Commit 69088270 authored by Robby Russell's avatar Robby Russell
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 671bd0cf c22658e1
## bbedit
Plugin for BBEdit, an HTML and text editor for Mac OS X
### Requirements
* [BBEdit](
* [BBEdit Command-Line Tools](
### Usage
* If the `bb` command is called without an argument, launch BBEdit
* If `bb` is passed a directory, cd to it and open it in BBEdit
* If `bb` is passed a file, open it in BBEdit
* If `bbpb` create a new BBEdit document with the contents of the clipboard
* If `bbd` alias for BBEdit diff tool
alias bbpb='pbpaste | bbedit --clean --view-top'
alias bbd=bbdiff
# If the bb command is called without an argument, launch BBEdit
# If bb is passed a directory, cd to it and open it in BBEdit
# If bb is passed a file, open it in BBEdit
function bb() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
bbedit --launch
bbedit "$1"
if [[ -d "$1" ]]
cd "$1"
## marked2
Plugin for Marked 2, a previewer for Markdown files on Mac OS X
### Requirements
* [Marked 2](
### Usage
* If `marked` is called without an argument, open Marked
* If `marked` is passed a file, open it in Marked
# If marked is called without an argument, open Marked
# If marked is passed a file, open it in Marked
function marked() {
if [ "$1" ]
open -a "marked" "$1"
open -a "marked"
## textastic
Plugin for Textastic, a text and code editor for Mac OS X
### Requirements
* [Textastic](
### Usage
* If `tt` command is called without an argument, launch Textastic
* If `tt` is passed a directory, cd to it and open it in Textastic
* If `tt` is passed a file, open it in Textastic
# If the tt command is called without an argument, launch Textastic
# If tt is passed a directory, cd to it and open it in Textastic
# If tt is passed a file, open it in Textastic
function tt() {
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
open -a ""
open -a "" "$1"
if [[ -d "$1" ]]
cd "$1"
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