Commit 75080ce7 authored by Hisham Muhammad's avatar Hisham Muhammad
Browse files

Use wider PID columns in 64-bit machines with larger pid_max values.

parent d25a0bc2
......@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ const char *Process_fieldNames[] = {
const char *Process_fieldTitles[] = {
"", " PID ", "Command ", "S ", " PPID ", " PGRP ", " SESN ",
" TTY ", "TPGID ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ",
"", " PID ", "Command ", "S ", " PPID ", " PGRP ", " SESN ",
" TTY ", " TPGID ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ",
" UTIME+ ", " STIME+ ", " CUTIME+ ", " CSTIME+ ", "PRI ", " NI ", "- ",
"START ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ",
"- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ", "- ",
"- ", "- ", "- ", "CPU ", " VIRT ", " RES ", " SHR ",
" CODE ", " DATA ", " LIB ", " DIRTY ", " UID ", "CPU% ", "MEM% ",
"USER ", " TIME+ ", "NLWP ", " TGID ",
"USER ", " TIME+ ", "NLWP ", " TGID ",
" CTID ", " VPID ",
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ const char *Process_fieldTitles[] = {
" VXID ",
" RD_CHAR ", " WR_CHAR ", " RD_SYSC ", " WR_SYSC ", " IO_RBYTES ", " IO_WBYTES ", " IO_CANCEL ",
" RD_CHAR ", " WR_CHAR ", " RD_SYSC ", " WR_SYSC ", " IO_RBYTES ", " IO_WBYTES ", " IO_CANCEL ",
" IORR ", " IOWR ", " IO ",
......@@ -228,6 +228,32 @@ const char *Process_fieldTitles[] = {
static int Process_getuid = -1;
static char* Process_pidFormat = "%7u ";
static char* Process_tpgidFormat = "%7u ";
void Process_getMaxPid() {
FILE* file = fopen(PROCDIR "/sys/kernel/pid_max", "r");
if (!file) return;
int maxPid = 4194303;
fscanf(file, "%d", &maxPid);
if (maxPid > 99999) {
Process_fieldTitles[PID] = " PID ";
Process_fieldTitles[PPID] = " PPID ";
Process_fieldTitles[TPGID] = " TPGID ";
Process_fieldTitles[TGID] = " TGID ";
Process_pidFormat = "%7u ";
Process_tpgidFormat = "%7d ";
} else {
Process_fieldTitles[PID] = " PID ";
Process_fieldTitles[PPID] = " PPID ";
Process_fieldTitles[TPGID] = "TPGID ";
Process_fieldTitles[TGID] = " TGID ";
Process_pidFormat = "%5u ";
Process_tpgidFormat = "%5d ";
#define ONE_K 1024
#define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K)
#define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K)
......@@ -341,13 +367,13 @@ static void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField fiel
int n = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
switch (field) {
case PID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->pid); break;
case PPID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->ppid); break;
case PID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->pid); break;
case PPID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->ppid); break;
case PGRP: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->pgrp); break;
case SESSION: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->session); break;
case TTY_NR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->tty_nr); break;
case TGID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->tgid); break;
case TPGID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5d ", this->tpgid); break;
case TGID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, this->tgid); break;
case TPGID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_tpgidFormat, this->tpgid); break;
case PROCESSOR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%3d ", ProcessList_cpuId(this->pl, this->processor)); break;
case NLWP: snprintf(buffer, n, "%4ld ", this->nlwp); break;
case COMM: {
......@@ -456,8 +482,8 @@ static void Process_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField fiel
case VXID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%5u ", this->vxid); break;
case RCHAR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%10llu ", this->io_rchar); break;
case WCHAR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%10llu ", this->io_wchar); break;
case RCHAR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%12llu ", this->io_rchar); break;
case WCHAR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%12llu ", this->io_wchar); break;
case SYSCR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%10llu ", this->io_syscr); break;
case SYSCW: snprintf(buffer, n, "%10llu ", this->io_syscw); break;
case RBYTES: Process_colorNumber(this, str, this->io_read_bytes); return;
......@@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ extern const char *Process_fieldNames[];
extern const char *Process_fieldTitles[];
void Process_getMaxPid();
#define ONE_K 1024
#define ONE_M (ONE_K * ONE_K)
#define ONE_G (ONE_M * ONE_K)
......@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
UsersTable* ut = UsersTable_new();
pl = ProcessList_new(ut);
Header* header = Header_new(pl);
settings = Settings_new(pl, header);
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