1. 11 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Chris Kay's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix incorrect number of reserved memory map entries · 3450fd62
      Chris Kay authored
      There are three calls to mmap_add_region() that always occur in
      arm_setup_page_tables(), and two further calls based on whether coherent
      memory is enabled, and whether SPM is enabled in BL31.
      This commit adapts the ARM_BL_REGIONS definition to match the number of
      calls made inside arm_setup_page_tables() so that the MAX_MMAP_REGIONS
      is realigned with what is actually occurring.
      Change-Id: I7adc05951abccf2cbd5c86280eb874911e6a1566
      Signed-off-by: default avatarChris Kay <chris.kay@arm.com>
  2. 09 May, 2018 1 commit
  3. 02 May, 2018 1 commit
  4. 01 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      ARM platforms: Demonstrate mem_protect from el3_runtime · 638b034c
      Roberto Vargas authored
      Previously mem_protect used to be only supported from BL2. This is not
      helpful in the case when ARM TF-A BL2 is not used. This patch demonstrates
      mem_protect from el3_runtime firmware on ARM Platforms specifically
      when RESET_TO_BL31 or RESET_TO_SP_MIN flag is set as BL2 may be absent
      in these cases. The Non secure DRAM is dynamically mapped into EL3 mmap
      tables temporarily and then the protected regions are then cleared. This
      avoids the need to map the non secure DRAM permanently to BL31/sp_min.
      The stack size is also increased, because DYNAMIC_XLAT_TABLES require
      a bigger stack.
      Change-Id: Ia44c594192ed5c5adc596c0cff2c7cc18c001fde
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  5. 27 Apr, 2018 2 commits
    • Masahiro Yamada's avatar
      types: use int-ll64 for both aarch32 and aarch64 · 0a2d5b43
      Masahiro Yamada authored
      Since commit 031dbb12
       ("AArch32: Add essential Arch helpers"),
      it is difficult to use consistent format strings for printf() family
      between aarch32 and aarch64.
      For example, uint64_t is defined as 'unsigned long long' for aarch32
      and as 'unsigned long' for aarch64.  Likewise, uintptr_t is defined
      as 'unsigned int' for aarch32, and as 'unsigned long' for aarch64.
      A problem typically arises when you use printf() in common code.
      One solution could be, to cast the arguments to a type long enough
      for both architectures.  For example, if 'val' is uint64_t type,
      like this:
        printf("val = %llx\n", (unsigned long long)val);
      Or, somebody may suggest to use a macro provided by <inttypes.h>,
      like this:
        printf("val = %" PRIx64 "\n", val);
      But, both would make the code ugly.
      The solution adopted in Linux kernel is to use the same typedefs for
      all architectures.  The fixed integer types in the kernel-space have
      been unified into int-ll64, like follows:
          typedef signed char           int8_t;
          typedef unsigned char         uint8_t;
          typedef signed short          int16_t;
          typedef unsigned short        uint16_t;
          typedef signed int            int32_t;
          typedef unsigned int          uint32_t;
          typedef signed long long      int64_t;
          typedef unsigned long long    uint64_t;
      [ Linux commit: 0c79a8e29b5fcbcbfd611daf9d500cfad8370fcf ]
      This gets along with the codebase shared between 32 bit and 64 bit,
      with the data model called ILP32, LP64, respectively.
      The width for primitive types is defined as follows:
                         ILP32           LP64
          int            32              32
          long           32              64
          long long      64              64
          pointer        32              64
      'long long' is 64 bit for both, so it is used for defining uint64_t.
      'long' has the same width as pointer, so for uintptr_t.
      We still need an ifdef conditional for (s)size_t.
      All 64 bit architectures use "unsigned long" size_t, and most 32 bit
      architectures use "unsigned int" size_t.  H8/300, S/390 are known as
      exceptions; they use "unsigned long" size_t despite their architecture
      is 32 bit.
      One idea for simplification might be to define size_t as 'unsigned long'
      across architectures, then forbid the use of "%z" string format.
