1. 06 Dec, 2017 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      SPM: Move S-EL1/S-EL0 xlat tables to TZC DRAM · 45d640f0
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      A new platform define, `PLAT_SP_IMAGE_XLAT_SECTION_NAME`, has been
      introduced to select the section where the translation tables used by
      the S-EL1/S-EL0 are placed.
      This define has been used to move the translation tables to DRAM secured
      by TrustZone.
      Most of the extra needed space in BL31 when SPM is enabled is due to the
      large size of the translation tables. By moving them to this memory
      region we can save 44 KiB.
      A new argument has been added to REGISTER_XLAT_CONTEXT2() to specify the
      region where the translation tables have to be placed by the linker.
      Change-Id: Ia81709b4227cb8c92601f0caf258f624c0467719
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  2. 29 Nov, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: Fixup AArch32 builds · 5744e874
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch fixes a couple of issues for AArch32 builds on ARM reference
      platforms :
      1. The arm_def.h previously defined the same BL32_BASE value for AArch64 and
         AArch32 build. Since BL31 is not present in AArch32 mode, this meant that
         the BL31 memory is empty when built for AArch32. Hence this patch allocates
         BL32 to the memory region occupied by BL31 for AArch32 builds.
         As a side-effect of this change, the ARM_TSP_RAM_LOCATION macro cannot
         be used to control the load address of BL32 in AArch32 mode which was
         never the intention of the macro anyway.
      2. A static assert is added to sp_min linker script to check that the progbits
         are within the bounds expected when overlaid with other images.
      3. Fix specifying `SPD` when building Juno for AArch32 mode. Due to the quirks
         involved when building Juno for AArch32 mode, the build option SPD needed to
         specifed. This patch corrects this and also updates the documentation in the
      4. Exclude BL31 from the build and FIP when building Juno for AArch32 mode. As
         a result the previous assumption that BL31 must be always present is removed
         and the certificates for BL31 is only generated if `NEED_BL31` is defined.
      Change-Id: I1c39bbc0abd2be8fbe9f2dea2e9cb4e3e3e436a8
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  3. 20 Nov, 2017 1 commit
    • Dimitris Papastamos's avatar
      Refactor Statistical Profiling Extensions implementation · 281a08cc
      Dimitris Papastamos authored
      Factor out SPE operations in a separate file.  Use the publish
      subscribe framework to drain the SPE buffers before entering secure
      world.  Additionally, enable SPE before entering normal world.
      A side effect of this change is that the profiling buffers are now
      only drained when a transition from normal world to secure world
      happens.  Previously they were drained also on return from secure
      world, which is unnecessary as SPE is not supported in S-EL1.
      Change-Id: I17582c689b4b525770dbb6db098b3a0b5777b70a
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Papastamos <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
  4. 13 Nov, 2017 3 commits
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      ARM platforms: Enable SDEI · 0baec2ab
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      Support SDEI on ARM platforms using frameworks implemented in earlier
      patches by defining and exporting SDEI events: this patch defines the
      standard event 0, and a handful of shared and private dynamic events.
      Change-Id: I9d3d92a92cff646b8cc55eabda78e140deaa24e1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      ARM platforms: Define exception macros · 0bef0edf
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      Define number of priority bits, and allocate priority levels for SDEI.
      Change-Id: Ib6bb6c5c09397f7caef950c4caed5a737b3d4112
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      ARM platforms: Make arm_validate_ns_entrypoint() common · 71e7a4e5
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      The function arm_validate_ns_entrypoint() validates a given non-secure
      physical address. This function however specifically returns PSCI error
      Non-secure physical address validation is potentially useful across ARM
      platforms, even for non-PSCI use cases. Therefore make this function
      common by returning 0 for success or -1 otherwise.
