1. 12 Jul, 2017 1 commit
    • Isla Mitchell's avatar
      Fix order of #includes · 2a4b4b71
      Isla Mitchell authored
      This fix modifies the order of system includes to meet the ARM TF coding
      standard. There are some exceptions in order to retain header groupings,
      minimise changes to imported headers, and where there are headers within
      the #if and #ifndef statements.
      Change-Id: I65085a142ba6a83792b26efb47df1329153f1624
      Signed-off-by: default avatarIsla Mitchell <isla.mitchell@arm.com>
  2. 05 Jun, 2017 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      cert_create: Use RSASSA-PSS signature scheme for certificates · 1f33ad4e
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch modifies the `cert_create` tool to use RSASSA-PSS scheme for
      signing the certificates. This is compliant with RSA PKCS_2_1 standard as
      mandated by TBBR.
      Note that the certificates generated by using cert_create tool after this
      patch can be authenticated during TBB only if the corresponding mbedtls
      driver in ARM Trusted Firmware has the corresponding support.
      Change-Id: If224f41c76b3c4765ae2af5259e67f73602818a4
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSoby Mathew <soby.mathew@arm.com>
  3. 23 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Masahiro Yamada's avatar
      cert: move platform_oid.h to include/tools_share for all platforms · bb41eb7a
      Masahiro Yamada authored
      Platforms aligned with TBBR are supposed to use their own OIDs, but
      defining the same macros with different OIDs does not provide any
      value (at least technically).
      For easier use of TBBR, this commit allows platforms to reuse the OIDs
      obtained by ARM Ltd.  This will be useful for non-ARM vendors that
      do not need their own extension fields in their certificate files.
      The OIDs of ARM Ltd. have been moved to include/tools_share/tbbr_oid.h
      Platforms can include <tbbr_oid.h> instead of <platform_oid.h> by
      defining USE_TBBR_DEFS as 1.  USE_TBBR_DEFS is 0 by default to keep the
      backward compatibility.
      For clarification, I inserted a blank line between headers from the
      include/ directory (#include <...>) and ones from a local directory
      (#include "..." ).
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMasahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@socionext.com>
  4. 03 May, 2017 1 commit
  5. 14 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  6. 11 Feb, 2017 3 commits
  7. 05 Jul, 2016 1 commit
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      Fix `cert_create` tool for Segmentation fault · f16db56a
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      With the introduction of commit `96103d5a`, the Certificate
      Generation tool is not able to generate FWU certificate and
      while doing so it does segmentation fault.
      This happens because it is now required to pass non-volatile
      counter values to the `cert_create` tool from the command line
      for creating the trusted firmware certificates.
      But in case of creating FWU certificate these counter values are not
      being passed to the tool and as a consequence the `cert_create` tool
      try to use the NULL argument and errors out with Segmentation fault.
      This patch fixes this issue by providing a check before using the
      command line argument passed in the case of `EXT_TYPE_NVCOUNTER`
      certificate extension.
      Change-Id: Ie17d0c1502b52aaa8500f3659c2da2448ab0347a
  8. 30 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      cert_create: add non-volatile counter support · 96103d5a
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds non-volatile counter support to the Certificate
      Generation tool. The TBBR Chain of Trust definition in the tool
      has been extended to include the counters as certificate extensions.
      The counter values can be specified in the command line.
      The following default counter values are specified in the build
        * Trusted FW Non-Volatile counter = 0
        * Non-Trusted FW Non-Volatile counter = 0
      These values can be overridden by the platform at build time.
      Change-Id: I7ea10ee78d72748d181df4ee78a7169b3ef2720c
  9. 07 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      cert_create: update help message · 159807e2
      Juan Castillo authored
      The help message printed by the cert_create tool using the command
      line option -h (or --help) does not correctly list all the available
      command line options.
      This patch reworks the print_help() function to print the help
      messages in a data driven approach. For each command line option
      registered, an optional help message can be specified, which will
      be printed by print_help().
