Commit 797bcd09 authored by Hisham's avatar Hisham
Browse files

Catch invalid IO values due to no permissions.

Display them properly. Not fully convinced of the "no perm" message...
parent baec4bdc
......@@ -335,7 +335,10 @@ void Process_outputRate(RichString* str, char* buffer, int n, double rate, int c
largeNumberColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS];
processMegabytesColor = CRT_colors[PROCESS];
if (rate < ONE_K) {
if (rate == -1) {
int len = snprintf(buffer, n, " no perm ");
RichString_appendn(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW], buffer, len);
} else if (rate < ONE_K) {
int len = snprintf(buffer, n, "%7.2f B/s ", rate);
RichString_appendn(str, processColor, buffer, len);
} else if (rate < ONE_K * ONE_K) {
......@@ -313,7 +313,12 @@ void LinuxProcess_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field)
case CNCLWB: Process_colorNumber(str, lp->io_cancelled_write_bytes, coloring); return;
case IO_READ_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, lp->io_rate_read_bps, coloring); return;
case IO_WRITE_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, lp->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return;
case IO_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, lp->io_rate_read_bps + lp->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return;
case IO_RATE: {
double totalRate = (lp->io_rate_read_bps != -1)
? (lp->io_rate_read_bps + lp->io_rate_write_bps)
: -1;
Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, totalRate, coloring); return;
case CTID: snprintf(buffer, n, "%7u ", lp->ctid); break;
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