pre-built BL binaries in Makefile · 27713fb4
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds support for supplying pre-built BL binaries for BL2,
      BL3-1 and BL3-2 during trusted firmware build. Specifying BLx = <path_to_BLx>
      in the build command line, where 'x' is any one of BL2, BL3-1 or BL3-2, will
      skip building that BL stage from source and include the specified binary in
      final fip image.
      This patch also makes BL3-3 binary for FIP optional depending on the
      value of 'NEED_BL33' flag which is defined by the platform.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#244
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#245
      Change-Id: I3ebe1d4901f8b857e8bb51372290978a3323bfe7
  11. 28 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Documentation for version 1.0 · c6249aaa
      Dan Handley authored
      Final updates to readme.md and change-log.md for ARM Trusted
      Firmware version 1.0. Also increment the version in the Makefile.
      Change-Id: I00fe1016c8b936834bbf7bbba7aab07f51261bbb
  12. 20 Aug, 2014 2 commits
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Add support for selected Cortex-A57 errata workarounds · d9bdaf2d
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds workarounds for selected errata which affect the Cortex-A57 r0p0
      part. Each workaround has a build time flag which should be used by the platform
      port to enable or disable the corresponding workaround. The workarounds are
      disabled by default. An assertion is raised if the platform enables a workaround
      which does not match the CPU revision at runtime.
      Change-Id: I9ae96b01c6ff733d04dc733bd4e67dbf77b29fb0
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Add CPU specific power management operations · add40351
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds CPU core and cluster power down sequences to the CPU specific
      operations framework introduced in a earlier patch. Cortex-A53, Cortex-A57 and
      generic AEM sequences have been added. The latter is suitable for the
      Foundation and Base AEM FVPs. A pointer to each CPU's operations structure is
      saved in the per-cpu data so that it can be easily accessed during power down
      An optional platform API has been introduced to allow a platform to disable the
      Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) during a cluster power down sequence. The weak
      definition of this function (plat_disable_acp()) does not take any action. It
      should be overriden with a strong definition if the ACP is present on a
      Change-Id: I8d09bd40d2f528a28d2d3f19b77101178778685d
  13. 19 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Clarify platform porting interface to TSP · 5a06bb7e
      Dan Handley authored
      * Move TSP platform porting functions to new file:
      * Create new TSP_IRQ_SEC_PHY_TIMER definition for use by the generic
        TSP interrupt handling code, instead of depending on the FVP
        specific definition IRQ_SEC_PHY_TIMER.
      * Rename TSP platform porting functions from bl32_* to tsp_*, and
        definitions from BL32_* to TSP_*.
      * Update generic TSP code to use new platform porting function names
        and definitions.
      * Update FVP port accordingly and move all TSP source files to:
      * Update porting guide with above changes.
            BE UPDATED
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#167
      Change-Id: Ic0ff8caf72aebb378d378193d2f017599fc6b78f
  14. 14 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move IO storage source to drivers directory · 935db693
      Dan Handley authored
      Move the remaining IO storage source file (io_storage.c) from the
      lib to the drivers directory. This requires that platform ports
      explicitly add this file to the list of source files.
      Also move the IO header files to a new sub-directory, include/io.
      Change-Id: I862b1252a796b3bcac0d93e50b11e7fb2ded93d6
  15. 12 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Add concept of console output log levels · 289c28a8
      Dan Handley authored
      Create new LOG_LEVEL build option, which controls the amount of
      console output compiled into the build. This should be one of the
          0  (LOG_LEVEL_NONE)
          10 (LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE)
          20 (LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
          30 (LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)
          40 (LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
          50 (LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE)
      All log output up to and including the log level is compiled into the
      build. The default value is 40 in debug builds and 20 in release
      Complement the existing INFO, WARN and ERROR console output macros
      with NOTICE and VERBOSE macros, which are conditionally compiled in
      depending on the value of LOG_LEVEL.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#232
      Change-Id: I951e2f333e7b90fc4b1060741d9a6db699d5aa72
  16. 11 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Add compilation macro for each BL stage · 27905d0a
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch defines a compile time macro for each boot loader stage
      which allows compilation of code only for a specific stage.
