• Chi-Hsien Lin's avatar
    cypress: add Cypress firmware and clm_blob files · 04f71fe5
    Chi-Hsien Lin authored
    Brcmfmac driver has firmware files coming from both Broadcom and
    Cypress, the former Broadcom IoT BU. To better maintain files from
    different sources, add a cypress folder and firmware/clm_blob files for
    below chips:
     - 43012
     - 43340
     - 43362
     - 4339
     - 43430
     - 43455
     - 4354
     - 4356
     - 43570
     - 4373
     - 54591
    The clm_blob files are on a generic world-wide safe version with
    conservative power settings which is designed to comply with regulatory
    but may not provide best performance on all boards. Users should use the
    clm_blob files from their board vendors if available.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChi-Hsien Lin <chi-hsien.lin@cypress.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJosh Boyer <jwboyer@kernel.org>
cyfmac43430-sdio.bin 411 KB