Commit 1dd9c43e authored by Robby Russell's avatar Robby Russell
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Merge pull request #1134 from koraa/pull_req_helpers

Helpers for default variables and alias value access
parents c9dd778e 8f71efc0
Showing with 58 additions and 0 deletions
+58 -0
......@@ -15,3 +15,61 @@ function take() {
cd $1
# Get the value of an alias.
# Arguments:
# 1. alias - The alias to get its value from
# The value of alias $1 (if it has one).
# Return value:
# 0 if the alias was found,
# 1 if it does not exist
function alias_value() {
alias "$1" | sed "s/^$1='\(.*\)'$/\1/"
test $(alias "$1")
# Try to get the value of an alias,
# otherwise return the input.
# Arguments:
# 1. alias - The alias to get its value from
# The value of alias $1, or $1 if there is no alias $1.
# Return value:
# Always 0
function try_alias_value() {
alias_value "$1" || echo "$1"
# Set variable "$1" to default value "$2" if "$1" is not yet defined.
# Arguments:
# 1. name - The variable to set
# 2. val - The default value
# Return value:
# 0 if the variable exists, 3 if it was set
function default() {
test `typeset +m "$1"` && return 0
typeset -g "$1"="$2" && return 3
# Set enviroment variable "$1" to default value "$2" if "$1" is not yet defined.
# Arguments:
# 1. name - The env variable to set
# 2. val - The default value
# Return value:
# 0 if the env variable exists, 3 if it was set
function env_default() {
env | grep -q "^$1=" && return 0
export "$1=$2" && return 3
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