"plat/git@web.lueluesay.top:root/arm-trusted-firmware.git" did not exist on "890abc33e46349fb01aed443ad7128b82ba34f3d"
Commit ea4ff72c authored by laser's avatar laser
Browse files

bug(install paramfetch from HEAD of master if not available in release tarball)

parent a6545b01
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if download_release_tarball tarball_path "${subm_dir}"; then
mkdir -p bin
cp "${tmp_dir}/bin/paramfetch" bin
echo "failed to find or obtain precompiled assets for ${subm_dir}, falling back to local build"
(>&2 echo "failed to find or obtain precompiled assets for ${subm_dir} - falling back to local build")
build_from_source "${subm_dir}"
mkdir -p include
......@@ -32,10 +32,19 @@ else
pushd $subm_dir
# TODO https://github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-sector-builder/issues/39
FP_VERSION=$(cat "Cargo.lock" | grep 'name = "filecoin-proofs"' -A1 | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d '"')
cargo install --version $FP_VERSION filecoin-proofs --root '..' --bin paramfetch
s="WARNING: paramfetch cannot be built from rust-fil-sector-builder "
s+="sources. Installing from HEAD of rust-fil-proofs master. The installed "
s+="version of paramfetch may be incompatible with your version of "
s+="rust-fil-sector-builder, which could result in you downloading "
s+="incompatible Groth parameters and verifying keys."
(>&2 echo s)
cargo install filecoin-proofs \
--bin paramfetch \
--force \
--git=https://github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-proofs.git \
--branch=master \
--root ".."
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