Commit 0ee6c5a2 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen
Browse files

extract libp2p examples to go-libp2p-examples

parent 9e5ef7a4
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ go:
- 1.9.x
- make deps-protocol-muxing
- make deps
- bash <(curl -s
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ gx:
go get
go get
deps-protocol-muxing: deps
go get -u
go get -u
deps: gx
gx --verbose install --global
gx-go rewrite
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ There is currently only one bundle of `go-libp2p`, this package. This bundle is
### Examples
Examples can be found on the [examples folder](examples).
Examples can be found in the [examples repo](
## Development
# go-libp2p Examples
# `go-libp2p` examples and tutorials
In this folder, you can find a variety of examples to help you get started in using go-libp2p. Every example as a specific purpose and some of each incorporate a full tutorial that you can follow through, helping you expand your knowledge about libp2p and p2p networks in general.
Let us know if you find any issue or if you want to contribute and add a new tutorial, feel welcome to submit a pr, thank you!
## Examples and Tutorials
- [The libp2p 'host'](./libp2p-host)
- [Building an http proxy with libp2p](./http-proxy)
- [Protocol Multiplexing with multicodecs](./protocol-multiplexing-with-multicodecs)
- [An echo host](./echo)
- [Multicodecs with protobufs](./multipro)
- [P2P chat application](./chat)
\ No newline at end of file
The go-libp2p examples have moved to [go-libp2p-examples](
# p2p chat app with libp2p
This program demonstrates a simple p2p chat application. It can work between two peers if
1. Both have private IP address (same network).
2. At least one of them has a public IP address.
Assume if 'A' and 'B' are on different networks host 'A' may or may not have a public IP address but host 'B' has one.
Usage: Run `./chat -sp <SOURCE_PORT>` on host 'B' where <SOURCE_PORT> can be any port number. Now run `./chat -d <MULTIADDR_B>` on node 'A' [`<MULTIADDR_B>` is multiaddress of host 'B' which can be obtained from host 'B' console].
## Build
To build the example, first run `make deps` in the root directory.
> make deps
> go build ./examples/chat
## Usage
On node 'B'
> ./chat -sp 3001
Run ./chat -d /ip4/
2018/02/27 01:21:32 Got a new stream!
> hi (received messages in green colour)
> hello (sent messages in white colour)
> no
On node 'A'. Replace with <PUBLIC_IP> if node 'B' has one.
> ./chat -d /ip4/
Run ./chat -d /ip4/
This node's multiaddress:
> hi
> hello
**NOTE: debug mode is enabled by default, debug mode will always generate same node id (on each node) on every execution. Disable debug using `--debug false` flag while running your executable.**
## Authors
1. Abhishek Upperwal
\ No newline at end of file
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2014 Juan Batiz-Benet
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* This program demonstrate a simple chat application using p2p communication.
package main
import (
mrand "math/rand"
* addAddrToPeerstore parses a peer multiaddress and adds
* it to the given host's peerstore, so it knows how to
* contact it. It returns the peer ID of the remote peer.
* @credit examples/http-proxy/proxy.go
func addAddrToPeerstore(h host.Host, addr string) peer.ID {
// The following code extracts target's the peer ID from the
// given multiaddress
ipfsaddr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
pid, err := ipfsaddr.ValueForProtocol(multiaddr.P_IPFS)
if err != nil {
peerid, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pid)
if err != nil {
// Decapsulate the /ipfs/<peerID> part from the target
// /ip4/<a.b.c.d>/ipfs/<peer> becomes /ip4/<a.b.c.d>
targetPeerAddr, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(
fmt.Sprintf("/ipfs/%s", peer.IDB58Encode(peerid)))
targetAddr := ipfsaddr.Decapsulate(targetPeerAddr)
// We have a peer ID and a targetAddr so we add
// it to the peerstore so LibP2P knows how to contact it
h.Peerstore().AddAddr(peerid, targetAddr, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
return peerid
func handleStream(s net.Stream) {
log.Println("Got a new stream!")
// Create a buffer stream for non blocking read and write.
rw := bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(s), bufio.NewWriter(s))
go readData(rw)
go writeData(rw)
// stream 's' will stay open until you close it (or the other side closes it).
func readData(rw *bufio.ReadWriter) {
for {
str, _ := rw.ReadString('\n')
if str == "" {
if str != "\n" {
// Green console colour: \x1b[32m
// Reset console colour: \x1b[0m
fmt.Printf("\x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m> ", str)
func writeData(rw *bufio.ReadWriter) {
stdReader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for {
fmt.Print("> ")
sendData, err := stdReader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
rw.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", sendData))
func main() {
sourcePort := flag.Int("sp", 0, "Source port number")
dest := flag.String("d", "", "Dest MultiAddr String")
help := flag.Bool("help", false, "Display Help")
debug := flag.Bool("debug", true, "Debug generated same node id on every execution.")
if *help {
fmt.Printf("This program demonstrates a simple p2p chat application using libp2p\n\n")
fmt.Printf("Usage: Run './chat -sp <SOURCE_PORT>' where <SOURCE_PORT> can be any port number. Now run './chat -d <MULTIADDR>' where <MULTIADDR> is multiaddress of previous listener host.\n")
// If debug is enabled used constant random source else cryptographic randomness.
var r io.Reader
if *debug {
// Constant random source. This will always generate the same host ID on multiple execution.