      However, this would cause a distortion between size_t and sizeof()
      operator.  We have unknowledge about the native type of sizeof(), so
      we need a guess of it anyway.  I want the following formula to always
      return 1:
        __builtin_types_compatible_p(size_t, typeof(sizeof(int)))
      Fortunately, ARM is probably a majority case.  As far as I know, all
      32 bit ARM compilers use "unsigned int" size_t.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
    • Masahiro Yamada's avatar
      arch_helpers: use u_register_t for register read/write · 8f4dbaab
      Masahiro Yamada authored
      u_register_t is preferred rather than uint64_t.  This is more
      consistent with the aarch32 implementation.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
  6. 26 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      xlat: Set AP[1] to 1 when it is RES1 · 01c0a38e
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      According to the ARMv8 ARM issue C.a:
          AP[1] is valid only for stage 1 of a translation regime that can
          support two VA ranges. It is RES 1 when stage 1 translations can
          support only one VA range.
      This means that, even though this bit is ignored, it should be set to 1
      in the EL3 and EL2 translation regimes.
      For translation regimes consisting on EL0 and a higher regime this bit
      selects between control at EL0 or at the higher Exception level. The
      regimes that support two VA ranges are EL1&0 and EL2&0 (the later one
      is only available since ARMv8.1).
      This fix has to be applied to both versions of the translation tables
      Change-Id: If19aaf588551bac7aeb6e9a686cf0c2068e7c181
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  7. 23 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Add support for the SMC Calling Convention 2.0 · 2f370465
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Due to differences in the bitfields of the SMC IDs, it is not possible
      to support SMCCC 1.X and 2.0 at the same time.
      The behaviour of `SMCCC_MAJOR_VERSION` has changed. Now, it is a build
      option that specifies the major version of the SMCCC that the Trusted
      Firmware supports. The only two allowed values are 1 and 2, and it
      defaults to 1. The value of `SMCCC_MINOR_VERSION` is derived from it.
      Note: Support for SMCCC v2.0 is an experimental feature to enable
      prototyping of secure partition specifications. Support for this
      convention is disabled by default and could be removed without notice.
      Change-Id: I88abf9ccf08e9c66a13ce55c890edea54d9f16a7
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  8. 17 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  9. 13 Apr, 2018 3 commits
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      Fix MISRA rule 8.4 Part 4 · 3b94189a
      Roberto Vargas authored
      Rule 8.4: A compatible declaration shall be visible when
                an object or function with external linkage is defined
      Fixed for:
      	make DEBUG=1 PLAT=fvp SPD=tspd TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT=1 \
      	     GENERATE_COT=1 ARM_ROTPK_LOCATION=devel_rsa \
      	     ROT_KEY=arm_rotprivk_rsa.pem MBEDTLS_DIR=mbedtls all
      Change-Id: Ie4cd6011b3e4fdcdd94ccb97a7e941f3b5b7aeb8
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      Fix MISRA rule 8.3 Part 4 · 735181b6
      Roberto Vargas authored
      Rule 8.3: All declarations of an object or function shall
                use the same names and type qualifiers
      Fixed for:
      	make DEBUG=1 PLAT=fvp SPD=tspd TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT=1 \
      	     GENERATE_COT=1 ARM_ROTPK_LOCATION=devel_rsa \
      	     ROT_KEY=arm_rotprivk_rsa.pem MBEDTLS_DIR=mbedtls all
      Change-Id: Ia34fe1ae1f142e89c9a6c19831e3daf4d28f5831
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      Fix MISRA rule 8.5 in common code · c28b7658
      Roberto Vargas authored
      Rule 8.5: An external object or function shall be declared
                once in one and only one file.
      Change-Id: I7c3d4ec7d3ba763fdb4600008ba10b4b93ecdfce
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  10. 12 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  11. 10 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Summer Qin's avatar
      plat/arm: Allow override of default TZC regions · 23411d2c
      Summer Qin authored
      This patch allows the ARM Platforms to specify the TZC regions to be
      specified to the ARM TZC helpers in arm_tzc400.c and arm_tzc_dmc500.c.
      If the regions are not specified then the default TZC region will be
      configured by these helpers.
      This override mechanism allows specifying special regions for TZMP1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSummer Qin <summer.qin@arm.com>
  12. 09 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  13. 07 Apr, 2018 2 commits
    • Jiafei Pan's avatar
      fix instruction address range limitation · b4ad9768
      Jiafei Pan authored
      For the adr instruction, it require the label's offset from the
      address of this instruction must be in the range +/-1MB. If the
      option "BL2_IN_XIP_MEM" is set to '1', in some cases, BL2's RW
      memory will not in the range of +/-1MB from BL2's RO memory region.