      Help messages for the TBBR options (certificates, keys and images)
      are also provided.
      Fix a small bug in the short options string passed to getopt_long:
      the ':' was missing in the '-a' option (this option must take an
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#337
      Change-Id: I9d08c2dfd349022808fcc884724f677eefdc1452
  10. 14 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      Replace all SCP FW (BL0, BL3-0) references · f59821d5
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch replaces all references to the SCP Firmware (BL0, BL30,
      BL3-0, bl30) with the image terminology detailed in the TF wiki
          BL0          -->  SCP_BL1
          BL30, BL3-0  -->  SCP_BL2
          bl30         -->  scp_bl2
      This change affects code, documentation, build system, tools and
      platform ports that load SCP firmware. ARM plaforms have been
      updated to the new porting API.
      IMPORTANT: build option to specify the SCP FW image has changed:
          BL30 --> SCP_BL2
      IMPORTANT: This patch breaks compatibility for platforms that use BL2
      to load SCP firmware. Affected platforms must be updated as follows:
          BL30_IMAGE_ID --> SCP_BL2_IMAGE_ID
          BL30_BASE --> SCP_BL2_BASE
          bl2_plat_get_bl30_meminfo() --> bl2_plat_get_scp_bl2_meminfo()
          bl2_plat_handle_bl30() --> bl2_plat_handle_scp_bl2()
      Change-Id: I24c4c1a4f0e4b9f17c9e4929da815c4069549e58
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: apply TBBR naming convention to certificates and extensions · 516beb58
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch applies the TBBR naming convention to the certificates
      and the corresponding extensions defined by the CoT:
          * Certificate UUID names
          * Certificate identifier names
          * OID names
      Changes apply to:
          * Generic code (variables and defines)
          * The default certificate identifiers provided in the generic
          * Build system
          * ARM platforms port
          * cert_create tool internal definitions
          * fip_create and cert_create tools command line options
          * Documentation
      IMPORTANT: this change breaks the compatibility with platforms
      that use TBBR. The platform will need to adapt the identifiers
      and OIDs to the TBBR naming convention introduced by this patch:
      Certificate UUIDs:
      Certificate identifiers:
          BL30_HASH_OID --> SCP_FW_HASH_OID
          BL31_HASH_OID --> SOC_AP_FW_HASH_OID
      Change-Id: I1e047ae046299ca913911c39ac3a6e123bd41079
  11. 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add FWU support to `cert_create` tool · cebe1f23
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      Firmware Update requires an X509v3 certificate which contains
      hashes for SCP_BL2U, BL2U and NS_BL2U images as extensions.
      This patch extends the Chain of Trust definition in the
      'cert_create' tool to include the Firmware Update certificate
      and the required extensions (including command line options).
      A new field in the extension structure will be used to indicate
      that the extension is optional. In the case of an image hash
      extension, this field will tell the tool that the hash should
      be included in the certificate, but filled with zeros.
      Change-Id: I1f77a66b018826b71745910771f38d9cf6050388
  12. 23 Oct, 2015 2 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      cert_create: specify command line options in the CoT · ad2c1a9a
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch introduces a new API that allows to specify command
      line options in the Chain of Trust description. These command line
      options may be used to specify parameters related to the CoT (i.e.
      keys or certificates), instead of keeping a hardcoded list of
      options in main.c.
      Change-Id: I282b0b01cb9add557b26bddc238a28253ce05e44
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      cert_create: improve command line argument check · dfc90e26
      Juan Castillo authored
      The certificate generation tool currently checks if all command
      line options required to create all certificates in the CoT have
      been specified. This prevents using the tool to create individual
      certificates when the whole CoT is not required.
