ROMLIB: Optimize memory layout when ROMLIB is used
Louis Mayencourt authored
ROMLIB extract functions code from BL images to put them inside ROM.
This has for effect to reduce the size of the BL images.

This patch take this size reduction into consideration to optimize the
memory layout of BL2.
A new "PLAT_ARM_BL2_ROMLIB_OPTIMIZATION" macro is defined and used to
reduce "PLAT_ARM_MAX_BL2_SIZE". This allows to remove the gap between
BL1 and BL2 when ROMLIB is used and provides more room for BL31.

The current memory gain is 0x6000 for fvp and 0x8000 for juno.

Change-Id: I71c2c2c63b57bce5b22a125efaefc486ff3e87be
Signed-off-by: default avatarLouis Mayencourt <>

Trusted Firmware-A

Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) is a reference implementation of secure world software for Arm A-Profile architectures (Armv8-A and Armv7-A), including an Exception Level 3 (EL3) Secure Monitor. It provides a suitable starting point for productization of secure world boot and runtime firmware, in either the AArch32 or AArch64 execution states.

TF-A implements Arm interface standards, including:

The code is designed to be portable and reusable across hardware platforms and software models that are based on the Armv8-A and Armv7-A architectures.

In collaboration with interested parties, we will continue to enhance TF-A with reference implementations of Arm standards to benefit developers working with Armv7-A and Armv8-A TrustZone technology.

Users are encouraged to do their own security validation, including penetration testing, on any secure world code derived from TF-A.

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