      so we need to use ldr instruction to cover this case.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJiafei Pan <Jiafei.Pan@nxp.com>
    • Jiafei Pan's avatar
      Add support for BL2 in XIP memory · 7d173fc5
      Jiafei Pan authored
      In some use-cases BL2 will be stored in eXecute In Place (XIP) memory,
      like BL1. In these use-cases, it is necessary to initialize the RW sections
      in RAM, while leaving the RO sections in place. This patch enable this
      use-case with a new build option, BL2_IN_XIP_MEM. For now, this option
      is only supported when BL2_AT_EL3 is 1.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJiafei Pan <Jiafei.Pan@nxp.com>
  14. 31 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Michalis Pappas's avatar
      qemu: don't use C functions for the crash console callbacks · 0e24ea81
      Michalis Pappas authored
      Use the console_pl011_core_* functions directly in the crash console
      This bypasses the MULTI_CONSOLE_API for the crash console (UART1), but
      allows using the crash console before the C runtime has been initialized
      (eg to call ASM_ASSERT). This retains backwards compatibility with respect
      to functionality when the old API is used.
      Use the MULTI_CONSOLE_API to register UART0 as the boot and runtime
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#572
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMichalis Pappas <mpappas@fastmail.fm>
  15. 27 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Joel Hutton's avatar
      Clean usage of void pointers to access symbols · 9f85f9e3
      Joel Hutton authored
      Void pointers have been used to access linker symbols, by declaring an
      extern pointer, then taking the address of it. This limits symbols
      values to aligned pointer values. To remove this restriction an
      IMPORT_SYM macro has been introduced, which declares it as a char
      pointer and casts it to the required type.
      Change-Id: I89877fc3b13ed311817bb8ba79d4872b89bfd3b0
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJoel Hutton <Joel.Hutton@Arm.com>
  16. 26 Mar, 2018 2 commits
  17. 24 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  18. 21 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Rename 'smcc' to 'smccc' · 085e80ec
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      When the source code says 'SMCC' it is talking about the SMC Calling
      Convention. The correct acronym is SMCCC. This affects a few definitions
      and file names.
      Some files have been renamed (smcc.h, smcc_helpers.h and smcc_macros.S)
      but the old files have been kept for compatibility, they include the
      new ones with an ERROR_DEPRECATED guard.
      Change-Id: I78f94052a502436fdd97ca32c0fe86bd58173f2f
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  19. 14 Mar, 2018 2 commits
  20. 02 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Remove sp_min functions from plat_common.c · 0ed8c001
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch removes default platform implementations of sp_min
      platform APIs from plat/common/aarch32/plat_common.c. The APIs
      are now implemented in `plat_sp_min_common.c` file within the
      same folder.
      The ARM platform layer had a weak definition of sp_min_platform_setup2()
      which conflicted with the weak definition in the common file. Hence this
      patch fixes that by introducing a `plat_arm_` version of the API thus
      allowing individual boards within ARM platforms to override it if they
      wish to.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#559
      Change-Id: I11a74ecae8191878ccc7ea03f12bdd5ae88faba5
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  21. 01 Mar, 2018 2 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Emit warnings when using deprecated GIC init · dcf01a0a
      Dan Handley authored
      Emit runtime warnings when intializing the GIC drivers using the
      deprecated method of defining integer interrupt arrays in the GIC driver
      data structures; interrupt_prop_t arrays should be used instead. This
      helps platforms detect that they have migration work to do. Previously,
      no warning was emitted in this case. This affects both the GICv2 and GICv3
      Also use the __deprecated attribute to emit a build time warning if these
      deprecated fields are used. These warnings are suppressed in the GIC
      driver compatibility functions but will be visible if platforms use them.
      Change-Id: I6b6b8f6c3b4920c448b6dcb82fc18442cfdf6c7a
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDan Handley <dan.handley@arm.com>
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Improve MULTI_CONSOLE_API deprecation warnings · bc1a03c7
      Dan Handley authored
      For platforms that have not migrated to MULTI_CONSOLE_API == 1, there
      are a lot of confusing deprecated declaration warnings relating to
      use of console_init() and console_uninit(). Some of these relate to use
      by the generic code, not the platform code. These functions are not really
      deprecated but *removed* when MULTI_CONSOLE_API == 1.
      This patch consolidates these warnings into a single preprocessor warning.
      The __deprecated attribute is removed from the console_init() and
      console_uninit() declarations.
      For preprocessor warnings like this to not cause fatal build errors,
      this patch adds -Wno-error=cpp to the build flags when
      This option (and -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations) is now added to
      CPPFLAGS instead of TF_CFLAGS to ensure the build flags are used in the
      assembler as well as the compiler.
