@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ If you installed manually or changed the install location, check ZSH in ~/.zshrc
h2. Usage
* enable the plugins you want in your @~/.zshrc@ (take a look at @plugins/@ to see what's possible)
* enable the plugins you want in your @~/.zshrc@ (take a look at the @plugins/@ directory and the "wiki":https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins to see what's possible)
** example: @plugins=(git osx ruby)@
* Theme support: Change the @ZSH_THEME@ environment variable in @~/.zshrc@.
** Take a look at the "current themes":https://wiki.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/themes that come bundled with _Oh My Zsh_.
@@ -15,29 +15,49 @@ if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) && (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
zle -N zle-line-finish
bindkey -e# Use emacs key bindings
bindkey -e# Use emacs key bindings
bindkey '\ew' kill-region # [Esc-w] - Kill from the cursor to the mark
bindkey -s'\el''ls\n'# [Esc-l] - run command: ls
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward # [Ctrl-r] - Search backward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with ^ to anchor the search to the beginning of the line.
bindkey "${terminfo[kpp]}" up-line-or-history # [PageUp] - Up a line of history
bindkey "${terminfo[knp]}" down-line-or-history # [PageDown] - Down a line of history
bindkey '\ew' kill-region # [Esc-w] - Kill from the cursor to the mark
bindkey -s'\el''ls\n'# [Esc-l] - run command: ls
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward # [Ctrl-r] - Search backward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with ^ to anchor the search to the beginning of the line.
bindkey "${terminfo[kpp]}" up-line-or-history # [PageUp] - Up a line of history
bindkey "${terminfo[knp]}" down-line-or-history # [PageDown] - Down a line of history
"add-library:adds one or more library JAR files to GlassFish Server"
"add-resources:creates the resources specified in an XML file"
"apply-http-lb-changes:applies load balancer configuration changes to the load balancer"
"backup-domain:performs a backup on the domain"
"change-admin-password:changes the administrator password"
"change-master-broker:changes the master broker in a Message Queue cluster providing JMS services for a GlassFish Server cluster."
"change-master-password:changes the master password"
"collect-log-files:creates a ZIP archive of all available log files"
"configure-jms-cluster:configures the Message Queue cluster providing JMS services to a GlassFish Server cluster"
"configure-lb-weight:sets load balancing weights for clustered instances"
"configure-ldap-for-admin:configures the authentication realm named admin-realm for the given LDAP"
"copy-config:copies an existing named configuration to create another configuration"
"create-admin-object:adds the administered object with the specified JNDI name for a resource adapter"
"create-application-ref:creates a reference to an application"
"create-audit-module:adds an audit module"
"create-auth-realm:adds the named authentication realm"
"create-cluster:creates a GlassFish Server cluster"
"create-connector-connection-pool:adds a connection pool with the specified connection pool name"
"create-connector-resource:registers the connector resource with the specified JNDI name"
"create-connector-security-map:creates a security map for the specified connector connection pool"
"create-connector-work-security-map:creates a work security map for the specified resource adapter"
"create-custom-resource:creates a custom resource"
"create-domain:creates a domain"
"create-file-user:creates a new file user"
"create-http:sets HTTP parameters for a protocol"
"create-http-health-checker:creates a health-checker for a specified load balancer configuration"
"create-http-lb:creates a load balancer"
"create-http-lb-config:creates a configuration for the load balancer"
"create-http-lb-ref:adds an existing cluster or server instance to an existing load balancer configuration or load balancer"
"create-http-listener:adds a new HTTP network listener socket"
"create-http-redirect:adds a new HTTP redirect"
"create-iiop-listener:adds an IIOP listener"
"create-instance:creates a GlassFish Server instance"
"create-jacc-provider:enables administrators to create a JACC provider that can be used by third-party authorization modules for applications running in GlassFish Server"
"create-javamail-resource:creates a JavaMail session resource"
"create-jdbc-connection-pool:registers a JDBC connection pool"
"create-jdbc-resource:creates a JDBC resource with the specified JNDI name"
"create-jms-host:creates a JMS host"
"create-jms-resource:creates a JMS resource"
"create-jmsdest:creates a JMS physical destination"
"create-jndi-resource:registers a JNDI resource"
"create-jvm-options:creates options for the Java application launcher"
"create-lifecycle-module:creates a lifecycle module"
"create-local-instance:creates a GlassFish Server instance on the host where the subcommand is run"
"create-message-security-provider:enables administrators to create a message security provider, which specifies how SOAP messages will be secured."
