Commit 97065901 authored by Hector Sanjuan's avatar Hector Sanjuan
Browse files

Add example on how to use multicodecs to encode/decode data on a stream

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarHector Sanjuan <>
parent 7e11c600
......@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ install: true
- make deps
- go get -u
- go get -u
#- go vet ./...
- go test ./... -v
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ gx:
go get
go get
deps-examples: deps
go get -u
go get -u
deps: gx
gx --verbose install --global
gx-go rewrite
# Using multicodecs with LibP2P
This examples shows how to use multicodecs (i.e. json) to encode and transmit information between LibP2P hosts using LibP2P Streams.
Multicodecs present a common interface, making it very easy to swap the codec implementation if needed.
This example expects that you area already familiar with the [echo example](
## Build
From `go-libp2p` base folder:
> make deps-examples
> go build ./examples/multicodecs
## Usage
> ./multicodecs
## Details
The example creates two LibP2P Hosts. Host1 opens a stream to Host2. Host2 has an `StreamHandler` to deal with the incoming stream. This is covered in the `echo` example.
Both hosts simulate a conversation. But rather than sending raw messages on the stream, each message in the conversation is encoded under a `json` object (using the `json` multicodec). For example:
"Msg": "This is the message",
"Index": 3,
"HangUp": false
The stream lasts until one of the sides closes it when the HangUp field is `true`.
package main
import (
crypto ""
host ""
inet ""
peer ""
ps ""
swarm ""
ma ""
bhost ""
multicodec ""
json ""
const proto = "/example/1.0.0"
// Message is a serializable/encodable object that we will send
// on a Stream.
type Message struct {
Msg string
Index int
HangUp bool
// streamWrap wraps a libp2p stream. We encode/decode whenever we
// write/read from a stream, so we can just carry the encoders
// and bufios with us
type WrappedStream struct {
stream inet.Stream
enc multicodec.Encoder
dec multicodec.Decoder
w *bufio.Writer
r *bufio.Reader
// wrapStream takes a stream and complements it with r/w bufios and
// decoder/encoder. In order to write raw data to the stream we can use
// wrap.w.Write(). To encode something into it we can wrap.enc.Encode().
// Finally, we should wrap.w.Flush() to actually send the data. Handling
// incoming data works similarly with wrap.r.Read() for raw-reading and
// wrap.dec.Decode() to decode.
func WrapStream(s inet.Stream) *WrappedStream {
reader := bufio.NewReader(s)
writer := bufio.NewWriter(s)
// This is where we pick our specific multicodec. In order to change the
// codec, we only need to change this place.
// See
dec := json.Multicodec(false).Decoder(reader)
enc := json.Multicodec(false).Encoder(writer)
return &WrappedStream{
stream: s,
r: reader,
w: writer,
enc: enc,
dec: dec,
// messages that will be sent between the hosts.
var conversationMsgs = []string{
"How are you doing?",
"Very good! It is great that you can send data on a stream to me!",
"Not only that, the data is encoded in a JSON object.",
"Yeah, and we are using the multicodecs interface to encode and decode.",
"This way we could swap it easily for, say, cbor, or msgpack!",
"Let's leave that as an excercise for the reader...",
"Agreed, our last message should activate the HangUp flag",
"Yes, and the example code will close streams. So sad :(. Bye!",
func makeRandomHost(port int) host.Host {
// Ignoring most errors for brevity
// See echo example for more details and better implementation
priv, pub, _ := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(crypto.RSA, 2048)
pid, _ := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pub)
listen, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", port))
ps := ps.NewPeerstore()
ps.AddPrivKey(pid, priv)
ps.AddPubKey(pid, pub)
n, _ := swarm.NewNetwork(context.Background(),
[]ma.Multiaddr{listen}, pid, ps, nil)
return bhost.New(n)
func main() {
// Choose random ports between 10000-10100
port1 := rand.Intn(100) + 10000
port2 := port1 + 1
// Make 2 hosts
h1 := makeRandomHost(port1)
h2 := makeRandomHost(port2)
h1.Peerstore().AddAddrs(h2.ID(), h2.Addrs(), ps.PermanentAddrTTL)
h2.Peerstore().AddAddrs(h1.ID(), h1.Addrs(), ps.PermanentAddrTTL)
log.Printf("This is a conversation between %s and %s\n", h1.ID(), h2.ID())
// Define a stream handler for host number 2
h2.SetStreamHandler(proto, func(stream inet.Stream) {
log.Printf("%s: Received a stream", h2.ID())
wrappedStream := WrapStream(stream)
defer stream.Close()
// Create new stream from h1 to h2 and start the conversation
stream, err := h1.NewStream(context.Background(), h2.ID(), proto)
if err != nil {
wrappedStream := WrapStream(stream)
// This sends the first message
sendMessage(0, wrappedStream)
// We keep the conversation on the created stream so we launch
// this to handle any responses
// When we are done, close the stream on our side and exit.
// receiveMessage reads and decodes a message from the stream
func receiveMessage(ws *WrappedStream) (*Message, error) {
var msg Message
err := ws.dec.Decode(&msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &msg, nil
// sendMessage encodes and writes a message to the stream
func sendMessage(index int, ws *WrappedStream) error {
msg := &Message{
Msg: conversationMsgs[index],
Index: index,
HangUp: index >= len(conversationMsgs)-1,
err := ws.enc.Encode(msg)
// Because output is buffered with bufio, we need to flush!
return err
// handleStream is a for loop which receives and then sends a message
// an artificial delay of 500ms happens in-between.
// When Message.HangUp is true, it exists. This will close the stream
// on one of the sides. The other side's receiveMessage() will error
// with EOF, thus also breaking out from the loop.
func handleStream(ws *WrappedStream) {
for {
// Read
msg, err := receiveMessage(ws)
if err != nil {
pid :=
log.Printf("%s says: %s\n", pid, msg.Msg)
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
if msg.HangUp {
// Send response
err = sendMessage(msg.Index+1, ws)
if err != nil {
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