1. 20 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Antonio Nino Diaz's avatar
      Replace SP804 timer by generic delay timer on FVP · 32cd95f0
      Antonio Nino Diaz authored
      Added a build flag to select the generic delay timer on FVP instead
      of the SP804 timer. By default, the generic one will be selected. The
      user guide has been updated.
      Change-Id: Ica34425c6d4ed95a187b529c612f6d3b26b78bc6
  2. 28 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Change the default driver to GICv3 in FVP · a8af6a4d
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch changes the default driver for FVP platform from the deprecated
      GICv3 legacy to the GICv3 only driver. This means that the default build of
      Trusted Firmware will not be able boot Linux kernel with GICv2 FDT blob. The
      user guide is also updated to reflect this change of default GIC driver for
      Change-Id: Id6fc8c1ac16ad633dabb3cd189b690415a047764
  3. 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Migrate platform ports to the new xlat_tables library · 3e4b8fdc
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch modifies the upstream platform port makefiles to use the new
      xlat_tables library files. This patch also makes mmap region setup common
      between AArch64 and AArch32 for FVP platform port. The file `fvp_common.c`
      is moved from the `plat/arm/board/fvp/aarch64` folder to the parent folder
      as it is not specific to AArch64.
      Change-Id: Id2e9aac45e46227b6f83cccfd1e915404018ea0b
  4. 31 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  5. 19 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Allow multi cluster topology definitions for ARM platforms · 0108047a
      Soby Mathew authored
      The common topology description helper funtions and macros for
      ARM Standard platforms assumed a dual cluster system. This is not
      flexible enough to scale to multi cluster platforms. This patch does
      the following changes for more flexibility in defining topology:
      1. The `plat_get_power_domain_tree_desc()` definition is moved from
         `arm_topology.c` to platform specific files, that is `fvp_topology.c`
         and `juno_topology.c`. Similarly the common definition of the porting
         macro `PLATFORM_CORE_COUNT` in `arm_def.h` is moved to platform
         specific `platform_def.h` header.
      2. The ARM common layer porting macros which were dual cluster specific
         are now removed and a new macro PLAT_ARM_CLUSTER_COUNT is introduced
         which must be defined by each ARM standard platform.
      3. A new mandatory ARM common layer porting API
         `plat_arm_get_cluster_core_count()` is introduced to enable the common
         implementation of `arm_check_mpidr()` to validate MPIDR.
      4. For the FVP platforms, a new build option `FVP_NUM_CLUSTERS` has been
         introduced which allows the user to specify the cluster count to be
         used to build the topology tree within Trusted Firmare. This enables
         Trusted Firmware to be built for multi cluster FVP models.
      Change-Id: Ie7a2e38e5661fe2fdb2c8fdf5641d2b2614c2b6b
  6. 16 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Rework use of interconnect drivers · 6355f234
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      ARM Trusted Firmware supports 2 different interconnect peripheral
      drivers: CCI and CCN. ARM platforms are implemented using either of the
      interconnect peripherals.
      This patch adds a layer of abstraction to help ARM platform ports to
      choose the right interconnect driver and corresponding platform support.
      This is as described below:
      1. A set of ARM common functions have been implemented to initialise an
      interconnect and for entering/exiting a cluster from coherency. These
      functions are prefixed as "plat_arm_interconnect_". Weak definitions of
      these functions have been provided for each type of driver.
      2.`plat_print_interconnect_regs` macro used for printing CCI registers is
      moved from a common arm_macros.S to cci_macros.S.
      3. The `ARM_CONFIG_HAS_CCI` flag used in `arm_config_flags` structure
      is renamed to `ARM_CONFIG_HAS_INTERCONNECT`.
      Change-Id: I02f31184fbf79b784175892d5ce1161b65a0066c
  7. 15 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Perform security setup separately for each ARM platform · a9cc84d7
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      Prior to this patch, it was assumed that on all ARM platforms the bare
      minimal security setup required is to program TrustZone protection. This
      would always be done by programming the TZC-400 which was assumed to be
      present in all ARM platforms. The weak definition of
      platform_arm_security_setup() in plat/arm/common/arm_security.c
      reflected these assumptions.