"create-network-listener:adds a new network listener socket"
"create-node-config:creates a node that is not enabled for remote communication"
"create-node-dcom:creates a node that is enabled for com munication over DCOM"
"create-node-ssh:creates a node that is enabled for communication over SSH"
"create-password-alias:creates a password alias"
"create-profiler:creates the profiler element"
"create-protocol:adds a new protocol"
"create-protocol-filter:adds a new protocol filter"
"create-protocol-finder:adds a new protocol finder"
"create-resource-adapter-config:creates the configuration information for the connector module"
"create-resource-ref:creates a reference to a resource"
"create-service:configures the starting of a DAS or a GlassFish Server instance on an unattended boot"
"create-ssl:creates and configures the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service"
"create-system-properties:adds one or more system property elements that can be referenced elsewhere in the configuration."
"create-threadpool:adds a thread pool"
"create-transport:adds a new transport"
"create-virtual-server:creates the named virtual server"
"delete-admin-object:removes the administered object with the specified JNDI name."
"delete-application-ref:removes a reference to an applica tion"
"delete-audit-module:removes the named audit-module"
"delete-auth-realm:removes the named authentication realm"
"delete-cluster:deletes a GlassFish Server cluster"
"delete-config:deletes an existing named configuration"
"delete-connector-connection-pool:removes the specified connector connection pool"
"delete-connector-resource:removes the connector resource with the specified JNDI name"
"delete-connector-security-map:deletes a security map for the specified connector connection pool"
"delete-connector-work-security-map:deletes a work security map for the specified resource adapter"
"delete-custom-resource:removes a custom resource"
"delete-domain:deletes a domain"
"delete-file-user:removes the named file user"
"delete-http:removes HTTP parameters from a protocol"
"delete-http-health-checker:deletes the health-checker for a specified load balancer configuration"
"delete-http-lb:deletes a load balancer"
"delete-http-lb-config:deletes a load balancer configuration"
"delete-http-lb-ref:deletes the cluster or server instance from a load balancer"
"delete-http-listener:removes a network listener"
"delete-http-redirect:removes an HTTP redirect"
"delete-iiop-listener:removes an IIOP listener"
"delete-instance:deletes a GlassFish Server instance"
"delete-jacc-provider:enables administrators to delete JACC providers defined for a domain"
"delete-javamail-resource:removes a JavaMail session resource"
"delete-jdbc-connection-pool:removes the specified JDBC connection pool"
"delete-jdbc-resource:removes a JDBC resource with the specified JNDI name"
"delete-jms-host:removes a JMS host"
"delete-jms-resource:removes a JMS resource"
"delete-jmsdest:removes a JMS physical destination"
"delete-jndi-resource:removes a JNDI resource"
"delete-jvm-options:removes one or more options for the Java application launcher"
"delete-lifecycle-module:removes the lifecycle module"
"delete-local-instance:deletes a GlassFish Server instance on the machine where the subcommand is run"
"delete-message-security-provider:enables administrators to delete a message security provider"
"delete-network-listener:removes a network listener"
"delete-node-config:deletes a node that is not enabled for remote communication"
"delete-node-dcom:deletes a node that is enabled for communication over DCOM"
"delete-node-ssh:deletes a node that is enabled for communication over SSH"
"delete-password-alias:deletes a password alias"
"delete-profiler:removes the profiler element"
"delete-protocol:removes a protocol"
"delete-protocol-filter:removes a protocol filter"
"delete-protocol-finder:removes a protocol finder"
"delete-resource-adapter-config:deletes the resource adapter configuration"
"delete-resource-ref:removes a reference to a resource"
"delete-ssl:deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service"
"delete-system-property:removes a system property of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance, one at a time"
"delete-threadpool:removes a thread pool"
"delete-transport:removes a transport"
"delete-virtual-server:removes a virtual server"
"deploy:deploys the specified component"
"deploydir:deploys an exploded format of application archive"
"environment variable"
"disable:disables the component"
"disable-http-lb-application:disables an application managed by a load balancer"
"disable-http-lb-server:disables a sever or cluster managed by a load balancer"
"disable-monitoring:disables monitoring for the server or for specific monitorable modules"
"disable-secure-admin:disables secure admin if it is already enabled."
