Commit 5d2f4b15 authored by Igor Pecovnik's avatar Igor Pecovnik
Browse files

Display extra information when installing ISPconfig behind the router

parent f313be6c
......@@ -238,6 +238,33 @@ function server_conf
# Add some reqired date for installation
if [[ "$(curl -s" != "$serverIP" ]]; then
table="\Z2Application Protocol Port\n
FTP TCP 20\n
FTP TCP 21\n
Mail (SMTP) TCP 25\n
DNS TCP 53\n
Web (HTTP) TCP 80\n
Mail (POP3) TCP 110\n
Mail (IMAP) TCP 143\n
Web (HTTPS) TCP 443\n
Mail (SMTPS) TCP 465\n
Mail (SMTP) TCP 587\n
Mail (IMAPS) TCP 993\n
Mail (POP3S) TCP 995\n
Database TCP 3306\n
Chat (XMPP) TCP 5222\n
ISPConfig TCP 8080\n
ISPConfig TCP 8081\n
ISPConfig TCP 10000\n
DNS UDP 53\n
Database UDP 3306\n
dialog --colors --title "Warning" --msgbox "\nYour internal and external IP addresses are different which seems that you are behing a router. \n\nMake sure \Z1$serverIP\Z0 is a static IP address. Then forward external ports to those services which you plan to use.\n\n\n$table" 38 38
dialog --title "Server configuration" \
--ok-label "Install" \
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