- 04 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Lucas Braun authored
Update README formatting
- 31 May, 2015 1 commit
Nicolas Brousse authored
- 12 May, 2015 1 commit
Jad Bitar authored
- 29 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Kennedy Oliveira authored
Fixing some issues where show repeated weird values, and fixed commands that need the container autocomplete without being running, like start, now it autocompletes showing all the containers so you can start without knowing the right name
- 26 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Will Mendes authored
- 23 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Will Mendes authored
- 18 Apr, 2015 1 commit
Will Mendes authored
- 16 Mar, 2015 2 commits
Abner Chen authored
XerWandeRer authored
Added support for `tcpip` option
- 11 Mar, 2015 1 commit
James Womack authored
- 24 Feb, 2015 2 commits
- 23 Feb, 2015 3 commits
Kristján Oddsson authored
This patch will re-order the if statements when checking what operating system the user is running. This is useful for people that already have a `notify-send` binary in their $PATH but are running OSX. An example of such requirements is anyone running `vagrant-notify` is required to have a `notify-send` binary on their $PATH. See [link](https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-notify#os-x).
uberspot authored
Michał Ordon authored
- 22 Feb, 2015 5 commits
Mads Mætzke Tandrup authored
Robby Russell authored
Removing say() function in perl plugin so that it doesn't overwrite OSX comand line utility. Closes #2562
Robby Russell authored
Robby Russell authored
Brian Derr authored
- 20 Feb, 2015 1 commit
Murilo Opsfelder Araujo authored
If a user sets ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_* as the following, he ends up with %{$reset_color%} resetting the bold style of last character ")" because _SUFFIX was expanded before calling hg_dirty(): ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_PREFIX="%{$fg_bold[blue]%}hg:(%{$fg[white]%}" ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_SUFFIX="%{$reset_color%}" ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_DIRTY="%{$fg[blue]%}) %{$fg[yellow]%}✗%{$reset_color%}" ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_CLEAN="%{$fg[blue]%})" With this patch, the variable ZSH_THEME_HG_PROMPT_SUFFIX is lastly displayed, following the same order as in git_prompt_info(), i.e. <prefix><dirty><suffix>.
- 19 Feb, 2015 5 commits
Brian Derr authored
nextgenthemes authored
nextgenthemes authored
Craig Paterson authored
wajdi authored
- 18 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Daniel Campoverde [alx741] authored
Allow ctrl-h, ctrl-?, ctrl-w after changes in normal mode.
Daniel Campoverde [alx741] authored
Allow ctrl-p, ctrl-n for history navigation while in insert mode.
- 17 Feb, 2015 5 commits
nextgenthemes authored
nextgenthemes authored
nextgenthemes authored
nextgenthemes authored
* Easy to remember aliases * Simplified * Added aar() function for `sudo apt-add-repository xxxx && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install xxxx`
nextgenthemes authored
- 16 Feb, 2015 3 commits
Oleg Voronkovich authored
Karsten Kosmala authored
pi0 authored
- 15 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Alexandros Giouzenis authored
Tmuxinator start command can be ommited Fix #2812
Miguel Vaello Martínez authored
This is a bunch of alias for the JHBuild tool. A well known tool in the GNOME dev project.
- 13 Feb, 2015 2 commits
Marc Cornellà authored
This is done by calling `_task` at the end of the _task completion file, as is standard in completion files.
ctroncoso authored
docker container autocomplete listing uses containers ID instead of names. Most users identify their containers by name. ID is only needed and used on a dynamic environment more suited in scripts.