Commit 67fcec5c authored by Volker Mische's avatar Volker Mische
Browse files

fix: build Rust parts from source if available

Old workflow:

 - Checkout submodule
 - Try to download precompiled assets
   - If downloading fails, compile the checked out submoduke

New workflow:

 - Download precompiled assets if submodule directory is empty
   - If download fails checkout the submodule
   - Compile the submodule
 - If the submodule directory is not empty, compile what is in there

The new workflow makes it easy to have a custom version of the submodule
checked out in the directory and getting everything built correctly.
parent 0aeff9f9
......@@ -7,42 +7,50 @@ source "install-shared.bash"
git submodule update --init --recursive $subm_dir
if download_release_tarball tarball_path "${subm_dir}"; then
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
tar -C "$tmp_dir" -xzf "$tarball_path"
cp "${tmp_dir}/include/sector_builder_ffi.h" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/lib/libsector_builder_ffi.a" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/sector_builder_ffi.pc" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/bin/paramcache" .
(>&2 echo "failed to find or obtain precompiled assets for ${subm_dir} - falling back to local build")
build_from_source "${subm_dir}"
# If the directory is empty, try to download the pre-built tarballs or
# checkout the source code as fallback
if [ -z "$(ls -A $subm_dir)" ]; then
if download_release_tarball tarball_path "${subm_dir}"; then
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
tar -C "$tmp_dir" -xzf "$tarball_path"
cp "${tmp_dir}/include/sector_builder_ffi.h" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/lib/libsector_builder_ffi.a" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/lib/pkgconfig/sector_builder_ffi.pc" .
cp "${tmp_dir}/bin/paramcache" .
exit 0
(>&2 echo "failed to find or obtain precompiled assets for ${subm_dir} - falling back to local build")
git submodule update --init --recursive $subm_dir
mkdir -p include
mkdir -p lib/pkgconfig
# Directory is not empty, hence compiling whatever source is in there
(>&2 echo "building ${subm_dir} from source")
build_from_source "${subm_dir}"
find "${subm_dir}/target/release" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.h -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
find "${subm_dir}/target/release" -type f -name libsector_builder_ffi.a -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
find "${subm_dir}" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.pc -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
mkdir -p include
mkdir -p lib/pkgconfig
if [[ ! -f "./sector_builder_ffi.h" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install sector_builder_ffi.h")
exit 1
find "${subm_dir}/target/release" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.h -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
find "${subm_dir}/target/release" -type f -name libsector_builder_ffi.a -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
find "${subm_dir}" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.pc -exec cp -- "{}" . \;
if [[ ! -f "./libsector_builder_ffi.a" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install libsector_builder_ffi.a")
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "./sector_builder_ffi.h" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install sector_builder_ffi.h")
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "./sector_builder_ffi.pc" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install sector_builder_ffi.pc")
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "./libsector_builder_ffi.a" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install libsector_builder_ffi.a")
exit 1
(>&2 echo "WARNING: paramcache was not installed - you may wish to 'cargo install' it")
if [[ ! -f "./sector_builder_ffi.pc" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to install sector_builder_ffi.pc")
exit 1
(>&2 echo "WARNING: paramcache was not installed - you may wish to 'cargo install' it")
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