      In reality, each ARM platform either decides at runtime whether
      TrustZone protection needs to be programmed (e.g. FVPs) or performs
      some security setup in addition to programming TrustZone protection
      (e.g. NIC setup on Juno). As a result, the weak definition of
      plat_arm_security_setup() is always overridden.
      When a platform needs to program TrustZone protection and implements the
      TZC-400 peripheral, it uses the arm_tzc_setup() function to do so. It is
      also possible to program TrustZone protection through other peripherals
      that include a TrustZone controller e.g. DMC-500. The programmer's
      interface is slightly different across these various peripherals.
      In order to satisfy the above requirements, this patch makes the
      following changes to the way security setup is done on ARM platforms.
      1. arm_security.c retains the definition of arm_tzc_setup() and has been
         renamed to arm_tzc400.c. This is to reflect the reliance on the
         TZC-400 peripheral to perform TrustZone programming. The new file is
         not automatically included in all platform ports through
         arm_common.mk. Each platform must include it explicitly in a platform
         specific makefile if needed.
         This approach enables introduction of similar library code to program
         TrustZone protection using a different peripheral. This code would be
         used by the subset of ARM platforms that implement this peripheral.
      2. Due to #1 above, existing platforms which implements the TZC-400 have been
         updated to include the necessary files for both BL2, BL2U and BL31
      Change-Id: I513c58f7a19fff2e9e9c3b95721592095bcb2735
  8. 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      FVP: Compile ARM Cortex-A72 CPU support in · b13ed5ef
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      This patch enables the ARM Cortex-A72 support in BL1 and BL31 on FVP.
      This allows the same TF binaries to run on a Cortex-A72 based FVP
      without recompiling them.
      Change-Id: I4eb6bbad9f0e5d8704613f7c685c3bd22b45cf47
  9. 12 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  10. 09 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • Yatharth Kochar's avatar
      FWU: Add Firmware Update support in BL2U for ARM platforms · dcda29f6
      Yatharth Kochar authored
      This patch adds support for Firmware update in BL2U for ARM
      platforms such that TZC initialization is performed on all
      ARM platforms and (optionally) transfer of SCP_BL2U image on
      ARM CSS platforms.
      BL2U specific functions are added to handle early_platform and
      plat_arch setup. The MMU is configured to map in the BL2U
      code/data area and other required memory.
      Change-Id: I57863295a608cc06e6cbf078b7ce34cbd9733e4f
    • Achin Gupta's avatar
      Rework use of ARM GIC drivers on ARM platforms · 27573c59
      Achin Gupta authored
      Suport for ARM GIC v2.0 and v3.0 drivers has been reworked to create three
      separate drivers instead of providing a single driver that can work on both
      versions of the GIC architecture. These drivers correspond to the following
      software use cases:
      1. A GICv2 only driver that can run only on ARM GIC v2.0 implementations
         e.g. GIC-400
      2. A GICv3 only driver that can run only on ARM GIC v3.0 implementations
         e.g. GIC-500 in a mode where all interrupt regimes use GICv3 features
      3. A deprecated GICv3 driver that operates in legacy mode. This driver can
         operate only in the GICv2 mode in the secure world. On a GICv3 system, this
         driver allows normal world to run in either GICv3 mode (asymmetric mode)
         or in the GICv2 mode. Both modes of operation are deprecated on GICv3
      ARM platforms implement both versions of the GIC architecture. This patch adds a
      layer of abstraction to help ARM platform ports chose the right GIC driver and
      corresponding platform support. This is as described below:
      1. A set of ARM common functions have been introduced to initialise the GIC and
         the driver during cold and warm boot. These functions are prefixed as
         "plat_arm_gic_". Weak definitions of these functions have been provided for
         each type of driver.
      2. Each platform includes the sources that implement the right functions
         directly into the its makefile. The FVP can be instantiated with different
         versions of the GIC architecture. It uses the FVP_USE_GIC_DRIVER build option
         to specify which of the three drivers should be included in the build.
