Commit 71105141 authored by Igor Pecovnik's avatar Igor Pecovnik
Browse files

Creates a daily cronjob script to download armbian torrents, seed them and...

Creates a daily cronjob script to download armbian torrents, seed them and remove those who are not comming to the list any more
parent c4989437
......@@ -343,6 +343,44 @@ sed -e 's/exit 0//g' -i /etc/rc.local
service transmission-daemon restart
exit 0
dialog --title "Seed Armbian torrents" --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --yes-label "Yes" --no-label "Cancel" --yesno "\nDo you want to help \
community and seed armbian torrent files? It will ensure faster download for everyone. We need around 50Gb of your space." 10 44
if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
cat >> /etc/cron.daily/seed-armbian-torrent <<"EOF"
# armbian torrents auto update
# download latest torrent pack
rm -f /tmp/; wget -qO- -O /tmp/
# test zip for corruption
unzip -t /tmp/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "Error in zip" && exit
# extract zip
unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp/torrent-tmp >/dev/null 2>&1
# create list of current active torrents
transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -l | sed '1d; $d' > /tmp/torrent-tmp/active.torrents
# loop and add/update torrent files
for f in /tmp/torrent-tmp/*.torrent; do
transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -a $f > /dev/null 2>&1
# remove added from the list
pattern="${f//.torrent}"; pattern="${pattern//\/tmp\/torrent-tmp\/}";
sed -i "/$pattern/d" /tmp/torrent-tmp/active.torrents
# remove old armbian torrents
while read i; do
[[ $i == *Armbian_* ]] && transmission-remote -n 'transmission:transmission' -t $(echo "$i" | awk '{print $1}';) --remove-and-delete
done < /tmp/torrent-tmp/active.torrents
# remove temporally files and direcotories
rm -rf /tmp/torrent-tmp
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/seed-armbian-torrent
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