"tmpfs-idr.patch" did not exist on "f9acb1a2f1e29c5215be413f34b55d62cded27a9"
  1. 09 Mar, 2019 2 commits
    • J. R. Okajima's avatar
      aufs: xino 1/2, core · 6fe05098
      J. R. Okajima authored
      XINO and XIB files are to maintain the inode numbers in aufs
      (cf. struct.txt and aufs manual in aufs-util.git).
      XINO file contains just a sequence of the inode numbers, and their
      offset in the file is real_inum x sizeof(inum).  So the size is limited
      by s_maxbytes of the filesystem where XINO file is located.  In order to
      support the larger inum, aufs stores XINO files as an internal array.
      Sometimes the size of XINO file can be a problem, ie. too big,
      particularly when XINO files are located on tmpfs. In this case, another
      separate patch tmpfs-ino.patch in aufs4-standalone.git is recommended
      (as well as vfs-ino.patch). The patch makes tmpfs to maintain inode
      number within itself and suppress its discontiguous distribution.
      See also the document in next commit.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJ. R. Okajima <hooanon05g@gmail.com>
    • J. R. Okajima's avatar
      aufs: workqueue · f04356cb
      J. R. Okajima authored
      Aufs uses the workqueue both synchronously and asynchronously.
      For sync-use-case, aufs uses its own specific wkq since doesn't want to
      be disturbed by other tasks on the system. For async-use-case, aufs uses
      the system global workqueue.
      Aufs has to prevent itself to being unmounted during the async-task is
      See also the document in this commit.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJ. R. Okajima <hooanon05g@gmail.com>