1. 24 Jun, 2020 1 commit
    • Louis Mayencourt's avatar
      tbbr/dualroot: Add fw_config image in chain of trust · 243875ea
      Louis Mayencourt authored
      fw_config image is authenticated using secure boot framework by
      adding it into the single root and dual root chain of trust.
      The COT for fw_config image looks as below:
      +------------------+       +-------------------+
      | ROTPK/ROTPK Hash |------>| Trusted Boot fw   |
      +------------------+       | Certificate       |
                                 | (Auth Image)      |
                               /                   |
                              /                    |
                             /                     |
                            /                      |
                           L                       v
      +------------------+       +-------------------+
      | fw_config hash   |------>| fw_config         |
      |                  |       | (Data Image)      |
      +------------------+       +-------------------+
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLouis Mayencourt <louis.mayencourt@arm.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarManish V Badarkhe <Manish.Badarkhe@arm.com>
      Change-Id: I08fc8ee95c29a95bb140c807dd06e772474c7367
  2. 19 May, 2020 1 commit