// Don't do this in production code.
r = mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(int64(*sourcePort)))
} else {
r = rand.Reader
// Creates a new RSA key pair for this host
prvKey, _, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPairWithReader(crypto.RSA, 2048, r)
if err != nil {
// will listen on any interface device
sourceMultiAddr, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", *sourcePort))
// libp2p.New constructs a new libp2p Host.
// Other options can be added here.
host, err := libp2p.New(
if err != nil {
if *dest == "" {
// Set a function as stream handler.
// This function is called when a peer initiate a connection and starts a stream with this peer.
// Only applicable on the receiving side.
host.SetStreamHandler("/chat/1.0.0", handleStream)
fmt.Printf("Run './chat -d /ip4/' on another console.\n You can replace with public IP as well.\n", *sourcePort, host.ID().Pretty())
fmt.Printf("\nWaiting for incoming connection\n\n")
// Hang forever
<-make(chan struct{})
} else {
// Add destination peer multiaddress in the peerstore.
// This will be used during connection and stream creation by libp2p.
peerID := addAddrToPeerstore(host, *dest)
fmt.Println("This node's multiaddress: ")
// IP will be (listen on any interface) and port will be 0 (choose one for me).
// Although this node will not listen for any connection. It will just initiate a connect with
// one of its peer and use that stream to communicate.
fmt.Printf("%s/ipfs/%s\n", sourceMultiAddr, host.ID().Pretty())
// Start a stream with peer with peer Id: 'peerId'.
// Multiaddress of the destination peer is fetched from the peerstore using 'peerId'.
s, err := host.NewStream(context.Background(), peerID, "/chat/1.0.0")
if err != nil {
// Create a buffered stream so that read and writes are non blocking.
rw := bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(s), bufio.NewWriter(s))
// Create a thread to read and write data.
go writeData(rw)
go readData(rw)
// Hang forever.
select {}
# Echo client/server with libp2p
This is an example that quickly shows how to use the `go-libp2p` stack, including Host/Basichost, Network/Swarm, Streams, Peerstores and Multiaddresses.
This example can be started in either listen mode, or dial mode.
In listen mode, it will sit and wait for incoming connections on the `/echo/1.0.0` protocol. Whenever it receives a stream, it will write the message `"Hello, world!"` over the stream and close it.
In dial mode, the node will start up, connect to the given address, open a stream to the target peer, and read a message on the protocol `/echo/1.0.0`.
## Build
From `go-libp2p` base folder:
> make deps
> go build ./examples/echo
## Usage
> ./echo -secio -l 10000
2017/03/15 14:11:32 I am /ip4/
2017/03/15 14:11:32 Now run "./echo -l 10001 -d /ip4/ -secio" on a different terminal
2017/03/15 14:11:32 listening for connections
The listener libp2p host will print its `Multiaddress`, which indicates how it can be reached (ip4+tcp) and its randomly generated ID (`QmYo41Gyb...`)
Now, launch another node that talks to the listener:
> ./echo -secio -l 10001 -d /ip4/
The new node with send the message `"Hello, world!"` to the listener, which will in turn echo it over the stream and close it. The listener logs the message, and the sender logs the response.
## Details
The `makeBasicHost()` function creates a [go-libp2p-basichost]( object. `basichost` objects wrap [go-libp2 swarms]( and should be used preferentially. A [go-libp2p-swarm Network]( is a `swarm` which complies to the [go-libp2p-net Network interface]( and takes care of maintaining streams, connections, multiplexing different protocols on them, handling incoming connections etc.
In order to create the swarm (and a `basichost`), the example needs:
- An [ipfs-procotol ID]( like `QmNtX1cvrm2K6mQmMEaMxAuB4rTexhd87vpYVot4sEZzxc`. The example autogenerates a key pair on every run and uses an ID extracted from the public key (the hash of the public key). When using `-secio`, it uses the key pair to encrypt communications (otherwise, it leaves the connections unencrypted).
- A [Multiaddress](, which indicates how to reach this peer. There can be several of them (using different protocols or locations for example). Example: `/ip4/`.
- A [go-libp2p-peerstore](, which is used as a address book which matches node IDs to the multiaddresses through which they can be contacted. This peerstore gets autopopulated when manually opening a connection (with [`Connect()`]( Alternatively, we can manually [`AddAddr()`]( as in the example.
