| bubo | `brew update && brew outdated` | Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae, then list outdated formulae. |
| bubo | `brew update && brew outdated` | Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae, then list outdated formulae. |
| bubc | `brew upgrade && brew cleanup` | Upgrade outdated, unpinned brews (with existing install options), then removes stale lock files and outdated downloads for formulae and casks, and removes old versions of installed formulae. |
| bubc | `brew upgrade && brew cleanup` | Upgrade outdated, unpinned brews (with existing install options), then removes stale lock files and outdated downloads for formulae and casks, and removes old versions of installed formulae. |
| bubu | `bubo && bubc` | Updates Homebrew, lists outdated formulae, upgrades oudated and unpinned formulae, and removes stale and outdated downloads and versions. |
| bubu | `bubo && bubc` | Updates Homebrew, lists outdated formulae, upgrades oudated and unpinned formulae, and removes stale and outdated downloads and versions. |
| bcubo | `brew update && brew cask outdated` | Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae, then list outdated casks. |