      3. A list of secure interrupts has to be provided to initialise each of the
        three GIC drivers. For GIC v3.0 the interrupt ids have to be further
        categorised as Group 0 and Group 1 Secure interrupts. For GIC v2.0, the two
        types are merged and treated as Group 0 interrupts.
        The two lists of interrupts are exported from the platform_def.h. The lists
        are constructed by adding a list of board specific interrupt ids to a list of
        ids common to all ARM platforms and Compute sub-systems.
      This patch also makes some fields of `arm_config` data structure in FVP redundant
      and these unused fields are removed.
      Change-Id: Ibc8c087be7a8a6b041b78c2c3bd0c648cd2035d8
  11. 02 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add Trusted Watchdog support on ARM platforms · 7b4c1405
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds watchdog support on ARM platforms (FVP and Juno).
      A secure instance of SP805 is used as Trusted Watchdog. It is
      entirely managed in BL1, being enabled in the early platform setup
      hook and disabled in the exit hook. By default, the watchdog is
      enabled in every build (even when TBB is disabled).
      A new ARM platform specific build option `ARM_DISABLE_TRUSTED_WDOG`
      has been introduced to allow the user to disable the watchdog at
      build time. This feature may be used for testing or debugging
      Specific error handlers for Juno and FVP are also provided in this
      patch. These handlers will be called after an image load or
      authentication error. On FVP, the Table of Contents (ToC) in the FIP
      is erased. On Juno, the corresponding error code is stored in the
      V2M Non-Volatile flags register. In both cases, the CPU spins until
      a watchdog reset is generated after 256 seconds (as specified in
      the TBBR document).
      Change-Id: I9ca11dcb0fe15af5dbc5407ab3cf05add962f4b4
  12. 13 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      PSCI: Migrate ARM reference platforms to new platform API · 38dce70f
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch migrates ARM reference platforms, Juno and FVP, to the new platform
      API mandated by the new PSCI power domain topology and composite power state
      frameworks. The platform specific makefiles now exports the build flag
      ENABLE_PLAT_COMPAT=0 to disable the platform compatibility layer.
      Change-Id: I3040ed7cce446fc66facaee9c67cb54a8cd7ca29
  13. 25 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add platform API to read the ROTPK information · 95cfd4ad
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch extends the platform port by adding an API that returns
      either the Root of Trust public key (ROTPK) or its hash. This is
      usually stored in ROM or eFUSE memory. The ROTPK returned must be
      encoded in DER format according to the following ASN.1 structure:
          SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
              algorithm           AlgorithmIdentifier,
              subjectPublicKey    BIT STRING
      In case the platform returns a hash of the key:
          DigestInfo  ::= SEQUENCE {
              digestAlgorithm     AlgorithmIdentifier,
              keyDigest           OCTET STRING
      An implementation for ARM development platforms is provided in this
      patch. When TBB is enabled, the ROTPK hash location must be specified
      using the build option 'ARM_ROTPK_LOCATION'. Available options are:
          - 'regs' : return the ROTPK hash stored in the Trusted
            root-key storage registers.
          - 'devel_rsa' : return a ROTPK hash embedded in the BL1 and
            BL2 binaries. This hash has been obtained from the development
            RSA public key located in 'plat/arm/board/common/rotpk'.
      On FVP, the number of MMU tables has been increased to map and
      access the ROTPK registers.
      A new file 'board_common.mk' has been added to improve code sharing
      in the ARM develelopment platforms.
      Change-Id: Ib25862e5507d1438da10773e62bd338da8f360bf
  14. 18 Jun, 2015 1 commit
    • Ryan Harkin's avatar
      FVP: Add SP804 delay timer · b49b3221
      Ryan Harkin authored
      Add SP804 delay timer support to the FVP BSP.
      This commit simply provides the 3 constants needed by the SP804
      delay timer driver and calls sp804_timer_init() in
      bl2_platform_setup(). The BSP does not currently use the delay
      timer functions.
      Note that the FVP SP804 is a normal world accessible peripheral
      and should not be used by the secure world after transition
      to the normal world.