      Having made the function common, make arm_validate_psci_entrypoint() a
      wrapper around arm_validate_ns_entrypoint() which only translates return
      value into PSCI error codes. This wrapper is now used where
      arm_validate_ns_entrypoint() was currently used for PSCI entry point
      Change-Id: Ic781fc3105d6d199fd8f53f01aba5baea0ebc310
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  5. 09 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  6. 16 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      ARM platforms: Migrate to using interrupt properties · b2c363b1
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      An earlier patch added provision for the platform to provide secure
      interrupt properties. ARM platforms already has a list of interrupts
      that fall into different secure groups.
      This patch defines macros that enumerate interrupt properties in the
      same fashion, and points the driver driver data to a list of interrupt
      properties rather than list of secure interrupts on ARM platforms.  The
      deprecated interrupt list definitions are however retained to support
      legacy builds.
      Configuration applied to individual interrupts remain unchanged, so no
      runtime behaviour change expected.
      NOTE: Platforms that use the arm/common function
      plat_arm_gic_driver_init() must replace their PLAT_ARM_G1S_IRQS and
      PLAT_ARM_G0_IRQS macro definitions with PLAT_ARM_G1S_IRQ_PROPS and
      PLAT_ARM_G0_IRQ_PROPS macros respectively, using the provided
      INTR_PROP_DESC macro.
      Change-Id: I24d643b83e3333753a3ba97d4b6fb71e16bb0952
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  7. 11 Oct, 2017 2 commits
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: enable GICv3 state save/restore · e35a3fb5
      Soby Mathew authored
      Provides GICv3 save/restore feature to arm_system_pwr_domain_resume and
      arm_system_pwr_domain_save functions.
      Introduce FVP PSCI power level 3 (System level) support. This is solely
      done to provide example code on how to use the GICv3 save and restore
      Also make CSS GICv3 platforms power off the Redistributor on SYSTEM
      SUSPEND as its state is saved and restored.
      Change-Id: I0d852f3af8824edee1a17c085cf593ddd33a4e77
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
      Co-Authored-by: default avatarDouglas Raillard <douglas.raillard@arm.com>
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM platforms: Add support for EL3 TZC memory region · a22dffc6
      Soby Mathew authored
      Some recent enhancements to EL3 runtime firmware like support for
      save and restoring GICv3 register context during system_suspend
      necessitates additional data memory for the firmware. This patch
      introduces support for creating a TZC secured DDR carveout for use
      by ARM reference platforms. A new linker section `el3_tzc_dram` is
      created using platform supplied linker script and data marked with
      the attribute `arm_el3_tzc_dram` will be placed in this section.
      The FVP makefile now defines the `PLAT_EXTRA_LD_SCRIPT` variable to
      allow inclusion of the platform linker script by the top level BL31
      linker script.
      Change-Id: I0e7f4a75a6ac51419c667875ff2677043df1585d
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  8. 25 Sep, 2017 2 commits
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      mem_protect: Add DRAM2 to the list of mem protected ranges · b09ba056
      Roberto Vargas authored
      On ARM platforms, the maximum size of the address space is limited
      to 32-bits as defined in arm_def.h. In order to access DRAM2, which
      is defined beyond the 32-bit address space, the maximum address space
      is increased to 36-bits in AArch64. It is possible to increase the
      virtual space for AArch32, but it is more difficult and not supported
      for now.
      NOTE - the actual maximum memory address space is platform dependent
      and is checked at run-time by querying the PARange field in the
      ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1 register.
      Change-Id: I6cb05c78a63b1fed96db9a9773faca04a5b93d67
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
    • Roberto Vargas's avatar
      mem_protect: Add mem_protect support in Juno and FVP for DRAM1 · f145403c
      Roberto Vargas authored
      mem_protect needs some kind of non-volatile memory because it has
      to remember its state across reset and power down events.
      The most suitable electronic part for this feature is a NVRAM
      which should be only accesible from the secure world. Juno and
      FVP lack such hardware and for this reason the MEM_PROTECT
      functionality is implemented with Flash EEPROM memory on both
      boards, even though this memory is accesible from the non-secure
      world. This is done only to show a full implementation of
      these PSCI features, but an actual system shouldn't use a
      non-secure NVRAM to implement it.
