Commit c4201a20 authored by Hector Sanjuan's avatar Hector Sanjuan
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discovery: make golint happy, improve docs

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarHector Sanjuan <>
parent 4557f31f
// Package discovery provides mDNS announcements and discovery for libp2p hosts.
// It can be used to auto-discover peers in networks where mDNS (multicast)
// is not blocked.
package discovery
import (
......@@ -21,14 +24,20 @@ import (
var log = logging.Logger("mdns")
// ServiceTag is used to identify the mDNS service
const ServiceTag = "_ipfs-discovery._udp"
// Service provides an interface for mDNS service implementations.
// Currently they support registration and removal of notifees, which
// are notified when a new peer is found.
type Service interface {
// Notifee is an interface which allows to be notified
// when a new peer is found by a mDNS service.
type Notifee interface {
......@@ -61,6 +70,10 @@ func getDialableListenAddrs(ph host.Host) ([]*net.TCPAddr, error) {
return out, nil
// NewMdnsService creates and initializes a new Service. It receives a
// cancellable context (used to cancel mDNS polling), a Host (whose information
// is multicasted to the local network), and an interval which specifies how
// often to perform mDNS queries.
func NewMdnsService(ctx context.Context, peerhost host.Host, interval time.Duration) (Service, error) {
// TODO: dont let mdns use logging...
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