      This patch also disentangles the MULTI_CONSOLE_API and ERROR_DEPRECATED
      build flags by defaulting MULTI_CONSOLE_API to 0 instead of
      ERROR_DEPRECATED. This allows platforms that have not migrated to
      MULTI_CONSOLE_API to use ERROR_DEPRECATED == 1 to emit a more meaningful
      build error.
      Finally, this patch bans use of MULTI_CONSOLE_API == 1 and AARCH32, since
      the AArch32 console implementation does not support
      Change-Id: If762165ddcb90c28aa7a4951aba70cb15c2b709c
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDan Handley <dan.handley@arm.com>
  22. 28 Feb, 2018 5 commits
  23. 27 Feb, 2018 7 commits
    • David Cunado's avatar
      Update ULL() macro and instances of ull to comply with MISRA · 5724481f
      David Cunado authored
      MISRA C-2012 Rule 7.3 violation: lowercase l shall not be used as literal suffixes.
      This patch resolves this for the ULL() macro by using ULL suffix instead
      of the ull suffix.
      Change-Id: Ia8183c399e74677e676956e8653e82375d0e0a01
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      EHF: Introduce preempted return code parameter to ehf_allow_ns_preemption() · af34cd72
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      When a Yielding SMC is preempted, it's possible that Non-secure world is
      resumed afterwards. In this case, Non-secure execution would find itself
      in a state where the SMC has returned. However, the dispatcher might not
      get an opportunity to populate the corrected return code for having
      been preempted, and therefore the caller of the Yielding SMC cannot
      reliably determine whether the SMC had successfully completed or had
      been preempted.
      To solve this, this patch introduces a new parameter to the
      ehf_allow_ns_preemption() API. An SPD, through this parameter, would
      provide the expected error code when a Yielding SMC is preempted. EHF
      can then populate the specified value in x0 of the Non-secure context so
      that the caller of the Yielding SMC correctly identifies the SMC return
      as a preemption.
      Documentation updates to follow.
      Change-Id: Ia9c3f8f03f9d72d81aa235eaae2ee0374b972e1e
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
    • Dimitris Papastamos's avatar
      MISRA fixes for Cortex A75 AMU implementation · 714b21ff
      Dimitris Papastamos authored
      Change-Id: I61c9fdfda0c0b3c3ec6249519db23602cf4c2100
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Papastamos <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
    • Dimitris Papastamos's avatar
      Refactor AMU support for Cortex A75 · f06890ea
      Dimitris Papastamos authored
      This patch also fixes the assumption that the counters are disabled on
      the resume path.  This is incorrect as the AMU counters are enabled
      early in the CPU reset function before `cpuamu_context_restore()`
      Change-Id: I38a94eb166a523f00de18e86860434ffccff2131
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Papastamos <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
    • Dimitris Papastamos's avatar
      Factor out CPU AMU helpers · a2e702a2
      Dimitris Papastamos authored
      This patch also fixes `cpuamu_write_cpuamcntenclr_el0()` to use an MSR
      instruction instead of an MRS instruction.
      Change-Id: Ia6531f64b5ebc60ba432124eaa8d8eaccba40ed0
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Papastamos <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
    • Dimitris Papastamos's avatar
      Implement {spe,sve}_supported() helpers and refactor code · 2ff8fbf3
      Dimitris Papastamos authored
      Implement helpers to test if the core supports SPE/SVE.  We have a
      similar helper for AMU and this patch makes all extensions consistent
      in their implementation.
      Change-Id: I3e6f7522535ca358259ad142550b19fcb883ca67
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Papastamos <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Add comments about mismatched TCR_ELx and xlat tables · 883d1b5d
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      When the MMU is enabled and the translation tables are mapped, data
      read/writes to the translation tables are made using the attributes
      specified in the translation tables themselves. However, the MMU
      performs table walks with the attributes specified in TCR_ELx. They are
      completely independent, so special care has to be taken to make sure
      that they are the same.
      This has to be done manually because it is not practical to have a test
      in the code. Such a test would need to know the virtual memory region
      that contains the translation tables and check that for all of the
      tables the attributes match the ones in TCR_ELx. As the tables may not
      even be mapped at all, this isn't a test that can be made generic.
      The flags used by enable_mmu_xxx() have been moved to the same header
      where the functions are.
      Also, some comments in the linker scripts related to the translation
      tables have been fixed.
      Change-Id: I1754768bffdae75f53561b1c4a5baf043b45a304
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>