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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Feb1918171514131211107654331Jan30292827242322212221201716151413121098763230Dec292625232019181716131211109643229Nov28Tegra: platform handler to relocate BL32 imageTegra: common: improve cyclomatic complexityTegra210: secure PMC hardware blockTegra: delay_timer: support for physical secure timerinclude: move MHZ_TICKS_PER_SEC to utils_def.hTegra194: memctrl: lock mc stream id security configTegra210: resume PMC hardware block for all platformsTegra: macro for legacy WDT FIQ handlingTegra186: enable higher performance non-cacheable load forwardingTegra210: enable higher performance non-cacheable load forwardingcpus: higher performance non-cacheable load forwardingUse consistent SMCCC error codeMerge "intel: Fix Coverity Scan Defects" into integrationintel: Fix Coverity Scan DefectsMerge "Update docs with PMU security information" into integrationMerge changes I72846d86,I70c3d873,If675796a,I0dbf8091,Ie4f3ac83, ... into integrationMerge "TBBR: Reduce size of hash buffers when possible" into integrationMerge "TBBR: Reduce size of ECDSA key buffers" into integrationMerge "corstone700: fdts: using DDR memory and XIP rootfs" into integrationboard/rddaniel: intialize tzc400 controllersplat/arm/tzc: add support to configure multiple tzc400plat/arm: allow boards to specify second DRAM Base addressplat/arm: allow boards to define PLAT_ARM_TZC_FILTERSMerge changes I5ca7a004,Ibcb336a2 into integrationboard/rdn1edge: use CREATE_SEQ helper macro to compare chip countbuild_macros: add create sequence helper functioncorstone700: fdts: using DDR memory and XIP rootfsMerge changes from topic "corstone700" into integrationMerge "coverity: fix MISRA violations" into integrationMerge "FVP: Fix BL31 load address and image size for RESET_TO_BL31=1" into integrationcoverity: fix MISRA violationsMerge changes I4e95678f,Ia7c28704,I1bb04bb4,I93d96dca,I50aef5dd into integrationAdd Matterhorn CPU libAdd CPULib for Klein CoreFVP: Fix BL31 load address and image size for RESET_TO_BL31=1TBBR: Reduce size of hash buffers when possibleTBBR: Reduce size of ECDSA key bufferscorstone700: set UART clocks to 32MHzcorstone700: clean-up as per coding style guideCorstone700: add support for mhuv2 in arm TF-A