Commit 1ae7625c authored by Guy M. Broome's avatar Guy M. Broome Committed by Hisham Muhammad
Browse files

Solaris: showing a dash for the top-level process is no longer necessary

parent 3c96467f
......@@ -159,13 +159,7 @@ void SolarisProcess_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField fiel
case PID: xSnprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, sp->realpid); break;
case PPID: xSnprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, sp->realppid); break;
case LWPID:{
if (sp->lwpid <= 0) {
xSnprintf(buffer, n, " - ");
} else {
xSnprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, sp->lwpid); break;
}; break;
case LWPID: xSnprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, sp->lwpid); break;
Process_writeField(this, str, field);
......@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, ui
void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this);
/* NOTE: the following is a callback function of type proc_walk_f
* and MUST conform to the appropriate definition in order
* to work. See libproc(3LIB) on a Solaris or Illumos
* system for more info.
int SolarisProcessList_walkproc(psinfo_t *_psinfo, lwpsinfo_t *_lwpsinfo, void *listptr);
void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* this);
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