      This patch improves the checking function so only those options
      required by the certificates specified in the command line are
      Change-Id: I2c426a8e2e2dec85b15f2d98fd4ba949c1aed385
  13. 16 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: rework cert_create tool to follow a data driven approach · 55e291a4
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch reworks the certificate generation tool to follow a data
      driven approach. The user may specify at build time the certificates,
      keys and extensions defined in the CoT, register them using the
      appropiate macros and the tool will take care of creating the
      certificates corresponding to the CoT specified.
      Change-Id: I29950b39343c3e1b71718fce0e77dcf2a9a0be2f
  14. 01 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: build 'cert_create' with ECDSA only if OpenSSL supports it · ed2a76ea
      Juan Castillo authored
      Some Linux distributions include an OpenSSL library which has been
      built without ECDSA support. Trying to build the certificate
      generation tool on those distributions will result in a build error.
      This patch fixes that issue by including ECDSA support only if
      OpenSSL has been built with ECDSA. In that case, the OpenSSL
      configuration file does not define the OPENSSL_NO_EC macro. The tool
      will build successfully, although the resulting binary will not
      support ECDSA keys.
      Change-Id: I4627d1abd19eef7ad3251997d8218599187eb902
  15. 25 Jun, 2015 2 commits
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add ECDSA support to the certificate generation tool · ccbf890e
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch extends the 'cert_create' tool to support ECDSA keys
      to sign the certificates. The '--key-alg' command line option
      can be used to specify the key algorithm when invoking the tool.
      Available options are:
          * 'rsa': create RSA-2048 keys (default option)
          * 'ecdsa': create ECDSA-SECP256R1 keys
      The TF Makefile has been updated to allow the platform to specify
      the key algorithm by declaring the 'KEY_ALG' variable in the
      platform makefile.
      The behaviour regarding key management has changed. After applying
      this patch, the tool will try first to open the keys from disk. If
      one key does not exist or no key is specified, and the command line
      option to create keys has been specified, new keys will be created.
      Otherwise an error will be generated and the tool will exit. This
      way, the user may specify certain keys while the tool will create
      the remaining ones. This feature is useful for testing purposes
      and CI infrastructures.
      The OpenSSL directory may be specified using the build option
      'OPENSSL_DIR' when building the certificate generation tool.
      Default is '/usr'.
      Change-Id: I98bcc2bfab28dd7179f17f1177ea7a65698df4e7
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: use ASN.1 type DigestInfo to represent hashes · c3da66b1
      Juan Castillo authored
      The cert_create tool calculates the hash of each BL image and includes
      it as an ASN.1 OCTET STRING in the corresponding certificate extension.
      Without additional information, the firmware running on the platform
      has to know in advance the algorithm used to generate the hash.
      This patch modifies the cert_create tool so the certificate extensions
      that include an image hash are generated according to the following
      ASN.1 structure:
          DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
              digestAlgorithm  AlgorithmIdentifier,
              digest           OCTET STRING
          AlgorithmIdentifier ::=  SEQUENCE  {
              algorithm        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              parameters       ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL
      The PolarSSL module has been updated to extract the image hash
      from the certificate extension according to this structure.
      Change-Id: I6d83430f12a8a0eea8447bec7c936e903f644c85
  16. 05 Mar, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: use SHA256 to generate the certificate signatures · ea4ec3aa
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch replaces SHA1 by SHA256 in the 'cert_create' tool, so
      certificate signatures are generated according to the NSA Suite B
      cryptographic algorithm requirements.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Change-Id: I7be79e6b2b62dac8dc78a4f4f5006e37686bccf6
  17. 28 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add tool to generate certificates · 6f971622
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds a tool that generates all the necessary elements
      to establish the chain of trust (CoT) between the images.
      The tool reads the binary images and signing keys and outputs the
      corresponding certificates that will be used by the target at run
      time to verify the authenticity of the images.
      Note: the platform port must provide the file platform_oid.h. This
      file will define the OIDs of the x509 extensions that will be added
      to the certificates in order to establish the CoT.
      Change-Id: I2734d6808b964a2107ab3a4805110698066a04be