      The EL3 runtime software will write the mem_protect flag and BL2
      will read and clear the memory ranges if enabled. It is done in
      BL2 because it reduces the time that TF needs access to the full
      non-secure memory.
      The memory layout of both boards is defined using macros which
      take different values in Juno and FVP platforms. Generic platform
      helpers are added that use the platform specific macros to generate
      a mem_region_t that is valid for the platform.
      Change-Id: I2c6818ac091a2966fa07a52c5ddf8f6fde4941e9
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRoberto Vargas <roberto.vargas@arm.com>
  9. 12 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Qixiang Xu's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix BL31_BASE when RESET_TO_BL31=1 · fd5763ea
      Qixiang Xu authored
      The value of BL31_BASE currently depends on the size of BL31. This
      causes problems in the RESET_TO_BL31 case because the value of
      BL31_BASE is used in the model launch parameters, which often changes.
      Therefore, this patch fixes BL31_BASE to the middle of Trusted SRAM,
      to avoid further model parameter changes in future.
      Change-Id: I6d7fa4fe293717d84768974679539c0e0cb6d935
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
  10. 06 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Fix JUNO AArch32 build · ba6c31da
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch fixes the inconsistency with regards as to how
      BL2_BASE/BL2U_BASE and BL2_LIMIT/BL2U_LIMIT macros are defined
      when building Juno to run in AArch32 mode at EL3. In this case,
      BL32 is compiled for AArch32 whereas BL1 and BL2 are compiled
      for AArch64. This resulted in BL32 conditionally compiling a
      different definition of the above mentioned macros from BL1/BL2.
      This is fixed by taking into consideration the
      JUNO_AARCH32_EL3_RUNTIME build flag as well in the conditional
      compilation check.
      Change-Id: I27ac68aa4df0502089c1739c05366a9c509eb5be
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  11. 05 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  12. 31 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  13. 29 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      plat/arm: Fix ARM_INSTANTIATE_LOCK syntax anomaly · 19583169
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      The current definition of ARM_INSTANTIATE_LOCK macro includes a
      semicolon, which means it's omitted where it's used. This is anomalous
      for a C statement in global scope.
      Fix this by removing semicolon from the definition; and where it's a
      NOP, declare a file-scoped variable explicitly tagged as unused to avoid
      compiler warning.
      No functional changes.
      Change-Id: I2c1d92ece4777e272a025011e03b8003f3543335
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  14. 25 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Jens Wiklander's avatar
      ARM plat: change OP-TEE pageable load base · 04f72bae
      Jens Wiklander authored
      ARM_OPTEE_PAGEABLE_LOAD_SIZE is also increased to 4MB to optimize
      translation table usage.
      This change makes loading of paged part easier inside OP-TEE OS as the
      previous location of ARM_OPTEE_PAGEABLE_LOAD_BASE normally isn't mapped
      if paging is enabled.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJens Wiklander <jens.wiklander@linaro.org>
  15. 09 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Summer Qin's avatar
      Add Trusted OS extra image parsing support for ARM standard platforms · 54661cd2
      Summer Qin authored
      Trusted OS may have extra images to be loaded. Load them one by one
      and do the parsing. In this patch, ARM TF need to load up to 3 images
      for optee os: header, pager and paged images. Header image is the info
      about optee os and images. Pager image include pager code and data.
      Paged image include the paging parts using virtual memory.
      Change-Id: Ia3bcfa6d8a3ed7850deb5729654daca7b00be394
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSummer Qin <summer.qin@arm.com>
  16. 02 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      FVP: Support Base FVP RevC · 955242d8
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      Revision C of the Base FVP has the same memory map as earlier revisions,
      but has the following differences:
        - Implements CCI550 instead of CCI400,
        - Has a single instantiation of SMMUv3,
        - CPU MPIDs are shifted left by one level, and has MT bit set in them.
