Commit 0a4a447d authored by Marco Hinz's avatar Marco Hinz
Browse files

Add "p" to Help

parent 03af73bb
......@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ static struct { const char* key; const char* info; } helpLeft[] = {
{ .key = " F3 /: ", .info = "incremental name search" },
{ .key = " F4 \\: ",.info = "incremental name filtering" },
{ .key = " F5 t: ", .info = "tree view" },
{ .key = " p: ", .info = "toggle program path" },
{ .key = " u: ", .info = "show processes of a single user" },
{ .key = " H: ", .info = "hide/show user process threads" },
{ .key = " K: ", .info = "hide/show kernel threads" },
......@@ -479,8 +480,8 @@ static Htop_Reaction actionHelp(State* st) {
for (int i = 0; helpLeft[i].key; i++) { mvaddstr(9+i, 0, helpLeft[i].key); }
for (int i = 0; helpRight[i].key; i++) { mvaddstr(9+i, 40, helpRight[i].key); }
mvaddstr(15, 32, "threads");
mvaddstr(16, 26, "threads");
mvaddstr(16, 32, "threads");
mvaddstr(17, 26, "threads");
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