Commit a9111488 authored by yleo77's avatar yleo77
Browse files

add search by filename and file content feature

parent 27c6becf
locals.zsh locals.zsh
log/.zsh_history log/.zsh_history
projects.zsh projects.zsh
custom/* custom/example
!custom/example custom/example.zsh
*.swp *.swp
!custom/example.zshcache !custom/example.zshcache
cache/ cache/
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FILE: sfffe.plugin.zsh
# DESCRIPTION: search file for FE
# AUTHOR: yleo77 (
# VERSION: 0.1
# REQUIRE: ack
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ ! -x $(which ack) ]; then
echo \'ack\' is not installed!
exit -1
ajs() {
ack "$@" --type js
acss() {
ack "$@" --type css
fjs() {
find ./ -name "$@*" -type f | grep '\.js'
fcss() {
find ./ -name "$@*" -type f | grep '\.css'
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