Commit c39f18a7 authored by Hisham Muhammad's avatar Hisham Muhammad
Browse files

Add a clear warning about unsupported platforms.

Closes #648.
parent 71785e2d
......@@ -275,3 +275,17 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL([HTOP_UNSUPPORTED], [test "$my_htop_platform" = unsupported])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile htop.1])
if test "$my_htop_platform" = "unsupported"
echo ""
echo "****************************************************************"
echo "WARNING! This platform is not currently supported by htop."
echo ""
echo "The code will build, but it will produce a dummy version of htop"
echo "which shows no processes, using the files from the unsupported/"
echo "directory. This is meant to be a skeleton, to be used as a"
echo "starting point if you are porting htop to a new platform."
echo "****************************************************************"
echo ""
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