Commit c91463e4 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet
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p2p/net/conn: log when reuse fails

parent 958eecfe
......@@ -91,11 +91,12 @@ func (d *Dialer) rawConnDial(ctx context.Context, raddr ma.Multiaddr, remote pee
if laddr != nil {
// dial using reuseport.Dialer, because we're probably reusing addrs.
// this is optimistic, as the reuseDial may fail to bind the port.
log.Debugf("trying to reuse: %s", laddr)
if nconn, err := d.reuseDial(laddr, raddr); err == nil {
// if it worked, wrap the raw net.Conn with our manet.Conn
log.Debugf("reuse worked! %s %s %s", laddr, nconn.RemoteAddr(), nconn)
log.Debugf("%s reuse worked! %s %s %s", d.LocalPeer, laddr, nconn.RemoteAddr(), nconn)
return manet.WrapNetConn(nconn)
} else {
log.Debugf("%s port reuse failed: %s %s", d.LocalPeer, laddr, err)
// if not, we fall back to regular Dial without a local addr specified.
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