A `basichost` can now open streams (bi-directional channel between to peers) using [NewStream]( and use them to send and receive data tagged with a `Protocol.ID` (a string). The host can also listen for incoming connections for a given
`Protocol` with [`SetStreamHandle()`](
The example makes use of all of this to enable communication between a listener and a sender using protocol `/echo/1.0.0` (which could be any other thing).
package main
import (
mrand "math/rand"
golog ""
libp2p ""
crypto ""
host ""
net ""
peer ""
pstore ""
ma ""
gologging ""
// makeBasicHost creates a LibP2P host with a random peer ID listening on the
// given multiaddress. It will use secio if secio is true.
func makeBasicHost(listenPort int, secio bool, randseed int64) (host.Host, error) {
// If the seed is zero, use real cryptographic randomness. Otherwise, use a
// deterministic randomness source to make generated keys stay the same
// across multiple runs
var r io.Reader
if randseed == 0 {
r = rand.Reader
} else {
r = mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(randseed))
// Generate a key pair for this host. We will use it at least
// to obtain a valid host ID.
priv, _, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPairWithReader(crypto.RSA, 2048, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts := []libp2p.Option{
libp2p.ListenAddrStrings(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", listenPort)),
if !secio {
opts = append(opts, libp2p.NoSecurity)
basicHost, err := libp2p.New(context.Background(), opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Build host multiaddress
hostAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ipfs/%s", basicHost.ID().Pretty()))
// Now we can build a full multiaddress to reach this host
// by encapsulating both addresses:
addr := basicHost.Addrs()[0]
fullAddr := addr.Encapsulate(hostAddr)
log.Printf("I am %s\n", fullAddr)
if secio {
log.Printf("Now run \"./echo -l %d -d %s -secio\" on a different terminal\n", listenPort+1, fullAddr)
} else {
log.Printf("Now run \"./echo -l %d -d %s\" on a different terminal\n", listenPort+1, fullAddr)
return basicHost, nil
func main() {
// LibP2P code uses golog to log messages. They log with different
// string IDs (i.e. "swarm"). We can control the verbosity level for
// all loggers with:
golog.SetAllLoggers(gologging.INFO) // Change to DEBUG for extra info
// Parse options from the command line
listenF := flag.Int("l", 0, "wait for incoming connections")
target := flag.String("d", "", "target peer to dial")
secio := flag.Bool("secio", false, "enable secio")
seed := flag.Int64("seed", 0, "set random seed for id generation")
if *listenF == 0 {
log.Fatal("Please provide a port to bind on with -l")
// Make a host that listens on the given multiaddress
ha, err := makeBasicHost(*listenF, *secio, *seed)
if err != nil {
// Set a stream handler on host A. /echo/1.0.0 is
// a user-defined protocol name.
ha.SetStreamHandler("/echo/1.0.0", func(s net.Stream) {
log.Println("Got a new stream!")
if err := doEcho(s); err != nil {
} else {
if *target == "" {
log.Println("listening for connections")
select {} // hang forever
/**** This is where the listener code ends ****/
// The following code extracts target's the peer ID from the
// given multiaddress
ipfsaddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(*target)
if err != nil {
pid, err := ipfsaddr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_IPFS)
if err != nil {
peerid, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pid)
if err != nil {
// Decapsulate the /ipfs/<peerID> part from the target
// /ip4/<a.b.c.d>/ipfs/<peer> becomes /ip4/<a.b.c.d>
targetPeerAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(
fmt.Sprintf("/ipfs/%s", peer.IDB58Encode(peerid)))
targetAddr := ipfsaddr.Decapsulate(targetPeerAddr)
// We have a peer ID and a targetAddr so we add it to the peerstore
// so LibP2P knows how to contact it
ha.Peerstore().AddAddr(peerid, targetAddr, pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
log.Println("opening stream")
// make a new stream from host B to host A
// it should be handled on host A by the handler we set above because
// we use the same /echo/1.0.0 protocol
s, err := ha.NewStream(context.Background(), peerid, "/echo/1.0.0")
if err != nil {
_, err = s.Write([]byte("Hello, world!\n"))
if err != nil {
out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(s)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("read reply: %q\n", out)
// doEcho reads a line of data a stream and writes it back
func doEcho(s net.Stream) error {
buf := bufio.NewReader(s)
str, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("read: %s\n", str)
_, err = s.Write([]byte(str))
return err
# HTTP proxy service with libp2p
This examples shows how to create a simple HTTP proxy service with libp2p:
+----------------+ +-----------------+ XXX XXX XXX XXX
HTTP Request | | | | XX XX
+-----------------> | libp2p stream | | HTTP X X
| Local peer <----------------> Remote peer <-------------> HTTP SERVER - THE INTERNET XX
<-----------------+ | | | Req & Resp XX X
HTTP Response | libp2p host | | libp2p host | XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX
+----------------+ +-----------------+ XXXXX
In order to proxy an HTTP request, we create a local peer which listens on `localhost:9900`. HTTP requests performed to that address are tunneled via a libp2p stream to a remote peer, which then performs the HTTP requests and sends the response back to the local peer, which relays it to the user.