      Change-Id: I3a4068404cd3dc26d652556ca9ca7afea8dd28ef
  17. 28 Jul, 2014 2 commits
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Rework the crash reporting in BL3-1 to use less stack · 626ed510
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch reworks the crash reporting mechanism to further
      optimise the stack and code size. The reporting makes use
      of assembly console functions to avoid calling C Runtime
      to report the CPU state. The crash buffer requirement is
      reduced to 64 bytes with this implementation. The crash
      buffer is now part of per-cpu data which makes retrieving
      the crash buffer trivial.
      Also now panic() will use crash reporting if
      invoked from BL3-1.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#199
      Change-Id: I79d27a4524583d723483165dc40801f45e627da5
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Implement an assert() callable from assembly code · bc920128
      Soby Mathew authored
      The patch implements a macro ASM_ASSERT() which can
      be invoked from assembly code. When assertion happens,
      file name and line number of the check is written
      to the crash console.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#95
      Change-Id: I6f905a068e1c0fa4f746d723f18df60daaa00a86
  18. 25 Jul, 2014 2 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      Add support for printing version at runtime · aaa3e722
      Juan Castillo authored
      Print out Trusted Firmware version at runtime at each BL stage.
      Message consists of TF version as defined statically in the Makefile
      (e.g. v0.4), build mode (debug|release) and a customizable build
        1. By defining BUILD_STRING in command line when building TF
        2. Default string is git commit ID
        3. Empty if git meta-data is not available
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#203
      Change-Id: I5c5ba438f66ab68810427d76b49c5b9177a957d6
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Implement a leaner printf for Trusted Firmware · b79af934
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch implements a "tf_printf" which supports only the commonly
      used format specifiers in Trusted Firmware, which uses a lot less
      stack space than the stdlib printf function.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#116
      Change-Id: I7dfa1944f4c1e634b3e2d571f49afe02d109a351
  19. 17 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Define ARM_GIC_ARCH default value for all platforms · 2b98e789
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The ARM_GIC_ARCH build option was supposed to default to 2 on all
      platforms. However, the default value was set in the FVP makefile
      so for all other platforms it wasn't even defined.
      This patch moves the default value to the main Makefile. The platform
      port can then override it if needed.
      Change-Id: I8e2da1cce7ffa3ed18814bbdcbcf2578101f18a6
  20. 10 Jul, 2014 2 commits
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Add support for BL3-0 image · 93d81d64
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
       - Add support for loading a BL3-0 image in BL2. Information about
         memory extents is populated by platform-specific code. Subsequent
         handling of BL3-0 is also platform specific.
         The BL2 main function has been broken down to improve readability.
         The BL3-2 image is now loaded before the BL3-3 image to align with
         the boot flow.
       - Build system: Add support for specifying a BL3-0 image that will be
         included into the FIP image.
       - IO FIP driver: Add support for identifying a BL3-0 image inside a
         FIP image.
       - Update the documentation to reflect the above changes.
      Change-Id: I067c184afd52ccaa86569f13664757570c86fc48
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      Allow FP register context to be optional at build time · 0f21c547
      Juan Castillo authored
      CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS make variable allows us to include or exclude FP
      registers from context structure, in case FP is not used by TSPD.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#194
      Change-Id: Iee41af382d691340c7ae21830ad1bbf95dad1f4b
  21. 24 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  22. 23 Jun, 2014 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Compile with '-Wmissing-include-dirs' flag · a0df63ef
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      Add the '-Wmissing-include-dirs' flag to the CFLAGS and ASFLAGS
      to make the build fail if the compiler or the assembler is given
      a nonexistant directory in the list of directories to be searched
      for header files.
      Also remove 'include/bl1' and 'include/bl2' directories from the
      search path for header files as they don't exist anymore.
      Change-Id: I2475b78ba8b7b448b9d0afaa9ad975257f638b89
  23. 10 Jun, 2014 1 commit
    • Andrew Thoelke's avatar
      Make system register functions inline assembly · 5c3272a7
      Andrew Thoelke authored
      Replace the current out-of-line assembler implementations of
      the system register and system instruction operations with
      inline assembler.
      This enables better compiler optimisation and code generation
      when accessing system registers.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#91
      Change-Id: I149af3a94e1e5e5140a3e44b9abfc37ba2324476
  24. 23 May, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Split platform.h into separate headers · 5f0cdb05
      Dan Handley authored
      Previously, platform.h contained many declarations and definitions
      used for different purposes. This file has been split so that:
      * Platform definitions used by common code that must be defined
        by the platform are now in platform_def.h. The exact include
        path is exported through $PLAT_INCLUDES in the platform makefile.
