1. 27 Nov, 2019 1 commit
    • Paul Beesley's avatar
      doc: Split the User Guide into multiple files · 43f35ef5
      Paul Beesley authored
      The User Guide document has grown organically over time and
      now covers a wide range of topics, making it difficult to
      skim read and extract information from. Currently, it covers
      these topics and maybe a couple more:
      - Requirements (hardware, tools, libs)
      - Checking out the repo
      - Basic build instructions
      - A comprehensive list of build flags
      - FIP packaging
      - Building specifically for Juno
      - Firmware update images
      - EL3 payloads
      - Preloaded BL33 boot flow
      - Running on FVPs
      - Running on Juno
      I have separated these out into a few groups that become new
      documents. Broadly speaking, build instructions for the tools,
      for TF-A generally, and for specific scenarios are separated.
      Content relating to specific platforms (Juno and the FVPs are
      Arm-specific platforms, essentially) has been moved into the
      documentation that is specific to those platforms, under
      Change-Id: Ica87c52d8cd4f577332be0b0738998ea3ba3bbec
      Signed-off-by: Paul Beesley <paul.beesle...
  2. 21 May, 2019 1 commit
    • Paul Beesley's avatar
      doc: Move documents into subdirectories · 40d553cf
      Paul Beesley authored
      This change creates the following directories under docs/
      in order to provide a grouping for the content:
      - components
      - design
      - getting_started
      - perf
      - process
      In each of these directories an index.rst file is created
      and this serves as an index / landing page for each of the
      groups when the pages are compiled. Proper layout of the
      top-level table of contents relies on this directory/index
      Without this patch it is possible to build the documents
      correctly with Sphinx but the output looks messy because
      there is no overall hierarchy.
      Change-Id: I3c9f4443ec98571a56a6edf775f2c8d74d7f429f
      Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Beesley <paul.beesley@arm.com>