# Check if something is running on port $1 and display info
# Display warning with black background if service $2 is not running on a port $1
[[-n$(netstat-lnt|awk'$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ ".'$1'"')]]&&dialog--backtitle"$backtitle"--title"Checking service"--msgbox"\nIt looks good.\n\nThere is $2 service on port $1"952
SPACE_NEEDED=$(apt-get--assume-no--allow-unauthenticated--fix-missing--no-install-recommendsinstallopenmediavaultpostfixdirmngr2>/dev/null | awk -F" " '/additional disk space will be used/ {print $4}')
SPACE_NEEDED=$(apt-get--assume-no--allow-unauthenticated--fix-missing--no-install-recommendsinstallopenmediavaultpostfixdirmngr2>/dev/null | awk -F" " '/additional disk space will be used/ {print $4}')
dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --title "No space left on device" --msgbox "\nOpenMediaVault needs ${SPACE_NEEDED} MB for installation while only ${SPACE_AVAIL} MB are available." 7 52
dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "No space left on device" --msgbox "\nOpenMediaVault needs ${SPACE_NEEDED} MB for installation while only ${SPACE_AVAIL} MB are available." 7 52