Commit 9982e251 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet
Browse files

p2p/net/swarm: more connection bugs

* filtering InterfaceListenAddresses(s) instead
* return error if for loops skip
* large dial timeout
parent 0a68f258
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
conn ""
addrutil ""
......@@ -17,6 +18,11 @@ import (
// dialAttempts governs how many times a goroutine will try to dial a given peer.
const dialAttempts = 3
// DialTimeout is the amount of time each dial attempt has. We can think about making
// this larger down the road, or putting more granular timeouts (i.e. within each
// subcomponent of Dial)
var DialTimeout time.Duration = time.Second * 30
// dialsync is a small object that helps manage ongoing dials.
// this way, if we receive many simultaneous dial requests, one
// can do its thing, while the rest wait.
......@@ -118,6 +124,7 @@ func (s *Swarm) Dial(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) (*Conn, error) {
// check if there's an ongoing dial to this peer
if ok, wait := s.dsync.Lock(p); !ok {
log.Debugf("swarm %s dialing %s -- waiting for ongoing dial", s.local, p)
select {
case <-wait: // wait for that dial to finish.
continue // and see if it worked (loop), OR we got an incoming dial.
......@@ -128,13 +135,19 @@ func (s *Swarm) Dial(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) (*Conn, error) {
// ok, we have been charged to dial! let's do it.
// if it succeeds, dial will add the conn to the swarm itself.
conn, err = s.dial(ctx, p)
log.Debugf("swarm %s dialing %s -- dial start", s.local, p)
ctxT, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctx, DialTimeout)
conn, err = s.dial(ctxT, p)
log.Debugf("swarm %s dialing %s -- dial end %s", s.local, p, conn)
if err != nil {
continue // ok, we failed. try again. (if loop is done, our error is output)
return conn, nil
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s failed to dial %s after %d attempts", s.local, p, dialAttempts)
return nil, err
......@@ -162,7 +175,10 @@ func (s *Swarm) dial(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID) (*Conn, error) {
remoteAddrs = addrutil.FilterUsableAddrs(remoteAddrs)
// drop out any addrs that would just dial ourselves. use ListenAddresses
// as that is a more authoritative view than localAddrs.
remoteAddrs = addrutil.Subtract(remoteAddrs, s.ListenAddresses())
ila, _ := InterfaceListenAddresses(s)
remoteAddrs = addrutil.Subtract(remoteAddrs, ila)
remoteAddrs = addrutil.Subtract(remoteAddrs, s.peers.Addresses(s.local))
log.Debugf("%s swarm dialing %s -- remote:%s local:%s", s.local, p, remoteAddrs, s.ListenAddresses())
if len(remoteAddrs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("peer has no addresses")
......@@ -198,15 +214,20 @@ func (s *Swarm) dialAddrs(ctx context.Context, d *conn.Dialer, p peer.ID, remote
// try to connect to one of the peer's known addresses.
// for simplicity, we do this sequentially.
// A future commit will do this asynchronously.
log.Debugf("%s swarm dialing %s %s", s.local, p, remoteAddrs)
var err error
for _, addr := range remoteAddrs {
connC, err := d.Dial(ctx, addr, p)
log.Debugf("%s swarm dialing %s %s", s.local, p, addr)
var connC conn.Conn
connC, err = d.Dial(ctx, addr, p)
if err != nil {
log.Info("%s --> %s dial attempt failed: %s", s.local, p, err)
// if the connection is not to whom we thought it would be...
if connC.RemotePeer() != p {
log.Infof("misdial to %s through %s (got %s)", p, addr, connC.RemoteMultiaddr())
log.Infof("misdial to %s through %s (got %s)", p, addr, connC.RemotePeer())
......@@ -223,6 +244,9 @@ func (s *Swarm) dialAddrs(ctx context.Context, d *conn.Dialer, p peer.ID, remote
// success! we got one!
return connC, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to dial %s", p)
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