      Change-Id: I5f91d2ac9eb336fd81943b3bb388860dfb5f2b39
      Co-authored-by: default avatarDan Handley <dan.handley@arm.com>
  15. 28 Apr, 2015 2 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move FVP port to plat/arm/board/fvp · 3fc4124c
      Dan Handley authored
      Move the FVP port from plat/fvp to plat/arm/board/fvp. Also rename
      some of the files so they are consistently prefixed with fvp_.
      Update the platform makefiles accordingly.
      Change-Id: I7569affc3127d66405f1548fc81b878a858e61b7
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Migrate FVP port to use common code · 60eea55e
      Dan Handley authored
      Major update to the FVP platform port to use the common platform code
      in (include/)plat/arm/* and (include/)plat/common/*. This mainly
      consists of removing duplicated code but also introduces some small
      behavioural changes where there was unnecessary variation between the
      FVP and Juno ports. See earlier commit titled `Add common ARM and CSS
      platform code` for details.
      Also add support for Foundation FVP version 9.1 during FVP config
      setup to prevent a warning being emitted in the console.
      Change-Id: I254ca854987642ce09d1b924c9fd410a6e13e3bc
  16. 16 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  17. 28 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      TBB: add a platform specific function to validate the ROTPK · 6eadf762
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch adds the function plat_match_rotpk() to the platform
      porting layer to provide a Root Of Trust Public key (ROTPK)
      verification mechanism. This function is called during the
      Trusted Board Boot process and receives a supposed valid copy
      of the ROTPK as a parameter, usually obtained from an external
      source (for instance, a certificate). It returns 0 (success) if
      that key matches the actual ROTPK stored in the system or any
      other value otherwise.
      The mechanism to access the actual ROTPK stored in the system
      is platform specific and should be implemented as part of this
      function. The format of the ROTPK is also platform specific
      (to save memory, some platforms might store a hash of the key
      instead of the whole key).
      TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT build option has been added to allow the user
      to enable the Trusted Board Boot features. The implementation of
      the plat_match_rotpk() funtion is mandatory when Trusted Board
      Boot is enabled.
      For development purposes, FVP and Juno ports provide a dummy
      function that returns always success (valid key). A safe trusted
      boot implementation should provide a proper matching function.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Change-Id: I74ff12bc2b041556c48533375527d9e8c035b8c3
  18. 26 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      FVP: Allow BL3-2 to sit in the secure region of DRAM · 513dd3a0
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch allows the secure payload (BL3-2) to be loaded in the
      DRAM region secured by the TrustZone controller (top 16 MB of DRAM1).
      The location of BL3-2 can be selected at build time by setting the
      build flag FVP_TSP_RAM_LOCATION to one of the following options:
        - 'tsram' : Trusted SRAM (this is the default option)
        - 'tdram' : Trusted DRAM
        - 'dram'  : Secure region in DRAM1 (top 16MB configured by the
                    TrustZone controller)
      The number of MMU tables in BL3-2 depends on its location in
      memory: 3 in case it is loaded in DRAM, 2 otherwise.
      Documentation updated accordingly.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#212
      Change-Id: I371eef3a4159f06a0c9e3c6c1f4c905b2f93803a
  19. 22 Oct, 2014 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      FVP: keep shared data in Trusted SRAM · 20d51cad
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch deprecates the build option to relocate the shared data
      into Trusted DRAM in FVP. After this change, shared data is always
      located at the base of Trusted SRAM. This reduces the complexity
      of the memory map and the number of combinations in the build
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#257
      Change-Id: I68426472567b9d8c6d22d8884cb816f6b61bcbd3
  20. 20 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Introduce framework for CPU specific operations · 9b476841
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch introduces a framework which will allow CPUs to perform
      implementation defined actions after a CPU reset, during a CPU or cluster power
      down, and when a crash occurs. CPU specific reset handlers have been implemented
      in this patch. Other handlers will be implemented in subsequent patches.
      Also moved cpu_helpers.S to the new directory lib/cpus/aarch64/.
      Change-Id: I1ca1bade4d101d11a898fb30fea2669f9b37b956
  21. 14 Aug, 2014 2 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move IO storage source to drivers directory · 935db693
      Dan Handley authored
      Move the remaining IO storage source file (io_storage.c) from the
      lib to the drivers directory. This requires that platform ports
      explicitly add this file to the list of source files.
