Commit a952854c authored by Marc Cornellà's avatar Marc Cornellà
Browse files

gnu-utils: add README, simplify plugin

parent 59930902
# gnu-utils plugin
This plugin binds GNU coreutils to their default names, so that you don't have
to call them using their prefixed name, which starts with `g`. This is useful
in systems which don't have GNU coreutils installed by default, mainly macOS
or FreeBSD, which use BSD coreutils.
To use it, add `gnu-utils` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... gnu-utils)
The plugin works by changing the path that the command hash points to, so
instead of `ls` pointing to `/bin/ls`, it points to wherever `gls` is
Since `hash -rf` or `rehash` refreshes the command hashes, it also wraps
`hash` and `rehash` so that the coreutils binding is always done again
after calling these two commands.
Look at the source code of the plugin to see which GNU coreutils are tried
to rebind. Open an issue if there are some missing.
## Other methods
The plugin also documents two other ways to do this:
1. Using a function wrapper, such that, for example, there exists a function
named `ls` which calls `gls` instead. Since functions have a higher preference
than commands, this ends up calling the GNU coreutil. It has also a higher
preference over shell builtins (`gecho` is called instead of the builtin `echo`).
2. Using an alias. This has an even higher preference than functions, but they
could be overridden because of a user setting.
## Author
- [Sorin Ionescu](
......@@ -5,79 +5,79 @@
# VERSION: 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detect if GNU coreutils are installed by looking for gwhoami
if [[ ! -x "${commands[gwhoami]}" ]]; then
if [[ -x "${commands[gwhoami]}" ]]; then
__gnu_utils() {
emulate -L zsh
local gcmds
local gcmd
local cmd
local prefix
__gnu_utils() {
emulate -L zsh
local gcmds
local gcmd
local cmd
local prefix
# coreutils
gcmds=('g[' 'gbase64' 'gbasename' 'gcat' 'gchcon' 'gchgrp' 'gchmod'
'gchown' 'gchroot' 'gcksum' 'gcomm' 'gcp' 'gcsplit' 'gcut' 'gdate'
'gdd' 'gdf' 'gdir' 'gdircolors' 'gdirname' 'gdu' 'gecho' 'genv' 'gexpand'
'gexpr' 'gfactor' 'gfalse' 'gfmt' 'gfold' 'ggroups' 'ghead' 'ghostid'
'gid' 'ginstall' 'gjoin' 'gkill' 'glink' 'gln' 'glogname' 'gls' 'gmd5sum'
'gmkdir' 'gmkfifo' 'gmknod' 'gmktemp' 'gmv' 'gnice' 'gnl' 'gnohup' 'gnproc'
'god' 'gpaste' 'gpathchk' 'gpinky' 'gpr' 'gprintenv' 'gprintf' 'gptx' 'gpwd'
'greadlink' 'grm' 'grmdir' 'gruncon' 'gseq' 'gsha1sum' 'gsha224sum'
'gsha256sum' 'gsha384sum' 'gsha512sum' 'gshred' 'gshuf' 'gsleep' 'gsort'
'gsplit' 'gstat' 'gstty' 'gsum' 'gsync' 'gtac' 'gtail' 'gtee' 'gtest'
'gtimeout' 'gtouch' 'gtr' 'gtrue' 'gtruncate' 'gtsort' 'gtty' 'guname'
'gunexpand' 'guniq' 'gunlink' 'guptime' 'gusers' 'gvdir' 'gwc' 'gwho'
'gwhoami' 'gyes')
# coreutils
gcmds=('g[' 'gbase64' 'gbasename' 'gcat' 'gchcon' 'gchgrp' 'gchmod'
'gchown' 'gchroot' 'gcksum' 'gcomm' 'gcp' 'gcsplit' 'gcut' 'gdate'
'gdd' 'gdf' 'gdir' 'gdircolors' 'gdirname' 'gdu' 'gecho' 'genv' 'gexpand'
'gexpr' 'gfactor' 'gfalse' 'gfmt' 'gfold' 'ggroups' 'ghead' 'ghostid'
'gid' 'ginstall' 'gjoin' 'gkill' 'glink' 'gln' 'glogname' 'gls' 'gmd5sum'
'gmkdir' 'gmkfifo' 'gmknod' 'gmktemp' 'gmv' 'gnice' 'gnl' 'gnohup' 'gnproc'
'god' 'gpaste' 'gpathchk' 'gpinky' 'gpr' 'gprintenv' 'gprintf' 'gptx' 'gpwd'
'greadlink' 'grm' 'grmdir' 'gruncon' 'gseq' 'gsha1sum' 'gsha224sum'
'gsha256sum' 'gsha384sum' 'gsha512sum' 'gshred' 'gshuf' 'gsleep' 'gsort'
'gsplit' 'gstat' 'gstty' 'gsum' 'gsync' 'gtac' 'gtail' 'gtee' 'gtest'
'gtimeout' 'gtouch' 'gtr' 'gtrue' 'gtruncate' 'gtsort' 'gtty' 'guname'
'gunexpand' 'guniq' 'gunlink' 'guptime' 'gusers' 'gvdir' 'gwc' 'gwho'
'gwhoami' 'gyes')
# findutils
gcmds+=('gfind' 'gxargs' 'glocate')
# findutils
gcmds+=('gfind' 'gxargs' 'glocate')
# Not part of either coreutils or findutils, installed separately.
gcmds+=('gsed' 'gtar' 'gtime')
# Not part of either coreutils or findutils, installed separately.
gcmds+=('gsed' 'gtar' 'gtime')
for gcmd in "${gcmds[@]}"; do
# This method allows for builtin commands to be primary but it's
# lost if hash -r or rehash -f is executed. Thus, those two
# functions have to be wrapped.
(( ${+commands[$gcmd]} )) && hash ${gcmd[2,-1]}=${commands[$gcmd]}
for gcmd in "${gcmds[@]}"; do
# Do nothing if the command isn't found
(( ${+commands[$gcmd]} )) || continue
# This method allows for builtin commands to be primary but it's
# lost if hash -r or rehash -f is executed. Thus, those two
# functions have to be wrapped.
hash ${gcmd[2,-1]}=${commands[$gcmd]}
# This method generates wrapper functions.
# It will override shell builtins.
# (( ${+commands[$gcmd]} )) && \
# eval "function $gcmd[2,-1]() { \"${prefix}/${gcmd//"["/"\\["}\" \"\$@\"; }"
# This method generates wrapper functions.
# It will override shell builtins.
# eval "function $gcmd[2,-1]() { \"${prefix}/${gcmd//"["/"\\["}\" \"\$@\"; }"
# This method is inflexible since the aliases are at risk of being
# overridden resulting in the BSD coreutils being called.
# (( ${+commands[$gcmd]} )) && \
# alias "$gcmd[2,-1]"="${prefix}/${gcmd//"["/"\\["}"
# This method is inflexible since the aliases are at risk of being
# overridden resulting in the BSD coreutils being called.
# alias "$gcmd[2,-1]"="${prefix}/${gcmd//"["/"\\["}"
return 0
return 0
function hash() {
if [[ "$*" =~ "-(r|f)" ]]; then
builtin hash "$@"
builtin hash "$@"
function hash() {
if [[ "$*" =~ "-(r|f)" ]]; then
builtin hash "$@"
builtin hash "$@"
function rehash() {
if [[ "$*" =~ "-f" ]]; then
builtin rehash "$@"
builtin rehash "$@"
function rehash() {
if [[ "$*" =~ "-f" ]]; then
builtin rehash "$@"
builtin rehash "$@"
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