Note that this is a very simple approach to a proxy, and does not perform any header management, nor supports HTTPS. The `proxy.go` code is thoroughly commeted, detailing what is happening in every step.
## Build
From `go-libp2p` base folder:
> make deps
> go build ./examples/http-proxy
## Usage
First run the "remote" peer as follows. It will print a local peer address. If you would like to run this on a separate machine, please replace the IP accordingly:
> ./http-proxy
Proxy server is ready
libp2p-peer addresses:
The run the local peer, indicating that it will need to forward http requests to the remote peer as follows:
> ./http-proxy -d /ip4/
Proxy server is ready
libp2p-peer addresses:
proxy listening on
As you can see, the proxy prints the listening address ``. You can now use this address as proxy, for example with `curl`:
> curl -x "" ""
it works!
package main
import (
// We need to import libp2p's libraries that we use in this project.
// In order to work, these libraries need to be rewritten by gx-go.
host ""
inet ""
peer ""
ps ""
ma ""
manet ""
libp2p ""
// Protocol defines the libp2p protocol that we will use for the libp2p proxy
// service that we are going to provide. This will tag the streams used for
// this service. Streams are multiplexed and their protocol tag helps
// libp2p handle them to the right handler functions.
const Protocol = "/proxy-example/0.0.1"
// makeRandomHost creates a libp2p host with a randomly generated identity.
// This step is described in depth in other tutorials.
func makeRandomHost(port int) host.Host {
host, err := libp2p.New(context.Background(), libp2p.ListenAddrStrings(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", port)))
if err != nil {
return host
// ProxyService provides HTTP proxying on top of libp2p by launching an
// HTTP server which tunnels the requests to a destination peer running
// ProxyService too.
type ProxyService struct {
host host.Host
dest peer.ID
proxyAddr ma.Multiaddr
// NewProxyService attaches a proxy service to the given libp2p Host.
// The proxyAddr parameter specifies the address on which the
// HTTP proxy server listens. The dest parameter specifies the peer
// ID of the remote peer in charge of performing the HTTP requests.
// ProxyAddr/dest may be nil/"" it is not necessary that this host
// provides a listening HTTP server (and instead its only function is to
// perform the proxied http requests it receives from a different peer.
// The addresses for the dest peer should be part of the host's peerstore.
func NewProxyService(h host.Host, proxyAddr ma.Multiaddr, dest peer.ID) *ProxyService {
// We let our host know that it needs to handle streams tagged with the
// protocol id that we have defined, and then handle them to
// our own streamHandling function.
h.SetStreamHandler(Protocol, streamHandler)
fmt.Println("Proxy server is ready")
fmt.Println("libp2p-peer addresses:")
for _, a := range h.Addrs() {
fmt.Printf("%s/ipfs/%s\n", a, peer.IDB58Encode(h.ID()))
return &ProxyService{
host: h,
dest: dest,
proxyAddr: proxyAddr,
// streamHandler is our function to handle any libp2p-net streams that belong
// to our protocol. The streams should contain an HTTP request which we need
// to parse, make on behalf of the original node, and then write the response
// on the stream, before closing it.
func streamHandler(stream inet.Stream) {
// Remember to close the stream when we are done.
defer stream.Close()
// Create a new buffered reader, as ReadRequest needs one.
// The buffered reader reads from our stream, on which we
// have sent the HTTP request (see ServeHTTP())
buf := bufio.NewReader(stream)
// Read the HTTP request from the buffer
req, err := http.ReadRequest(buf)
if err != nil {
defer req.Body.Close()
// We need to reset these fields in the request
// URL as they are not maintained.
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
hp := strings.Split(req.Host, ":")
if len(hp) > 1 && hp[1] == "443" {
req.URL.Scheme = "https"
} else {
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
req.URL.Host = req.Host
outreq := new(http.Request)
*outreq = *req
// We now make the request
fmt.Printf("Making request to %s\n", req.URL)
resp, err := http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(outreq)
if err != nil {
// resp.Write writes whatever response we obtained for our
// request back to the stream.
// Serve listens on the ProxyService's proxy address. This effectively
// allows to set the listening address as http proxy.
func (p *ProxyService) Serve() {
_, serveArgs, _ := manet.DialArgs(p.proxyAddr)
fmt.Println("proxy listening on ", serveArgs)
if p.dest != "" {
http.ListenAndServe(serveArgs, p)
// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface. WARNING: This is the
// simplest approach to a proxy. Therefore we do not do any of the things
// that should be done when implementing a reverse proxy (like handling
// headers correctly). For how to do it properly, see:
// ServeHTTP opens a stream to the dest peer for every HTTP request.
