Commit eb1cd4ac authored by Hisham Muhammad's avatar Hisham Muhammad
Browse files

change swap to M for consistency. Closes #63.

parent ab118c2d
......@@ -30,18 +30,14 @@ int SwapMeter_attributes[] = {
/* NOTE: Value is in kilobytes */
static void SwapMeter_humanNumber(char* buffer, const long int* value) {
if (*value >= 10*GIGABYTE)
sprintf(buffer, "%ldG ", *value / GIGABYTE);
else if (*value >= 10*MEGABYTE)
sprintf(buffer, "%ldM ", *value / MEGABYTE);
sprintf(buffer, "%ldK ", *value);
sprintf(buffer, "%ldM ", *value / MEGABYTE);
static void SwapMeter_setValues(Meter* this, char* buffer, int len) {
long int usedSwap = this->pl->usedSwap;
this->total = this->pl->totalSwap;
this->values[0] = usedSwap;
snprintf(buffer, len, "%ld/%ldMB", (long int) usedSwap / MEGABYTE, (long int) this->total / MEGABYTE);
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