Commit a2d0bd7c authored by Alessandro Ghedini's avatar Alessandro Ghedini
Browse files

add 'lol' plugin (based on lolbash)

parent 746a1036
Showing with 26 additions and 0 deletions
+26 -0
# LOL!!1
# Source:
alias wtf='dmesg'
alias onoz='cat /var/log/errors.log'
alias rtfm='man'
alias visible='echo'
alias invisible='cat'
alias moar='more'
alias icanhas='mkdir'
alias donotwant='rm'
alias dowant='cp'
alias gtfo='mv'
alias hai='cd'
alias plz='pwd'
alias inur='locate'
alias nomz='ps -aux'
alias nomnom='killall'
alias cya='reboot'
alias kthxbai='halt'
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