      The correct interconnect to program is chosen at run time based on the
      FVP revision. Therefore, this patch implements FVP functions for
      interconnect programming, rather than depending on ARM generic ones. The
      macros used have been renamed to reflect this change.
      Additionally, this patch initializes SMMUv3 as part of FVP early
      platform setup.
      New ARM config flags are introduced for feature queries at run time.
      Change-Id: Ic7b7f080953a51fceaf62ce7daa6de0573801f09
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  17. 28 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      ARM plat changes to enable CryptoCell integration · e60f2af9
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch makes the necessary changes to enable ARM platform to
      successfully integrate CryptoCell during Trusted Board Boot. The
      changes are as follows:
      * A new build option `ARM_CRYPTOCELL_INTEG` is introduced to select
        the CryptoCell crypto driver for Trusted Board boot.
      * The TrustZone filter settings for Non Secure DRAM is modified
        to allow CryptoCell to read this memory. This is required to
        authenticate BL33 which is loaded into the Non Secure DDR.
      * The CSS platforms are modified to use coherent stacks in BL1 and BL2
        when CryptoCell crypto is selected. This is because CryptoCell makes
        use of DMA to transfer data and the CryptoCell SBROM library allocates
        buffers on the stack during signature/hash verification.
      Change-Id: I1e6f6dcd1899784f1edeabfa2a9f279bbfb90e31
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  18. 22 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • dp-arm's avatar
      aarch64: Enable Statistical Profiling Extensions for lower ELs · d832aee9
      dp-arm authored
      SPE is only supported in non-secure state.  Accesses to SPE specific
      registers from SEL1 will trap to EL3.  During a world switch, before
      `TTBR` is modified the SPE profiling buffers are drained.  This is to
      avoid a potential invalid memory access in SEL1.
      SPE is architecturally specified only for AArch64.
      Change-Id: I04a96427d9f9d586c331913d815fdc726855f6b0
      Signed-off-by: default avatardp-arm <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
  19. 20 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  20. 05 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      CSS: Add SCMI driver for SCP · c04a3b6c
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch adds the SCMI driver for communicating with SCP. The power
      domain management and system power management protocol of the SCMI
      specification[1] is implemented in the driver. The SCP power management
      abstraction layer for SCMI for CSS power management is also added.
      A new buid option `CSS_USE_SCMI_DRIVER` is introduced to select SCMI
      driver over SCPI.
      [1] ARM System Control and Management Interface v1.0 (SCMI)
      Document number: ARM DEN 0056A
      Change-Id: I67265615a17e679a2afe810b9b0043711ba09dbb
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  21. 15 May, 2017 2 commits
  22. 04 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Jeenu Viswambharan's avatar
      Introduce ARM SiP service to switch execution state · b10d4499
      Jeenu Viswambharan authored
      In AArch64, privileged exception levels control the execution state
      (a.k.a. register width) of the immediate lower Exception Level; i.e.
      whether the lower exception level executes in AArch64 or AArch32 state.
      For an exception level to have its execution state changed at run time,
      it must request the change by raising a synchronous exception to the
      higher exception level.
      This patch implements and adds such a provision to the ARM SiP service,
      by which an immediate lower exception level can request to switch its
      execution state. The execution state is switched if the request is:
        - raised from non-secure world;
        - raised on the primary CPU, before any secondaries are brought online
          with CPU_ON PSCI call;
        - raised from an exception level immediately below EL3: EL2, if
          implemented; otherwise NS EL1.
      If successful, the SMC doesn't return to the caller, but to the entry
      point supplied with the call. Otherwise, the caller will observe the SMC
      returning with STATE_SW_E_DENIED code. If ARM Trusted Firmware is built
      for AArch32, the feature is not supported, and the call will always
      For the ARM SiP service:
        - Add SMC function IDs for both AArch32 and AArch64;
        - Increment the SiP service minor version to 2;
        - Adjust the number of supported SiP service calls.
