Commit 9bbcceda authored by grh2g46's avatar grh2g46 Committed by Robby Russell
Browse files

add missing new line escape (#5896)

missing \ was causing command not found errors when tab completing docker build -t <tab>
parent d2725d44
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ __docker_image_subcommand() {
"($help)*--label=[Set metadata for an image]:label=value: " \
"($help -m --memory)"{-m=,--memory=}"[Memory limit]:Memory limit: " \
"($help)--memory-swap=[Total memory limit with swap]:Memory limit: " \
"($help)--network=[Connect a container to a network]:network mode:(bridge none container host)"
"($help)--network=[Connect a container to a network]:network mode:(bridge none container host)" \
"($help)--no-cache[Do not use cache when building the image]" \
"($help)--pull[Attempt to pull a newer version of the image]" \
"($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Suppress verbose build output]" \
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