Commit f4eb2415 authored by Chris Ball's avatar Chris Ball
Browse files

Fit usage to 80 cols

Signed-off-by: default avatarChris Ball <>
parent c6cb053e
......@@ -112,11 +112,13 @@ static struct Command commands[] = {
{ do_rpmb_write_key, -1,
"rpmb write-key", "<rpmb device> <key file>\n"
"Program authentication key which is 32 bytes length and stored in the specified file.\n"
"Also you can specify '-' instead of key file path and utility will read the key from stdin.\n"
"BEWARE: key can be programmed only once!\n"
"Program authentication key which is 32 bytes length and stored\n"
"in the specified file. Also you can specify '-' instead of\n"
"key file path to read the key from stdin.\n"
"NOTE! This is a one-time programmable (unreversible) change.\n"
" $ echo -n AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHH | mmc rpmb write-key /dev/mmcblk0rpmb -",
" mmc rpmb write-key /dev/mmcblk0rpmb -",
{ do_rpmb_read_counter, -1,
......@@ -126,20 +128,25 @@ static struct Command commands[] = {
{ do_rpmb_read_block, -1,
"rpmb read-block", "<rpmb device> <address> <blocks count> <output file> [key file]\n"
"Blocks of 256 bytes will be read from <rpmb device> to output file or stdout if '-' is specified instead of regular path.\n"
"If key is specified - read data will be verified. Instead of regular path you can specify '-' and key will be read from stdin.\n"
"Blocks of 256 bytes will be read from <rpmb device> to output\n"
"file or stdout if '-' is specified. If key is specified - read\n"
"data will be verified. Instead of regular path you can specify\n"
"'-' to read key from stdin.\n"
" $ echo -n AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHH | mmc rpmb read-block /dev/mmcblk0rpmb 0x02 2 /tmp/block -\n"
" mmc rpmb read-block /dev/mmcblk0rpmb 0x02 2 /tmp/block -\n"
"or read two blocks without verification\n"
" $ mmc rpmb read-block /dev/mmcblk0rpmb 0x02 2 /tmp/block",
{ do_rpmb_write_block, -1,
"rpmb write-block", "<rpmb device> <address> <256 byte data file> <key file>\n"
"Block of 256 bytes will be written from data file to <rpmb device>.\n"
"Also you can specify '-' instead of key file path or data file and utility will read the data from stdin.\n"
"Block of 256 bytes will be written from data file to\n"
"<rpmb device>. Also you can specify '-' instead of key\n"
"file path or data file to read the data from stdin.\n"
" $ (awk 'BEGIN {while (c++<256) printf \"a\"}' | echo -n AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHH) | \\\n"
" $ (awk 'BEGIN {while (c++<256) printf \"a\"}' | \\\n"
" mmc rpmb write-block /dev/mmcblk0rpmb 0x02 - -",
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