Commit b14f89e9 authored by Michael Klein's avatar Michael Klein
Browse files

drop privileges before reading environment

parent b10e54cd
......@@ -60,23 +60,20 @@ static inline void addLine(const char* line, Vector* lines, Panel* panel, const
static void EnvScreen_scan(EnvScreen* this, Vector* lines, IncSet* inc) {
Panel* panel = this->display;
int idx = MAX(Panel_getSelectedIndex(panel), 0);
uid_t uid = getuid();
if (uid == 0 || uid == this->process->st_uid) {
char *env = Platform_getProcessEnv(this->process->pid);
if (env) {
for (char *p = env; *p; p = strrchr(p, 0)+1)
addLine(p, lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc));
else {
addLine("Could not read process environment.", lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc));
uid_t euid = geteuid();
char *env = Platform_getProcessEnv(this->process->pid);
if (env) {
for (char *p = env; *p; p = strrchr(p, 0)+1)
addLine(p, lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc));
else {
addLine("Process belongs to different user.", lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc));
addLine("Could not read process environment.", lines, panel, IncSet_filter(inc));
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