Commit 02f86c4a authored by Robby Russell's avatar Robby Russell
Browse files

Merge pull request #1633 from alec-c4/master

rails4 plugin
parents 980aaddb 8cd1b21b
Showing with 30 additions and 0 deletions
+30 -0
# Rails 4 aliases
function _rails_command () {
if [ -e "script/server" ]; then
ruby script/$@
elif [ -e "script/rails" ]; then
ruby script/rails $@
ruby bin/rails $@
alias rc='_rails_command console'
alias rd='_rails_command destroy'
alias rdb='_rails_command dbconsole'
alias rdbm='rake db:migrate db:test:clone'
alias rg='_rails_command generate'
alias rgm='_rails_command generate migration'
alias rp='_rails_command plugin'
alias ru='_rails_command runner'
alias rs='_rails_command server'
alias rsd='_rails_command server --debugger'
alias devlog='tail -f log/development.log'
alias rdm='rake db:migrate'
alias rdc='rake db:create'
alias rdr='rake db:rollback'
alias rds='rake db:seed'
alias rlc='rake log:clear'
alias rn='rake notes'
alias rr='rake routes'
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