"disable-secure-admin-internal-user:Instructs the GlassFish Server DAS and instances to not use the specified admin user to authenticate with each other and to authorize admin operations."
"disable-secure-admin-principal:disables the certificate for authorizing access in secure administration."
"enable:enables the component"
"enable-http-lb-application:enables a previously-disabled application managed by a load balancer"
"enable-http-lb-server:enables a previously disabled sever or cluster managed by a load balancer"
"enable-monitoring:enables monitoring for the server or for specific monitorable modules"
"enable-secure-admin:enables secure admin (if it is not already enabled), optionally changing the alias used for DAS-to-instance admin messages or the alias used for instance-to-DAS admin messages."
"enable-secure-admin-internal-user:Instructs the GlassFish Server DAS and instances to use the specified admin user and the password associated with the password alias to authenticate with each other and to authorize admin operations."
"enable-secure-admin-principal:Instructs GlassFish Server, when secure admin is enabled, to accept admin requests from clients identified by the specified SSL certificate."
"export:marks a variable name for automatic export to the environment of subsequent commands in multimode"
"export-http-lb-config:exports the load balancer configuration or load balancer to a file"
"export-sync-bundle:exports the configuration data of a cluster or standalone instance to an archive file"
"flush-connection-pool:reintializes all connections established in the specified connection pool"
"flush-jmsdest:purges messages in a JMS destination."
"freeze-transaction-service:freezes the transaction subsystem"
"generate-jvm-report:shows the JVM machine statistics for a given target instance"
"get:gets the values of configurable or monitorable attributes"
"get-client-stubs:retrieves the application JAR files needed to launch the application client."
"get-health:provides information on the cluster health"
"asadmin:utility for performing administrative tasks for Oracle GlassFish Server"
"import-sync-bundle:imports the configuration data of a clustered instance or standalone instance from an archive file"
"install-node:installs GlassFish Server software on specified SSH-enabled hosts"
"install-node-dcom:installs GlassFish Server software on specified DCOM-enabled hosts"
"install-node-ssh:installs GlassFish Server software on specified SSH-enabled hosts"
"jms-ping:checks if the JMS service is up and running"
"list:lists configurable or monitorable elements"
"list-admin-objects:gets all the administered objects"
"list-application-refs:lists the existing application references"
"list-applications:lists deployed applications"
"list-audit-modules:gets all audit modules and displays them"
"list-auth-realms:lists the authentication realms"
"list-backups:lists all backups"
"list-clusters:lists existing clusters in a domain"
"list-commands:lists available commands"
"list-components:lists deployed components"
"list-configs:lists named configurations"
"list-connector-connection-pools:lists the existing connector connection pools"
"list-connector-resources:lists all connector resources"
"list-connector-security-maps:lists the security maps belonging to the specified connector connection pool"
"list-connector-work-security-maps:lists the work security maps belonging to the specified resource adapter"
"list-containers:lists application containers"
"list-custom-resources:gets all custom resources"
"list-domains:lists the domains in the specified directory"
"list-secure-admin-internal-users:lists the user names that the GlassFish Server DAS and instances use to authenticate with each other and to authorize admin operations."
"list-secure-admin-principals:lists the certificates for which GlassFish Server accepts admin requests from clients."
"list-sub-components:lists EJB or servlet components in a deployed module or module of a deployed application"
"list-supported-cipher-suites:enables administrators to list the cipher suites that are supported and available to a specified GlassFish Server target"
"list-system-properties:lists the system properties of the domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance"
"list-threadpools:lists all the thread pools"
"list-timers:lists all of the persistent timers owned by server instance(s)"
"list-transports:lists the existing transports"
"list-virtual-servers:lists the existing virtual servers"
"list-web-context-param:lists servlet contextinitialization parameters of a deployed web application or module"
"list-web-env-entry:lists environment entries for a deployed web application or module"
"login:logs you into a domain"
"migrate-timers:moves EJB timers when a clustered instance was stopped or has crashed"
"monitor:displays monitoring data for commonly used components and services"
"multimode:allows multiple subcommands to be run while preserving environment settings and remaining in the asadmin utility"
"ping-connection-pool:tests if a connection pool is usable"
"ping-node-dcom:tests if a node that is enabled for communication over DCOM is usable"
"ping-node-ssh:tests if a node that is enabled for communication over SSH is usable"