// Streams are multiplexed over single connections so, unlike connections
// themselves, they are cheap to create and dispose of.
func (p *ProxyService) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Printf("proxying request for %s to peer %s\n", r.URL, p.dest.Pretty())
// We need to send the request to the remote libp2p peer, so
// we open a stream to it
stream, err :=, p.dest, Protocol)
// If an error happens, we write an error for response.
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
defer stream.Close()
// r.Write() writes the HTTP request to the stream.
err = r.Write(stream)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
// Now we read the response that was sent from the dest
// peer
buf := bufio.NewReader(stream)
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(buf, r)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
// Copy any headers
for k, v := range resp.Header {
for _, s := range v {
w.Header().Add(k, s)
// Write response status and headers
// Finally copy the body
io.Copy(w, resp.Body)
// addAddrToPeerstore parses a peer multiaddress and adds
// it to the given host's peerstore, so it knows how to
// contact it. It returns the peer ID of the remote peer.
func addAddrToPeerstore(h host.Host, addr string) peer.ID {
// The following code extracts target's the peer ID from the
// given multiaddress
ipfsaddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr)
if err != nil {
pid, err := ipfsaddr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_IPFS)
if err != nil {
peerid, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pid)
if err != nil {
// Decapsulate the /ipfs/<peerID> part from the target
// /ip4/<a.b.c.d>/ipfs/<peer> becomes /ip4/<a.b.c.d>
targetPeerAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(
fmt.Sprintf("/ipfs/%s", peer.IDB58Encode(peerid)))
targetAddr := ipfsaddr.Decapsulate(targetPeerAddr)
// We have a peer ID and a targetAddr so we add
// it to the peerstore so LibP2P knows how to contact it
h.Peerstore().AddAddr(peerid, targetAddr, ps.PermanentAddrTTL)
return peerid
const help = `
This example creates a simple HTTP Proxy using two libp2p peers. The first peer
provides an HTTP server locally which tunnels the HTTP requests with libp2p
to a remote peer. The remote peer performs the requests and
send the sends the response back.
Usage: Start remote peer first with: ./proxy
Then start the local peer with: ./proxy -d <remote-peer-multiaddress>
Then you can do something like: curl -x "localhost:9900" "".
This proxies sends the request through the local peer, which proxies it to
the remote peer, which makes it and sends the response back.
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() {
// Parse some flags
destPeer := flag.String("d", "", "destination peer address")
port := flag.Int("p", 9900, "proxy port")
p2pport := flag.Int("l", 12000, "libp2p listen port")
// If we have a destination peer we will start a local server
if *destPeer != "" {
// We use p2pport+1 in order to not collide if the user
// is running the remote peer locally on that port
host := makeRandomHost(*p2pport + 1)
// Make sure our host knows how to reach destPeer
destPeerID := addAddrToPeerstore(host, *destPeer)
proxyAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", *port))
if err != nil {
// Create the proxy service and start the http server
proxy := NewProxyService(host, proxyAddr, destPeerID)
proxy.Serve() // serve hangs forever
} else {
host := makeRandomHost(*p2pport)
// In this case we only need to make sure our host
// knows how to handle incoming proxied requests from
// another peer.
_ = NewProxyService(host, nil, "")
<-make(chan struct{}) // hang forever
# The libp2p 'host'
For most applications, the host is the basic building block you'll need to get started. This guide will show how to construct and use a simple host.
The host is an abstraction that manages services on top of a swarm. It provides a clean interface to connect to a service on a given remote peer.
If you want to create a host with a default configuration, you can do the following:
import (
libp2p ""
crypto ""
// The context governs the lifetime of the libp2p node
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// To construct a simple host with all the default settings, just use `New`
h, err := libp2p.New(ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello World, my hosts ID is %s\n", h.ID())
If you want more control over the configuration, you can specify some options to the constructor. For a full list of all the configuration supported by the constructor see: [options.go](
In this snippet we generate our own ID and specified on which address we want to listen:
// Set your own keypair
priv, _, err := crypto.GenerateEd25519Key(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
h2, err := libp2p.New(ctx,
// Use your own created keypair
// Set your own listen address
// The config takes an array of addresses, specify as many as you want.
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello World, my second hosts ID is %s\n", h2.ID())
And thats it, you have a libp2p host and you're ready to start doing some awesome p2p networking!
In future guides we will go over ways to use hosts, configure them differently (hint: there are a huge number of ways to set these up), and interesting ways to apply this technology to various applications you might want to build.
To see this code all put together, take a look at [host.go](host.go).
package main
import (
libp2p ""
crypto ""
func main() {
// The context governs the lifetime of the libp2p node
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// To construct a simple host with all the default settings, just use `New`
h, err := libp2p.New(ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello World, my hosts ID is %s\n", h.ID())
// If you want more control over the configuration, you can specify some
// options to the constructor
// Set your own keypair
priv, _, err := crypto.GenerateEd25519Key(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
h2, err := libp2p.New(ctx,
// Use your own created keypair
// Set your own listen address
// The config takes an array of addresses, specify as many as you want.
