Commit 460cb3d0 authored by MatthR3D's avatar MatthR3D
Browse files

Edit some yaourt aliases and add some

* yaupg now also updates AUR packages
* Add yalst alias : it lists the installed packages, even from AUR
* Add yaorph alias : it removes orphans using yaourt
parent 85426a57
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if [[ -x `which yaourt` ]]; then
alias yaconf='yaourt -C' # Fix all configuration files with vimdiff
# Pacman -
alias yaupg='yaourt -Syu' # Synchronize with repositories before upgrading packages that are out of date on the local system.
alias yaupg='yaourt -Syua' # Synchronize with repositories before upgrading packages (AUR packages too) that are out of date on the local system.
alias yasu='yaourt --sucre' # Same as yaupg, but without confirmation
alias yain='yaourt -S' # Install specific package(s) from the repositories
alias yains='yaourt -U' # Install specific package not from the repositories but from a file
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ if [[ -x `which yaourt` ]]; then
alias yareps='yaourt -Ss' # Search for package(s) in the repositories
alias yaloc='yaourt -Qi' # Display information about a given package in the local database
alias yalocs='yaourt -Qs' # Search for package(s) in the local database
alias yalst='yaourt -Qe' # List installed packages, even those installed from AUR (they're tagged as "local")
alias yaorph='yaourt -Qtd' # Remove orphans using yaourt
# Additional yaourt alias examples
if [[ -x `which abs` ]]; then
alias yaupd='yaourt -Sy && sudo abs' # Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases against repositories
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