      Add documentation for ARM SiP service.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#436
      Change-Id: I4347f2d6232e69fbfbe333b340fcd0caed0a4cea
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJeenu Viswambharan <jeenu.viswambharan@arm.com>
  23. 03 May, 2017 1 commit
  24. 29 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Scott Branden's avatar
      Move defines in utils.h to utils_def.h to fix shared header compile issues · 53d9c9c8
      Scott Branden authored
      utils.h is included in various header files for the defines in it.
      Some of the other header files only contain defines.  This allows the
      header files to be shared between host and target builds for shared defines.
      Recently types.h has been included in utils.h as well as some function
      Because of the inclusion of types.h conflicts exist building host tools
      abd these header files now.  To solve this problem,
      move the defines to utils_def.h and have this included by utils.h and
      change header files to only include utils_def.h and not pick up the new
      types.h being introduced.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#461
      Signed-off-by: default avatarScott Branden <scott.branden@broadcom.com>
      Remove utils_def.h from utils.h
      This patch removes utils_def.h from utils.h as it is not required.
      And also makes a minor change to ensure Juno platform compiles.
      Change-Id: I10cf1fb51e44a8fa6dcec02980354eb9ecc9fa29
  25. 20 Apr, 2017 2 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      AArch32: Add SP_MIN support for JUNO · 6f249345
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds support for SP_MIN on JUNO platform.
      The changes include addition of AArch32 assembly files,
      JUNO specific SP_MIN make file and miscellaneous changes
      in ARM platform files to enable support for SP_MIN.
      Change-Id: Id1303f422fc9b98b9362c757b1a4225a16fffc0b
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYatharth Kochar <yatharth.kochar@arm.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatardp-arm <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Changes to support execution in AArch32 state for JUNO · 07570d59
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      Following steps are required to boot JUNO in AArch32 state:
      1> BL1, in AArch64 state, loads BL2.
      2> BL2, in AArch64 state, initializes DDR.
        Loads SP_MIN & BL33 (AArch32 executable)images.
        Calls RUN_IMAGE SMC to go back to BL1.
      3> BL1 writes AArch32 executable opcodes, to load and branch
        at the entrypoint address of SP_MIN, at HI-VECTOR address and
        then request for warm reset in AArch32 state using RMR_EL3.
      This patch makes following changes to facilitate above steps:
      * Added assembly function to carry out step 3 above.
      * Added region in TZC that enables Secure access to the
        HI-VECTOR(0xFFFF0000) address space.
      * AArch32 image descriptor is used, in BL2, to load
        SP_MIN and BL33 AArch32 executable images.
      A new flag `JUNO_AARCH32_EL3_RUNTIME` is introduced that
      controls above changes. By default this flag is disabled.
      NOTE: BL1 and BL2 are not supported in AArch32 state for JUNO.
      Change-Id: I091d56a0e6d36663e6d9d2bb53c92c672195d1ec
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYatharth Kochar <yatharth.kochar@arm.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatardp-arm <dimitris.papastamos@arm.com>
  26. 19 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      ARM platforms: Add option to use xlat tables lib v1 · 3b211ff5
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      ARM platforms have migrated to the translation tables library v2.
      However, for testing purposes, it can be useful to temporarily switch
      back to the old version.
      This patch introduces the option `ARM_XLAT_TABLES_LIB_V1`, that switches
      to v1 of the library when is set to 1. By default, it is 0, so that ARM
      platforms use the new version unless specifically stated.
      Updated User Guide.
      Change-Id: I53d3c8dd97706f6af9c6fca0364a88ef341efd31
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  27. 03 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Douglas Raillard's avatar
      Fix ARM_BL31_IN_DRAM build · f9608bc8
      Douglas Raillard authored
      Some header files using the ULL() macro were not directly including
      utils.h where the macro definition resides. As a consequence, a linker
      script with values using this macro did not see the macro definition
      and kept the "ULL(<value>)" call in the preprocessed file, which lead to
      link error.