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Hello World, my second hosts ID is %s\n", h2.ID())
# This is the official list of authors for copyright purposes.
Aviv Eyal <>
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017 Aviv Eyal
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Protocol Multiplexing using rpc-style multicodecs, protobufs with libp2p
This examples shows how to use multicodecs (i.e. protobufs) to encode and transmit information between LibP2P hosts using LibP2P Streams.
Multicodecs present a common interface, making it very easy to swap the codec implementation if needed.
This example expects that you area already familiar with the [echo example](
## Build
Install gx:
> go get -u
Run GX from the root libp2p source dir:
>gx install
Build libp2p:
> make deps
> make
Run from `multipro` directory
> go build
## Usage
> ./multipro
## Details
The example creates two LibP2P Hosts supporting 2 protocols: ping and echo.
Each protocol consists RPC-style requests and responses and each request and response is a typed protobufs message (and a go data object).
This is a different pattern then defining a whole p2p protocol as one protobuf message with lots of optional fields (as can be observed in various p2p-lib protocols using protobufs such as dht).
The example shows how to match async received responses with their requests. This is useful when processing a response requires access to the request data.
The idea is to use lib-p2p protocol multiplexing on a per-message basis.
### Features
1. 2 fully implemented protocols using an RPC-like request-response pattern - Ping and Echo
2. Scaffolding for quickly implementing new app-level versioned RPC-like protocols
3. Full authentication of incoming message data by author (who might not be the message's sender peer)
4. Base p2p format in protobufs with fields shared by all protocol messages
5. Full access to request data when processing a response.
## Author
package main
import (
inet ""
uuid ""
pb ""
protobufCodec ""
// pattern: /protocol-name/request-or-response-message/version
const echoRequest = "/echo/echoreq/0.0.1"
const echoResponse = "/echo/echoresp/0.0.1"
type EchoProtocol struct {
node *Node // local host
requests map[string]*pb.EchoRequest // used to access request data from response handlers
done chan bool // only for demo purposes to hold main from terminating
func NewEchoProtocol(node *Node, done chan bool) *EchoProtocol {
e := EchoProtocol{node: node, requests: make(map[string]*pb.EchoRequest), done: done}
node.SetStreamHandler(echoRequest, e.onEchoRequest)
node.SetStreamHandler(echoResponse, e.onEchoResponse)
// design note: to implement fire-and-forget style messages you may just skip specifying a response callback.
// a fire-and-forget message will just include a request and not specify a response object
return &e
// remote peer requests handler
func (e *EchoProtocol) onEchoRequest(s inet.Stream) {
// get request data
data := &pb.EchoRequest{}
decoder := protobufCodec.Multicodec(nil).Decoder(bufio.NewReader(s))
err := decoder.Decode(data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: Received echo request from %s. Message: %s", s.Conn().LocalPeer(), s.Conn().RemotePeer(), data.Message)
valid := e.node.authenticateMessage(data, data.MessageData)
if !valid {
log.Println("Failed to authenticate message")
log.Printf("%s: Sending echo response to %s. Message id: %s...", s.Conn().LocalPeer(), s.Conn().RemotePeer(), data.MessageData.Id)
// send response to the request using the message string he provided
resp := &pb.EchoResponse{
MessageData: e.node.NewMessageData(data.MessageData.Id, false),
Message: data.Message}
// sign the data
signature, err := e.node.signProtoMessage(resp)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to sign response")
// add the signature to the message
resp.MessageData.Sign = string(signature)
s, respErr := e.node.NewStream(context.Background(), s.Conn().RemotePeer(), echoResponse)
if respErr != nil {
ok := e.node.sendProtoMessage(resp, s)
if ok {
log.Printf("%s: Echo response to %s sent.", s.Conn().LocalPeer().String(), s.Conn().RemotePeer().String())
// remote echo response handler
func (e *EchoProtocol) onEchoResponse(s inet.Stream) {
data := &pb.EchoResponse{}
decoder := protobufCodec.Multicodec(nil).Decoder(bufio.NewReader(s))
err := decoder.Decode(data)
if err != nil {
// authenticate message content
valid := e.node.authenticateMessage(data, data.MessageData)
if !valid {
log.Println("Failed to authenticate message")
// locate request data and remove it if found
req, ok := e.requests[data.MessageData.Id]
if ok {
// remove request from map as we have processed it here
delete(e.requests, data.MessageData.Id)
} else {
log.Println("Failed to locate request data boject for response")
if req.Message != data.Message {
log.Fatalln("Expected echo to respond with request message")
log.Printf("%s: Received echo response from %s. Message id:%s. Message: %s.", s.Conn().LocalPeer(), s.Conn().RemotePeer(), data.MessageData.Id, data.Message)
e.done <- true
func (e *EchoProtocol) Echo(host host.Host) bool {
log.Printf("%s: Sending echo to: %s....", e.node.ID(), host.ID())
// create message data
req := &pb.EchoRequest{
MessageData: e.node.NewMessageData(uuid.New().String(), false),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Echo from %s", e.node.ID())}