      Also move the IO header files to a new sub-directory, include/io.
      Change-Id: I862b1252a796b3bcac0d93e50b11e7fb2ded93d6
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      FVP: make usage of Trusted DRAM optional at build time · 186c1d4b
      Juan Castillo authored
      This patch groups the current contents of the Trusted DRAM region at
      address 0x00_0600_0000 (entrypoint mailboxes and BL3-1 parameters) in
      a single shared memory area that may be allocated to Trusted SRAM
      (default) or Trusted DRAM at build time by setting the
      FVP_SHARED_DATA_LOCATION make variable. The size of this shared
      memory is 4096 bytes.
      The combination 'Shared data in Trusted SRAM + TSP in Trusted DRAM'
      is not currently supported due to restrictions in the maximum number
      of mmu tables that can be created.
      Documentation has been updated to reflect these changes.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#100
      Change-Id: I26ff04d33ce4cacf8d770d1a1e24132b4fc53ff0
  22. 12 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Juan Castillo's avatar
      FVP: apply new naming conventions to memory regions · 637ebd2e
      Juan Castillo authored
      Secure ROM at address 0x0000_0000 is defined as FVP_TRUSTED_ROM
      Secure RAM at address 0x0400_0000 is defined as FVP_TRUSTED_SRAM
      Secure RAM at address 0x0600_0000 is defined as FVP_TRUSTED_DRAM
      BLn_BASE and BLn_LIMIT definitions have been updated and are based on
      these new memory regions.
      The available memory for each bootloader in the linker script is
      defined by BLn_BASE and BLn_LIMIT, instead of the complete memory
      TZROM_BASE/SIZE and TZRAM_BASE/SIZE are no longer required as part of
      the platform porting.
      FVP common definitions are defined in fvp_def.h while platform_def.h
      contains exclusively (with a few exceptions) the definitions that are
      mandatory in the porting guide. Therefore, platform_def.h now includes
      fvp_def.h instead of the other way around.
      Porting guide has been updated to reflect these changes.
      Change-Id: I39a6088eb611fc4a347db0db4b8f1f0417dbab05
  23. 28 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Introduce asm console functions in TF · fce5f750
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch replaces the pl011 console family of functions
      with their equivalents defined in assembly. The baud rate is
      defined by the PL011_BAUDRATE macro and IBRD and FBRD values
      for pl011 are computed statically. This patch will enable
      us to invoke the console functions without the C Runtime Stack.
      Change-Id: Ic3f7b7370ded38bf9020bf746b362081b76642c7
  24. 17 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      Define ARM_GIC_ARCH default value for all platforms · 2b98e789
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The ARM_GIC_ARCH build option was supposed to default to 2 on all
      platforms. However, the default value was set in the FVP makefile
      so for all other platforms it wasn't even defined.
      This patch moves the default value to the main Makefile. The platform
      port can then override it if needed.
      Change-Id: I8e2da1cce7ffa3ed18814bbdcbcf2578101f18a6
  25. 09 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Refactor fvp gic code to be a generic driver · 1e8c5c4f
      Dan Handley authored
      Refactor the FVP gic code in plat/fvp/fvp_gic.c to be a generic ARM
      GIC driver in drivers/arm/gic/arm_gic.c. Provide the platform
      specific inputs in the arm_gic_setup() function so that the driver
      has no explicit dependency on platform code.
      Provide weak implementations of the platform interrupt controller
      API in a new file, plat/common/plat_gic.c. These simply call through
      to the ARM GIC driver.
      Move the only remaining FVP GIC function, fvp_gic_init() to
      plat/fvp/aarch64/fvp_common.c and remove plat/fvp/fvp_gic.c
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#182
      Change-Id: Iea82fe095fad62dd33ba9efbddd48c57717edd21
  26. 24 Jun, 2014 2 commits
    • Andrew Thoelke's avatar
      Inline the mmio accessor functions · 5e113753
      Andrew Thoelke authored
      Making the simple mmio_read_*() and mmio_write_*() functions inline
      saves 360 bytes of code in FVP release build.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#210
      Change-Id: I65134f9069f3b2d8821d882daaa5fdfe16355e2f
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Simplify entry point information generation code on FVP · 03396c43
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      This patch reworks FVP specific code responsible for determining
      the entry point information for BL3-2 and BL3-3 stages when BL3-1
      is configured as the reset handler.
