Commit a24d8ba9 authored by Jeromy Johnson's avatar Jeromy Johnson
Browse files

Merge pull request #13 from tilgovi/cleanup-secio-reader-overflow

Leave overflow logic to go-msgio
parents c441a14b f5809511
......@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ import (
context "gx/ipfs/QmZy2y8t9zQH2a1b8q2ZSLKp17ATuJoCNxxyMFG5qFExpt/go-net/context"
const MaxMsgSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024
var ErrMaxMessageSize = errors.New("attempted to read message larger than max size")
// ErrMACInvalid signals that a MAC verification failed
var ErrMACInvalid = errors.New("MAC verification failed")
......@@ -85,9 +81,13 @@ type etmReader struct {
// buffer
// internal buffer returned from the msgio
buf []byte
// low and high watermark for the buffered data
lowat int
hiwat int
// params
msg msgio.ReadCloser // msgio for knowing where boundaries lie
str cipher.Stream // the stream cipher to encrypt with
......@@ -105,67 +105,91 @@ func (r *etmReader) NextMsgLen() (int, error) {
return r.msg.NextMsgLen()
func (r *etmReader) drainBuf(buf []byte) int {
if r.buf == nil {
func (r *etmReader) drain(buf []byte) int {
// Return zero if there is no data remaining in the internal buffer.
if r.lowat == r.hiwat {
return 0
n := copy(buf, r.buf)
r.buf = r.buf[n:]
// Copy data to the output buffer.
n := copy(buf, r.buf[r.lowat:r.hiwat])
// Update the low watermark.
r.lowat += n
// Release the buffer and reset the watermarks if it has been fully read.
if r.lowat == r.hiwat {
r.buf = nil
r.lowat = 0
r.hiwat = 0
return n
func (r *etmReader) fill() error {
// Read a message from the underlying msgio.
msg, err := r.msg.ReadMsg()
if err != nil {
return err
// Check the MAC.
n, err := r.macCheckThenDecrypt(msg)
if err != nil {
return err
// Retain the buffer so it can be drained from and later released.
r.buf = msg
r.lowat = 0
r.hiwat = n
return nil
func (r *etmReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
defer r.Unlock()
// first, check if we have anything in the buffer
copied := r.drainBuf(buf)
buf = buf[copied:]
// Return buffered data without reading more, if possible.
copied := r.drain(buf)
if copied > 0 {
return copied, nil
// return here to avoid complicating the rest...
// user can call io.ReadFull.
// check the buffer has enough space for the next msg
// Check the length of the next message.
fullLen, err := r.msg.NextMsgLen()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if fullLen > MaxMsgSize {
return 0, ErrMaxMessageSize
buf2 := buf
changed := false
// if not enough space, allocate a new buffer.
// If the destination buffer is too short, fill an internal buffer and then
// drain as much of that into the output buffer as will fit.
if cap(buf) < fullLen {
buf2 = make([]byte, fullLen)
changed = true
err := r.fill()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
copied := r.drain(buf)
return copied, nil
buf2 = buf2[:fullLen]
n, err := io.ReadFull(r.msg, buf2)
// Otherwise, read directly into the destination buffer.
n, err := io.ReadFull(r.msg, buf[:fullLen])
if err != nil {
return n, err
return 0, err
m, err := r.macCheckThenDecrypt(buf2)
m, err := r.macCheckThenDecrypt(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
buf2 = buf2[:m]
if !changed {
return m, nil
n = copy(buf, buf2)
if len(buf2) > len(buf) {
r.buf = buf2[len(buf):] // had some left over? save it.
return n, nil
return m, nil
func (r *etmReader) ReadMsg() ([]byte, error) {
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