signature, err := e.node.signProtoMessage(req)
if err != nil {
log.Println("failed to sign message")
return false
// add the signature to the message
req.MessageData.Sign = string(signature)
s, err := e.node.NewStream(context.Background(), host.ID(), echoRequest)
if err != nil {
return false
ok := e.node.sendProtoMessage(req, s)
if !ok {
return false
// store request so response handler has access to it
e.requests[req.MessageData.Id] = req
log.Printf("%s: Echo to: %s was sent. Message Id: %s, Message: %s", e.node.ID(), host.ID(), req.MessageData.Id, req.Message)
return true
package main
import (
libp2p ""
crypto ""
ps ""
ma ""
// helper method - create a lib-p2p host to listen on a port
func makeRandomNode(port int, done chan bool) *Node {
// Ignoring most errors for brevity
// See echo example for more details and better implementation
priv, _, _ := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(crypto.Secp256k1, 256)
listen, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", port))
host, _ := libp2p.New(
return NewNode(host, done)
func main() {
// Choose random ports between 10000-10100
port1 := rand.Intn(100) + 10000
port2 := port1 + 1
done := make(chan bool, 1)
// Make 2 hosts
h1 := makeRandomNode(port1, done)
h2 := makeRandomNode(port2, done)
h1.Peerstore().AddAddrs(h2.ID(), h2.Addrs(), ps.PermanentAddrTTL)
h2.Peerstore().AddAddrs(h1.ID(), h1.Addrs(), ps.PermanentAddrTTL)
log.Printf("This is a conversation between %s and %s\n", h1.ID(), h2.ID())
// send messages using the protocols
// block until all responses have been processed
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
package main
import (
crypto ""
host ""
inet ""
peer ""
p2p ""
protobufCodec ""
// node client version
const clientVersion = "go-p2p-node/0.0.1"
// Node type - a p2p host implementing one or more p2p protocols
type Node struct {
host.Host // lib-p2p host
*PingProtocol // ping protocol impl
*EchoProtocol // echo protocol impl
// add other protocols here...
// Create a new node with its implemented protocols
func NewNode(host host.Host, done chan bool) *Node {
node := &Node{Host: host}
node.PingProtocol = NewPingProtocol(node, done)
node.EchoProtocol = NewEchoProtocol(node, done)
return node
// Authenticate incoming p2p message
// message: a protobufs go data object
// data: common p2p message data
func (n *Node) authenticateMessage(message proto.Message, data *p2p.MessageData) bool {
// store a temp ref to signature and remove it from message data
// sign is a string to allow easy reset to zero-value (empty string)
sign := data.Sign
data.Sign = ""
// marshall data without the signature to protobufs3 binary format
bin, err := proto.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "failed to marshal pb message")
return false
// restore sig in message data (for possible future use)
data.Sign = sign
// restore peer id binary format from base58 encoded node id data
peerId, err := peer.IDB58Decode(data.NodeId)
if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "Failed to decode node id from base58")
return false
// verify the data was authored by the signing peer identified by the public key
// and signature included in the message
return n.verifyData(bin, []byte(sign), peerId, data.NodePubKey)
// sign an outgoing p2p message payload
func (n *Node) signProtoMessage(message proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := proto.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return n.signData(data)
// sign binary data using the local node's private key
func (n *Node) signData(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
key := n.Peerstore().PrivKey(n.ID())
res, err := key.Sign(data)
return res, err
// Verify incoming p2p message data integrity
// data: data to verify
// signature: author signature provided in the message payload
// peerId: author peer id from the message payload
// pubKeyData: author public key from the message payload
func (n *Node) verifyData(data []byte, signature []byte, peerId peer.ID, pubKeyData []byte) bool {
key, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(pubKeyData)
if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "Failed to extract key from message key data")
return false
// extract node id from the provided public key
idFromKey, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(key)
if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "Failed to extract peer id from public key")
return false
// verify that message author node id matches the provided node public key
if idFromKey != peerId {
log.Println(err, "Node id and provided public key mismatch")
return false
res, err := key.Verify(data, signature)
if err != nil {
log.Println(err, "Error authenticating data")
return false
return res
// helper method - generate message data shared between all node's p2p protocols
// messageId: unique for requests, copied from request for responses
func (n *Node) NewMessageData(messageId string, gossip bool) *p2p.MessageData {
// Add protobufs bin data for message author public key
// this is useful for authenticating messages forwarded by a node authored by another node
nodePubKey, err := n.Peerstore().PubKey(n.ID()).Bytes()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to get public key for sender from local peer store.")