      Files using ULL() macro now include utils.h directly.
      Change-Id: I433a7f36bd21a156c20e69bc2a2bb406140ebdf9
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDouglas Raillard <douglas.raillard@arm.com>
  28. 27 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Summer Qin's avatar
      ARM platforms: Add support for MT bit in MPIDR · d8d6cf24
      Summer Qin authored
      This patch modifies some of the functions in ARM platform layer to cater
      for the case when multi-threading `MT` is set in MPIDR. A new build flag
      `ARM_PLAT_MT` is added, and when enabled, the functions accessing MPIDR
      now assume that the `MT` bit is set for the platform and access the bit
      fields accordingly.
      Also, a new API plat_arm_get_cpu_pe_count is added when `ARM_PLAT_MT` is
      enabled, returning the PE count within the physical cpu corresponding to
      Change-Id: I04ccf212ac3054a60882761f4087bae299af13cb
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSummer Qin <summer.qin@arm.com>
  29. 08 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      ARM platforms: Enable xlat tables lib v2 · bf75a371
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Modify ARM common makefile to use version 2 of the translation tables
      library and include the new header in C files.
      Simplify header dependencies related to this library to simplify the
      The following table contains information about the size increase in
      bytes for BL1 after applying this patch. The code has been compiled for
      different configurations of FVP in AArch64 mode with compiler GCC 4.9.3
      20150413. The sizes have been calculated with the output of `nm` by
      adding the size of all regions and comparing the total size before and
      after the change. They are sumarized in the table below:
                                     text   bss   data  total
              Release                +660   -20    +88   +728
              Debug                  +740   -20   +242   +962
              Debug (LOG_LEVEL=50)  +1120   -20   +317  +1417
      Change-Id: I539e307f158ab71e3a8b771640001fc1bf431b29
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntonio Nino Diaz <antonio.ninodiaz@arm.com>
  30. 02 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  31. 26 Jan, 2017 1 commit
    • David Cunado's avatar
      Resolve build errors flagged by GCC 6.2 · 9edac047
      David Cunado authored
      With GCC 6.2 compiler, more C undefined behaviour is being flagged as
      warnings, which result in build errors in ARM TF build.
      The specific issue that this patch resolves is the use of (1 << 31),
      which is predominantly used in case statements, where 1 is represented
      as a signed int. When shifted to msb the behaviour is undefined.
      The resolution is to specify 1 as an unsigned int using a convenience
      macro ULL(). A duplicate macro MAKE_ULL() is replaced.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#438
      Change-Id: I08e3053bbcf4c022ee2be33a75bd0056da4073e1
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Cunado <david.cunado@arm.com>
  32. 23 Jan, 2017 1 commit
    • Masahiro Yamada's avatar
      Use #ifdef for IMAGE_BL* instead of #if · 3d8256b2
      Masahiro Yamada authored
      One nasty part of ATF is some of boolean macros are always defined
      as 1 or 0, and the rest of them are only defined under certain
      For the former group, "#if FOO" or "#if !FOO" must be used because
      "#ifdef FOO" is always true.  (Options passed by $(call add_define,)
      are the cases.)
      For the latter, "#ifdef FOO" or "#ifndef FOO" should be used because
      checking the value of an undefined macro is strange.
      Here, IMAGE_BL* is handled by make_helpers/build_macro.mk like
        $(eval IMAGE := IMAGE_BL$(call uppercase,$(3)))
        $(OBJ): $(2)
                @echo "  CC      $$<"
                $$(Q)$$(CC) $$(TF_CFLAGS) $$(CFLAGS) -D$(IMAGE) -c $$< -o $$@
      This means, IMAGE_BL* is defined when building the corresponding
      image, but *undefined* for the other images.
      So, IMAGE_BL* belongs to the latter group where we should use #ifdef
      or #ifndef.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
  33. 15 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  34. 13 Dec, 2016 1 commit