      * Platform definitions specific to the FVP platform are now in
      * Platform API declarations specific to the FVP platform are now
        in /plat/fvp/fvp_private.h.
      * The remaining platform API declarations that must be ported by
        each platform are still in platform.h but this file has been
        moved to /include/plat/common since this can be shared by all
      Change-Id: Ieb3bb22fbab3ee8027413c6b39a783534aee474a
  25. 22 May, 2014 1 commit
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Add support for BL3-1 as a reset vector · dbad1bac
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      This change adds optional reset vector support to BL3-1
      which means BL3-1 entry point can detect cold/warm boot,
      initialise primary cpu, set up cci and mail box.
      When using BL3-1 as a reset vector it is assumed that
      the BL3-1 platform code can determine the location of
      the BL3-2 images, or load them as there are no parameters
      that can be passed to BL3-1 at reset.
      It also fixes the incorrect initialisation of mailbox
      registers on the FVP platform
      This feature can be enabled by building the code with
      make variable RESET_TO_BL31 set as 1
      Fixes ARM-software/TF-issues#133
      Fixes ARM-software/TF-issues#20
      Change-Id: I4e23939b1c518614b899f549f1e8d412538ee570
  26. 16 May, 2014 4 commits
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      Add build configuration for timer save/restore · 2da8d8bf
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      At present, non-secure timer register contents are saved and restored as
      part of world switch by BL3-1. This effectively means that the
      non-secure timer stops, and non-secure timer interrupts are prevented
      from asserting until BL3-1 switches back, introducing latency for
      non-secure services. Often, secure world might depend on alternate
      sources for secure interrupts (secure timer or platform timer) instead
      of non-secure timers, in which case this save and restore is
      This patch introduces a boolean build-time configuration NS_TIMER_SWITCH
      to choose whether or not to save and restore non-secure timer registers
      upon world switch. The default choice is made not to save and restore
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#148
      Change-Id: I1b9d623606acb9797c3e0b02fb5ec7c0a414f37e
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      Reorganize build options · e35c4045
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      At present, various build options are initialized at various places in
      the Makefile. This patch gathers all build option declarations at the
      top of the Makefile and assigns them default values.
      Change-Id: I9f527bc8843bf69c00cb754dc60377bdb407a951
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      Introduce convenience functions to build · 289e0dad
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      This patch introduces two convenience functions to the build system:
        - assert_boolean: asserts that a given option is assigned either 0 or
          1 as values
        - add_define: helps add/append macro definitions to build tool command
          line. This also introduces the variable DEFINES which is used to
          collect and pass all relevant configurations to build tools
      Change-Id: I3126894b034470d39858ebb3bd183bda681c7126
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Rework BL3-1 unhandled exception handling and reporting · a43d431b
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch implements the register reporting when unhandled exceptions are
      taken in BL3-1. Unhandled exceptions will result in a dump of registers
      to the console, before halting execution by that CPU. The Crash Stack,
      previously called the Exception Stack, is used for this activity.
      This stack is used to preserve the CPU context and runtime stack
      contents for debugging and analysis.
      This also introduces the per_cpu_ptr_cache, referenced by tpidr_el3,
      to provide easy access to some of BL3-1 per-cpu data structures.
      Initially, this is used to provide a pointer to the Crash stack.
      panic() now prints the the error file and line number in Debug mode
      and prints the PC value in release mode.
      The Exception Stack is renamed to Crash Stack with this patch.
      The original intention of exception stack is no longer valid
      since we intend to support several valid exceptions like IRQ
      and FIQ in the trusted firmware context. This stack is now
      utilized for dumping and reporting the system state when a
      crash happens and hence the rename.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#79 Improve reporting of unhandled exception
      Change-Id: I260791dc05536b78547412d147193cdccae7811a
  27. 06 May, 2014 2 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Remove vpath usage in makefiles · bee82417
      Dan Handley authored
      Remove all usage of the vpath keyword in makefiles as it was prone
      to mistakes. Specify the relative paths to source files instead.
      Also reorder source files in makefiles alphabetically.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#121
      Change-Id: Id15f60655444bae60e0e2165259efac71a50928b
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Make use of user/system includes more consistent · 35e98e55
      Dan Handley authored
      Make codebase consistent in its use of #include "" syntax for
      user includes and #include <> syntax for system includes.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#65
      Change-Id: If2f7c4885173b1fd05ac2cde5f1c8a07000c7a33