return &p2p.MessageData{ClientVersion: clientVersion,
NodeId: peer.IDB58Encode(n.ID()),
NodePubKey: nodePubKey,
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(),
Id: messageId,
Gossip: gossip}
// helper method - writes a protobuf go data object to a network stream
// data: reference of protobuf go data object to send (not the object itself)
// s: network stream to write the data to
func (n *Node) sendProtoMessage(data proto.Message, s inet.Stream) bool {
writer := bufio.NewWriter(s)
enc := protobufCodec.Multicodec(nil).Encoder(writer)
err := enc.Encode(data)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo.
// source: p2p.proto
Package protocols_p2p is a generated protocol buffer package.
It is generated from these files:
It has these top-level messages:
package protocols_p2p
import proto ""
import fmt "fmt"
import math "math"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = fmt.Errorf
var _ = math.Inf
// designed to be shared between all app protocols
type MessageData struct {
// shared between all requests
ClientVersion string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=clientVersion,proto3" json:"clientVersion,omitempty"`
Timestamp int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=timestamp,proto3" json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
Id string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id,omitempty"`
Gossip bool `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=gossip,proto3" json:"gossip,omitempty"`
NodeId string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=nodeId,proto3" json:"nodeId,omitempty"`
NodePubKey []byte `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=nodePubKey,proto3" json:"nodePubKey,omitempty"`
Sign string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=sign,proto3" json:"sign,omitempty"`
func (m *MessageData) Reset() { *m = MessageData{} }
func (m *MessageData) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*MessageData) ProtoMessage() {}
// a protocol define a set of reuqest and responses
type PingRequest struct {
MessageData *MessageData `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=messageData" json:"messageData,omitempty"`
// method specific data
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
func (m *PingRequest) Reset() { *m = PingRequest{} }
func (m *PingRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*PingRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *PingRequest) GetMessageData() *MessageData {
if m != nil {
return m.MessageData
return nil
type PingResponse struct {
MessageData *MessageData `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=messageData" json:"messageData,omitempty"`
// response specific data
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
func (m *PingResponse) Reset() { *m = PingResponse{} }
func (m *PingResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*PingResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *PingResponse) GetMessageData() *MessageData {
if m != nil {
return m.MessageData
return nil
// a protocol define a set of reuqest and responses
type EchoRequest struct {
MessageData *MessageData `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=messageData" json:"messageData,omitempty"`
// method specific data
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
func (m *EchoRequest) Reset() { *m = EchoRequest{} }
func (m *EchoRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*EchoRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *EchoRequest) GetMessageData() *MessageData {
if m != nil {
return m.MessageData
return nil
type EchoResponse struct {
MessageData *MessageData `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=messageData" json:"messageData,omitempty"`
// response specific data
Message string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=message,proto3" json:"message,omitempty"`
func (m *EchoResponse) Reset() { *m = EchoResponse{} }
func (m *EchoResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*EchoResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *EchoResponse) GetMessageData() *MessageData {
if m != nil {
return m.MessageData
return nil
func init() {
proto.RegisterType((*MessageData)(nil), "protocols.p2p.MessageData")
proto.RegisterType((*PingRequest)(nil), "protocols.p2p.PingRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*PingResponse)(nil), "protocols.p2p.PingResponse")
proto.RegisterType((*EchoRequest)(nil), "protocols.p2p.EchoRequest")
proto.RegisterType((*EchoResponse)(nil), "protocols.p2p.EchoResponse")
syntax = "proto3";
package protocols.p2p;
// designed to be shared between all app protocols
message MessageData {
// shared between all requests
string clientVersion = 1; // client version
int64 timestamp = 2; // unix time
string id = 3; // allows requesters to use request data when processing a response
bool gossip = 4; // true to have receiver peer gossip the message to neighbors
string nodeId = 5; // id of node that created the message (not the peer that may have sent it). =base58(mh(sha256(nodePubKey)))
bytes nodePubKey = 6; // Authoring node Secp256k1 public key (32bytes) - protobufs serielized
string sign = 7; // signature of message data + method specific data by message authoring node. format: string([]bytes)
//// ping protocol
// a protocol define a set of reuqest and responses
message PingRequest {
MessageData messageData = 1;
// method specific data
string message = 2;
// add any data here....
message PingResponse {
MessageData messageData = 1;
// response specific data
string message = 2;
// ... add any additional message data here
//// echo protocol
// a protocol define a set of reuqest and responses
message EchoRequest {
MessageData messageData = 1;
// method specific data
string message = 2;
// add any additional message data here....
message EchoResponse {
MessageData messageData = 1;
// response specific data
string message = 2;
// ... add any additional message data here....
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