      Change-Id: Ia661ff0a6a44c7aabb0b6c1684b2e8d3642d11ec
  27. 10 Jun, 2014 1 commit
    • Andrew Thoelke's avatar
      Make system register functions inline assembly · 5c3272a7
      Andrew Thoelke authored
      Replace the current out-of-line assembler implementations of
      the system register and system instruction operations with
      inline assembler.
      This enables better compiler optimisation and code generation
      when accessing system registers.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#91
      Change-Id: I149af3a94e1e5e5140a3e44b9abfc37ba2324476
  28. 23 May, 2014 2 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Add enable mmu platform porting interfaces · dff8e47a
      Dan Handley authored
      Previously, the enable_mmu_elX() functions were implicitly part of
      the platform porting layer since they were included by generic
      code. These functions have been placed behind 2 new platform
      functions, bl31_plat_enable_mmu() and bl32_plat_enable_mmu().
      These are weakly defined so that they can be optionally overridden
      by platform ports.
      Also, the enable_mmu_elX() functions have been moved to
      lib/aarch64/xlat_tables.c for optional re-use by platform ports.
      These functions are tightly coupled with the translation table
      initialization code.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#152
      Change-Id: I0a2251ce76acfa3c27541f832a9efaa49135cc1c
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Rename FVP specific files and functions · 17a387ad
      Dan Handley authored
      FVP specific files and functions containing the word "plat" have been
      renamed to use the word "fvp" to distinguish them from the common
      platform functionality and porting functions.
      Change-Id: I39f9673dab3ee9c74bd18b3e62b7c21027232f7d
  29. 22 May, 2014 3 commits
    • Achin Gupta's avatar
      Introduce interrupt registration framework in BL3-1 · e1333f75
      Achin Gupta authored
      This patch introduces a framework for registering interrupts routed to
      EL3. The interrupt routing model is governed by the SCR_EL3.IRQ and
      FIQ bits and the security state an interrupt is generated in. The
      framework recognizes three type of interrupts depending upon which
      exception level and security state they should be handled in
      i.e. Secure EL1 interrupts, Non-secure interrupts and EL3
      interrupts. It provides an API and macros that allow a runtime service
      to register an handler for a type of interrupt and specify the routing
      model. The framework validates the routing model and uses the context
      management framework to ensure that it is applied to the SCR_EL3 prior
      to entry into the target security state. It saves the handler in
      internal data structures. An API is provided to retrieve the handler
      when an interrupt of a particular type is asserted. Registration is
      expected to be done once by the primary CPU. The same handler and
      routing model is used for all CPUs.
      Support for EL3 interrupts will be added to the framework in the
      future. A makefile flag has been added to allow the FVP port choose
      between ARM GIC v2 and v3 support in EL3. The latter version is
      currently unsupported.
      A framework for handling interrupts in BL3-1 will be introduced in
      subsequent patches. The default routing model in the absence of any
      handlers expects no interrupts to be routed to EL3.
      Change-Id: Idf7c023b34fcd4800a5980f2bef85e4b5c29e649
    • Sandrine Bailleux's avatar
      fvp: Move TSP from Secure DRAM to Secure SRAM · 53514b29
      Sandrine Bailleux authored
      The TSP used to execute from secure DRAM on the FVPs because there was
      not enough space in Trusted SRAM to fit it in. Thanks to recent RAM
      usage enhancements being implemented, we have made enough savings for
      the TSP to execute in SRAM.
      However, there is no contiguous free chunk of SRAM big enough to hold
      the TSP. Therefore, the different bootloader images need to be moved
      around to reduce memory fragmentation. This patch keeps the overall
      memory layout (i.e. keeping BL1 R/W at the bottom, BL2 at the top and
      BL3-1 in between) but moves the base addresses of all the bootloader
      images in such a way that:
       - memory fragmentation is reduced enough to fit BL3-2 in;
       - new base addresses are suitable for release builds as well as debug
       - each image has a few extra kilobytes for future growth.
