"($help -i --input)"{-i=,--input=}"[Read from tar archive file]:archive file:_files -g \"*.((tar|TAR)(.gz|.GZ|.Z|.bz2|.lzma|.xz|)|(tbz|tgz|txz))(-.)\""\
"($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Suppress the load output]"&&ret=0
"($help -i --input)"{-i=,--input=}"[Read from tar archive file]:archive file:_files -g \"*.((tar|TAR)(.gz|.GZ|.Z|.bz2|.lzma|.xz|)|(tbz|tgz|txz))(-.)\""\
"($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Suppress the load output]"&&ret=0
_arguments $(__docker_arguments)\
@@ -1785,16 +2503,6 @@ __docker_subcommand() {
"($help -)1:server: "&&ret=0
_arguments $(__docker_arguments)\
"($help)--details[Show extra details provided to logs]"\
Automatically load your project ENV variables from `.env` file when you `cd` into project root directory.
Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a [twelve-factor app](http://www.12factor.net). Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments–such as resource handles for databases or credentials for external services–should be extracted from the code into environment variables.
## Installation
Just add the plugin to your `.zshrc`:
plugins=(git man dotenv)
## Usage
Create `.env` file inside your project directory and put your local ENV variables there.
**It's strongly recommended to add `.env` file to `.gitignore`**, because usually it contains sensitive information such as your credentials, secret keys, passwords etc. You don't want to commit this file, it supposed to be local only.