Commit 5fe22fcb authored by Marc Cornellà's avatar Marc Cornellà
Browse files

Clean up and fix +1/-0 syntax to work as expected

This change follows this proposed behaviour:

 Ctrl+Shift+Left:  move to last visited directory
 Ctrl+Shift+Right: move to next visited directory

an alternative behaviour would be:

 Ctrl+Shift+Left:  move directory to the left in `dirs` output
 Ctrl+Shift+Right: move directory to the right in `dirs` output

It also introduces `setopt nopushdminus` as a way to standardise
pushd syntax. It's value wasn't clear before, which has been the
cause of so many pull requests regarding this plugin not working
in some environments.
parent 13e5afe8
# dircycle plugin: enables cycling through the directory
# stack using Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right
# enables cycling through the directory stack using
# Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right
# left/right direction follows the order in which directories
# were visited, like left/right arrows do in a browser
eval "insert-cycledleft () { zle push-line; LBUFFER='pushd -q +1'; zle accept-line }"
# NO_PUSHD_MINUS syntax:
# pushd +N: start counting from left of `dirs' output
# pushd -N: start counting from right of `dirs' output
setopt nopushdminus
insert-cycledleft () {
zle push-line
LBUFFER='pushd -q +1'
zle accept-line
zle -N insert-cycledleft
bindkey "\e[1;6D" insert-cycledleft
eval "insert-cycledright () { zle push-line; LBUFFER='pushd -q +0'; zle accept-line }"
insert-cycledright () {
zle push-line
LBUFFER='pushd -q -0'
zle accept-line
zle -N insert-cycledright
bindkey "\e[1;6D" insert-cycledleft
bindkey "\e[1;6C" insert-cycledright
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