         BL3-1 and BL3-2 are the images which received the biggest slice
         of the cake since they will most probably grow the most.
      A few useful numbers for reference (valid at the time of this patch):
              |  image size (debug)   |  extra space for the future
      BL1 R/W |         20 KB         |            4 KB
      BL2     |         44 KB         |            4 KB
      BL3-1   |        108 KB         |           12 KB
      BL3-2   |         56 KB         |            8 KB
      Total   |        228 KB         |           28 KB       = 256 KB
      Although on FVPs the TSP now executes from Trusted SRAM by default,
      this patch keeps the option to execute it from Trusted DRAM. This is
      controlled by the build configuration 'TSP_RAM_LOCATION'.
      Fixes ARM-Software/tf-issues#81
      Change-Id: Ifb9ef2befa9a2d5ac0813f7f79834df7af992b94
    • Vikram Kanigiri's avatar
      Add support for BL3-1 as a reset vector · dbad1bac
      Vikram Kanigiri authored
      This change adds optional reset vector support to BL3-1
      which means BL3-1 entry point can detect cold/warm boot,
      initialise primary cpu, set up cci and mail box.
      When using BL3-1 as a reset vector it is assumed that
      the BL3-1 platform code can determine the location of
      the BL3-2 images, or load them as there are no parameters
      that can be passed to BL3-1 at reset.
      It also fixes the incorrect initialisation of mailbox
      registers on the FVP platform
      This feature can be enabled by building the code with
      make variable RESET_TO_BL31 set as 1
      Fixes ARM-software/TF-issues#133
      Fixes ARM-software/TF-issues#20
      Change-Id: I4e23939b1c518614b899f549f1e8d412538ee570
  30. 16 May, 2014 1 commit
    • Soby Mathew's avatar
      Rework BL3-1 unhandled exception handling and reporting · a43d431b
      Soby Mathew authored
      This patch implements the register reporting when unhandled exceptions are
      taken in BL3-1. Unhandled exceptions will result in a dump of registers
      to the console, before halting execution by that CPU. The Crash Stack,
      previously called the Exception Stack, is used for this activity.
      This stack is used to preserve the CPU context and runtime stack
      contents for debugging and analysis.
      This also introduces the per_cpu_ptr_cache, referenced by tpidr_el3,
      to provide easy access to some of BL3-1 per-cpu data structures.
      Initially, this is used to provide a pointer to the Crash stack.
      panic() now prints the the error file and line number in Debug mode
      and prints the PC value in release mode.
      The Exception Stack is renamed to Crash Stack with this patch.
      The original intention of exception stack is no longer valid
      since we intend to support several valid exceptions like IRQ
      and FIQ in the trusted firmware context. This stack is now
      utilized for dumping and reporting the system state when a
      crash happens and hence the rename.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#79 Improve reporting of unhandled exception
      Change-Id: I260791dc05536b78547412d147193cdccae7811a
  31. 06 May, 2014 3 commits
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Remove vpath usage in makefiles · bee82417
      Dan Handley authored
      Remove all usage of the vpath keyword in makefiles as it was prone
      to mistakes. Specify the relative paths to source files instead.
      Also reorder source files in makefiles alphabetically.
      Fixes ARM-software/tf-issues#121
      Change-Id: Id15f60655444bae60e0e2165259efac71a50928b
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move FVP power driver to FVP platform · e8246c07
      Dan Handley authored
      Move the FVP power driver to a directory under the FVP platform
      port as this is not a generically usable driver.
      Change-Id: Ibc78bd88752eb3e3964336741488349ac345f4f0
    • Dan Handley's avatar
      Move include and source files to logical locations · 4ecca339
      Dan Handley authored
      Move almost all system include files to a logical sub-directory
      under ./include. The only remaining system include directories
      not under ./include are specific to the platform. Move the
      corresponding source files to match the include directory
      Also remove pm.h as it is no longer used.
      Change-Id: Ie5ea6368ec5fad459f3e8a802ad129135527f0b3