Commit aee88779 authored by Menno Pruijssers's avatar Menno Pruijssers Committed by ncanceill
Browse files

fixed rvm warning

parent 99c9dbed
......@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ function check_git_prompt_info() {
# Determine if we are using a gemset.
function rvm_gemset() {
GEMSET=`rvm gemset list | grep '=>' | cut -b4-`
if [[ -n $GEMSET ]]; then
echo "%{$fg[yellow]%}$GEMSET%{$reset_color%}|"
if hash rvm 2>/dev/null; then
GEMSET=`rvm gemset list | grep '=>' | cut -b4-`
if [[ -n $GEMSET ]]; then
echo "%{$fg[yellow]%}$GEMSET%{$reset_color%}|"
# Determine the time since last commit. If branch is clean,
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