Commit 8c18f007 authored by mapc's avatar mapc
Browse files

Enhance handleing of spaces in filenames

parent b7bad0f6
Showing with 19 additions and 9 deletions
+19 -9
......@@ -32,14 +32,17 @@ default fastfile_var_prefix "§"
function fastfile() {
test "$2" || 2="."
2=$(readlink -f "$2")
test "$1" || 1="$(basename "$2")"
file=$(readlink -f "$2")
test "$1" || 1="$(basename "$file")"
name=$(echo "$1" | tr " " "_")
mkdir -p "${fastfile_dir}"
echo "$2" > "$(fastfile_resolv "$1")"
echo "$file" > "$(fastfile_resolv "$name")"
fastfile_print "$1"
fastfile_print "$name"
......@@ -85,9 +88,13 @@ function fastfile_print() {
# (=> fastfle_print) for each shortcut
function fastfile_ls() {
for f in $(ls "${fastfile_dir}"); do
fastfile_print "$f"
done | column -t
for f in "${fastfile_dir}"/*; do
file=`basename "$f"` # To enable simpler handeling of spaces in file names
varkey=`echo "$file" | tr " " "_"`
# Special format for colums
echo "${fastfile_var_prefix}${varkey}|->|$(fastfile_get "$file")"
done | column -t -s "|"
......@@ -108,8 +115,11 @@ function fastfile_rm() {
# Generate the aliases for the shortcuts
function fastfile_sync() {
for f in $(ls "${fastfile_dir}"); do
alias -g "${fastfile_var_prefix}${f}"="$(fastfile_get "$f")"
for f in "${fastfile_dir}"/*; do
file=`basename "$f"` # To enable simpler handeling of spaces in file names
varkey=`echo "$file" | tr " " "_"`
alias -g "${fastfile_var_prefix}${varkey}"="'$(fastfile_get "$file")'"
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