Unverified Commit af6c7f3d authored by Marc Cornellà's avatar Marc Cornellà
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refactor(cloudapp)!: remove deprecated `cloudapp` plugin

BREAKING CHANGE: the `cloudapp` plugin has been removed due to removed API.
parent e1f0d826
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# CloudApp plugin
## The CloudApp API is deprecated, so the plugin will be removed shortly
[CloudApp](https://www.getcloudapp.com) brings screen recording, screenshots, and GIF creation to the cloud, in an easy-to-use enterprise-level app. The CloudApp plugin allows you to upload a file to your CloadApp account from the command line.
To use it, add `cloudapp` to the plugins array of your `~/.zshrc` file:
plugins=(... cloudapp)
## Requirements
1. [Aaron Russell's `cloudapp_api` gem](https://github.com/aaronrussell/cloudapp_api#installation)
2. That you set your CloudApp credentials in `~/.cloudapp` as a simple text file like below:
## Usage
- `cloudapp <filename>`: uploads `<filename>` to your CloudApp account, and if you're using
macOS, copies the URL to your clipboard.
print -Pn "%F{yellow}"
print "[oh-my-zsh] The CloudApp API no longer works, so the cloudapp plugin will"
print "[oh-my-zsh] be removed shortly. Please remove it from your plugins list."
print -Pn "%f"
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